Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication

Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
L-12 R - Mediazione linguistica
Limited enrolment with admission test
International title
Double Degree
The degree programme in Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication for business, law and community services aims to train experts in intercultural communication, who are able to combine solid linguistic and cultural skills with specific knowledge and skills in the field of economics, law and social studies.
Starting from these linguistic and cultural skills, this highly interdisciplinary degree programme aims to train experts who can manage and facilitate communication between people of different cultures and origins on the one hand, and companies and institutions on the other hand.
Year I is common to all curricula, apart from the Stranimedia curriculum, which is specifically thought for students holding a foreign qualification and is already different for the first year.
Year I provides basic mediation and linguistic skills from a multidisciplinary perspective, thanks to courses in social sciences, law and geography. It also provides solid basic computer skills for the specific needs and functions of experts in language mediation. Starting from year II, students may choose among three curricula, that differ in the courses taught according to the professional to be trained. Every curriculum has a clearly defined structure to guide the student?s academic career.
Interdisciplinarity and multisciplinarity result from the wide range of courses offered. As a general rule, students are expected to actively participate in the various didactic activities, including case studies, seminars and individual/group presentations required for each course. Particularly, students are required to participate in practical language classes and professional training workshops (both mandatory).
This programme organisation is characterised by courses with specific disciplinary contents and aims to develop soft skills, communication skills, teamwork skills and ability to make judgements, so as to achieve the required objectives.
* Expert in linguistic and cultural mediation for commercial and service businesses
Job function:
- To facilitate communication among private companies in different countries and world areas so as to contribute to the projects and international activities promoted by the company where the expert works;
- To create texts (in the languages studied, included Italian) required for the operation of companies and institutions;
- To manage production, communication and sales from and to other countries;
- To develop promotional projects and advertising campaigns for international/multilingual audiences;
- To support web and digital communication;
- To support office activities through the organisation of meetings, business trips, appointments and contacts, by preparing documents and providing operational assistance;
- To serve as language project manager at international companies or specialised external agencies, with a view to supporting the internationalisation of businesses. The project manager takes care of the entire workflow of projects concerning translation, interpreting, transcreation, copywriting, localisation, media adaptation and other language services, from the identification of project requirements in concert with internal/external customers, to the allocation of resources, delivery and analysis of customer satisfaction;
- To define, schedule, implement and manage policies for the sale and distribution of goods and services;
- To support customers (especially international clients and non-Italian speakers) and give them information and advice.
Professional skills:
- Robust multilinguistic skills (besides Italian) with particular reference to specialised and professional discourse, and metalinguistic skills (listening, understanding and paraphrasing information, both orally and in writing) allowing for mediation between different languages;
- Cultural skills (knowledge of different cultures and cultural contexts) and the ability to apply them to different work situations;
- Social skills, with particular attention to the specific needs and sensibilities of internal and external stakeholders, often coming from different cultures and speaking different languages, and ability to use different registers according to users and contexts;
- Ability to understand microeconomic and macroeconomic dynamics and business processes, from a global and multicultural standpoint;
- Ability to understand contracts, especially the ones relevant for internalisation of business activities, as well as to understand business strategies and financial statements;
- Marketing skills;
- Ability to manage complex workflows according to the financial means available and in full compliance with deadlines and requirements;
- Teamwork skills, ability to work on international projects and activities of the company and to meet deadlines;
- Digital skills (using digital tools, creating digital contents and surfing the net safely);
- Ability to complete relatively complex technical practical tasks that require an extensive set of factual and procedural knowledge, in contexts where advanced proficiency in Italian and good command of at least one foreign language are a must.
Employment opportunities:
- Private companies, import-export companies and international relations (front office and/or back-office, administration, preparation of calls);
- National and international language service providers (e.g. translation agencies);
- International companies, departments that manage language services (such as translations, localisation etc.) both by outsourcing to external providers and relying on internal resources;
- Local authorities, chambers of commerce, trade associations (front and/or back-office, administration, preparation of calls);
- National and international retail chains (sales assistants, warehouse manager and store manager) of different sectors;
- Banks and insurance companies, as sales assistant (for banking, insurance and other financial services);
- Self-employed retailers.

* Expert in linguistic and cultural mediation for hospitality and tourism
Job function:
- To manage intermediation, hospitality, reception and use of services of the tourism and leisure industry;
- To take part in communication, intermediation, promotion and accommodation activities related to the tourism and leisure industry.
Professional skills:
- Robust multilinguistic skills (besides Italian) with particular reference to professional discourse related to tourism, in all its textual and lexical varieties, and metalinguistic skills (listening, understanding and paraphrasing information, both orally and in writing) allowing for mediation between different languages;
- Solid cultural skills and knowledge of different local specificities (lifestyles, contexts, languages; comprehension of the interaction between cultures and territories);
- Communication skills, flexibility and good attitude towards different stakeholders, whether individual or collective, private or institutional;
- Digital skills for the creation and management of web contents and platforms and social networks for tourism communication;
- Marketing, legal and communication skills applied to tourism, with regard to tangible and intangible cultural heritage;
- Ability to work in groups or individually and to meet deadlines.
Employment opportunities:
- Companies, public institutions and other organisations operating in the sector (tour operators, travel agencies, tourism interpreter, tourism influencer, travel designer, travel blogger);
- Tourist facilities (hotel personnel at different levels, such as front office and back office, guest relations); other businesses in the travel, entertainment and leisure industry;
- Organisations and other businesses in the travel, entertainment and leisure industry (hostess, steward, personal shopper);
- Private and public entities such as info points/DMOs (Destination Management Organisations) dedicated to promotion of tourism, or, with regard to incoming tourism, DMCs (Destination Management Companies), which specialise in the creation of package tours mainly for international customers.

* Language specialist
Job function:
- To facilitate communication between citizens of different cultures and origins and private companies, by covering both back-office functions (communication management) and front-office functions (reception at offices, exhibitions and company events);
- To provide linguistic consulting at a semi-specialised level with regard to projects and proposals developed and/or drafted by colleagues or customers;
- To draft or revise communications and presentations for international and/or multilingual audiences;
- To manage social media communication in the languages of specialisation;
- To translate semi-specialised texts into and from Italian, also using digital tools.
Professional skills:
- Robust multilinguistic skills (besides Italian) with particular reference to specialised and professional discourse, and metalinguistic skills (listening, understanding and paraphrasing information, both orally and in writing) allowing for mediation between different languages;
- Ability to interact with colleagues and customers in order to understand their communication goals and contribute to reaching them;
- Ability to work autonomously on the basis of colleagues and customers? inputs;
- Ability to recognise and choose the best communicative strategies according to different contexts;
- Digital skills (using digital tools, creating digital contents and surfing the net safely).
Employment opportunities:
- Private companies;
- Consulting firms;
- Entrepreneurship and freelance work.

* Expert in linguistic and cultural mediation for the third sector and public administrations
Job function:
- To facilitate communication between citizens of different cultures and origins in healthcare services, education and administration;
- To create texts (in the languages studied, included Italian) aimed at giving information to foreign citizens;
- To support and assist foreign citizens in their first approach to public administration, as well as during the different stages of their stay;
- To help create reception and integration projects and activities for foreign citizens;
- To manage communication activities aimed at encouraging local people to learn more about foreign communities in all their aspects;
- To develop training and information projects for foreign citizens;
- To support inclusiveness of public administration services as well as equal opportunities for foreign citizens to access these services;
- To facilitate conflict resolution among public administration operators/users/institutions;
- To provide support for the improvement of services aimed at immigrants and non-Italian speaking citizens;
- To contribute to training other mediators (at different professional levels);
- To contribute to intervention plans supporting immigrants and non-Italian speaking citizens;
- To provide immigrants with information regarding basic requirements in integration processes.
Professional skills:
- Robust multilinguistic skills (besides Italian) with particular reference to specialised and professional discourse, and metalinguistic skills (listening, understanding and paraphrasing information, both orally and in writing) allowing for mediation between different languages;
- Sociolinguistic skills in consideration of linguistic varieties, as well as social and identity aspects characterising languages;
- Competence in intercultural pragmatics, that is knowledge of sociocultural aspects related to communicative dynamics between different languages and cultures);
- Understanding of microeconomic and macroeconomic dynamics;
- Understanding of organisational processes from a global and multicultral standpoint;
- Basic knowledge of constitutional law in a comparative perspective;
- Knowledge of legislation regulating the treatment of foreigners and the transnational movement of people.
Employment opportunities:
- Third sector institutions;
- Social enterprises;
- Universal civil service and volunteering organisations;
- Public administrations such as Italian Register offices, public security institutions (Questura, Prefettura), employment centres, local immigration offices, INPS (National Institute for Social Security) offices, Equitalia offices, Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Craft and Agriculture, schools, hospitals, healthcare services, courthouses, municipality and regional offices, acting as language mediator or member of reception and information staff.
Within the framework of the Erasmus programme, 58 exchange agreements are in place, covering 19 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Rumania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, plus Switzerland, which participates in the Erasmus + programme as a partner country. Additionally, Erasmus traineeship agreements have also been signed with companies and institutions in some of the above-mentioned countries.

Additionally, a number of exchange agreements are in place with partner universities in non-European countries. Under these agreements, students have the opportunity to attend classes and take exams at partner institutions. Such activities and exam results may be validated in full or in part, with the corresponding credits concurring to fulfil the requirements for the attainment of the degree. Courses are typically offered in the areas of languages and the humanities, and are available in the following partner institutions:

- ARGENTINA: Universidad Nacional de Villa María (Córdoba); Universidad Nacional de La Plata (La Plata)
- CANADA: Université de Moncton
- CILE: Pontificia Universidad Católica, Universidad Autónoma de Chile
- CINA: Liaoning Normal University
- COLOMBIA: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá)
- COREA: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies della Corea (HUFS)
- CUBA: Universidad de Oriente (Santiago de Cuba), Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas - UCLV
- GIAPPONE: Doshisha University (Kyoto), Meiji University (Tokyo), Waseda University (Tokyo), Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Ibaraki Christian University, Osaka University
- INDIA: Manipal (Karnataka)
- MESSICO: Universidad de Guadalajara (Guadalajara), Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana (Città del Messico), UNAM Universidad Autonoma de Mexico
- PERÙ: Pontificia Universidad Católica
- RUSSIAN FEDERATION: LUNN - Linguistic University (Ni nij Novgorod), Novosibirsk Pedagogical State University (Novosibirsk), Istituto Pu kin (Mosca), RGGU (RSUH) Russian Universities for the Humanities (Mosca), MGPU Moscow Pedagogical University (Mosca), HSE High School of Economics (Mosca) [as a consequence of the sanctions against the Russian Federation, the agreements are currently suspended]

Besides the Erasmus exchange agreements, the Course also has one double degree program in place whereby participating students earn degrees from both institutions:

- The double degree program with AMU - Aix Marseille Université, awards students a degree in Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication issued from UNIMI and a degree in Langues étrangères appliquées - LEA, issued by AMU. Participating UNIMI students spend the third year of their course at AMU Aix-Marseille Université. For further information please contact Prof. Giovanni Turchetta ([email protected])
Students are required to attend professional training workshops for the acquisition of 3 university credits (CFU). Each workshop can have a maximum of 30-40 students.
Attendance is also mandatory for practical language classes (esercitazioni), which cover 40% of the total hours of the single course, as their importance for the humanistic areas is comparable to that of laboratories of the scientific area. In accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), practical language classes aim to develop the basic linguistic skills (listening, reading, writing, speaking) at each CEFR level. Because of their mainly practical and interactive nature, classes are organised in small groups.
Students must attend at least 75% of practical language classes. Those who do not meet this attendance requirement will not be allowed to take any exam (neither oral nor written) of the corresponding language and programme year for the whole academic year. These exams will be available to them only from the first session of the following academic year.
Attendance is strongly recommended for all the other courses.
Qualifications and knowledge required for admission
Admission to the degree programme is capped. Candidates to the degree programme in Linguistic and cultural mediation for business, law and community services must have a high-school diploma or an equivalent qualification obtained abroad. In order to successfully attend this degree programme, students must have a significant knowledge of the Italian language and culture and must have studied at least one foreign language at high school. They also need adequate competencies in high school subjects related to the degree programme, as well as basic logical and mathematical skills.
Non-Italian students and non-Italian mother tongue students holding a foreign qualification must demonstrate Italian proficiency at least at a B1 level under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), paired with basic knowledge of the Italian culture.

Admission assessment
Candidates holding an Italian qualification who are applying for the curricula in Business, Tourism and Community services (as well as foreign students not applying for the Stranimedia curriculum) must take the TOLC-SU test to assess expressive linguistic skills and logical and mathematical skills. While taking the TOLC-SU test, candidates who want to study English must take a specific test to assess knowledge of the English language (B1 level CEFR). The outcome of this test will not be considered for the ranking. Should the student fail the test, he/she will not be allowed to access English courses. In order to meet the background knowledge requirements, candidates must achieve, in the admission test, the minimum passing score set out in the call for applications. Additional learning requirements (OFA) are assigned to students who do not achieve the minimum passing score in the above-mentioned test, and have to be fulfilled within the first year of the degree programme in order for students to be allowed to sit for exams.
Candidates are admitted in rank order, following the indications reported in the call for applications and until all places available are taken.

The Stranimedia curriculum is reserved for non-Italian mother tongue students holding a foreign qualification. To be admitted, candidates must take a test to assess their knowledge of the Italian language and culture, as well as knowledge of English if they choose it as language of study. Both tests will be held online (see the call for applications for further details).
Additional learning requirements (OFA) are assigned to students who do not achieve the minimum passing score in the Italian language and culture test, and have to be fulfilled by attending an Italian as a second language (L2) course, and by passing the final assessment. Further details are reported in the call for applications and on the website of the degree programme. Students who do not fulfil the OFA within the first year of the degree programme will not be allowed to sit for exams.
Should a student not meet the minimum requirements of the English test, he/she will not be able to choose English as curricular language.

Additional learning requirements (OFA) and remedial activities
For the curricula in Business, Tourism and Community services, OFA must be fulfilled through attendance of remedial courses specifically designed for the degree programme by the University. Instructions to attend these remedial courses will be available on the website of the degree programme. Assessment tests will be scheduled at the end of the courses.
As regards the Stranimedia curriculum, students must be proficient in Italian at a B1 level under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Candidates holding a foreign qualification will be assessed on Italian during the admission test. Additional learning requirements (OFA) are assigned to students who do not achieve the B1 level in Italian and have to be fulfilled by attending an Italian L2 language course, and by passing the final assessment. The course is organised by SLAM - University of Milan Language Centre.

Transfers and second degrees
All students who intend to apply for transfer must take the TOLC-SU test. The same requirements apply to students already holding a degree who intend to obtain a second degree.

Places available: 600 + 30 reserved for non-EU citizens + 30 reserved for students in the Marco Polo project

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for admission: from 13/03/2025 to 17/07/2025

Application for matriculation: from 24/07/2025 to 19/08/2025

Read the Call

Programme description and courses list
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fundamentals of Linguistics 12 80 Italian L-FIL-LET/12 L-LIN/01
Human and Regional Geography 6 40 Italian M-GGR/01
International Organisation 6 40 Italian IUS/13
English I and Mediation 12 80 English L-LIN/12
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Arabic I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/21
French I and Mediation 12 80 French L-LIN/04
German I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-LIN/14
Hindi I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese I and Mediation 12 160 Italian L-OR/22
Russian I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish I and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish L-LIN/07
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Data, Web and Digital Content 6 40 Italian INF/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Sociology of Cultural Processes 6 40 Italian SPS/08
Optional activities and study plan rules
- First year Language courses - Students must obtain 24 credits (12 + 12 credits) by choosing two Language courses from the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/21
English I and Mediation 12 80 English Over several sessions L-LIN/12
French I and Mediation 12 80 French year L-LIN/04
German I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-LIN/14
Hindi I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/19
Japanese I and Mediation 12 160 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-LIN/21
Spanish I and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish year L-LIN/07
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Arabic Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
English Ii and Mediation 9 60 English L-LIN/12
French Ii and Mediation 9 60 French L-LIN/04
German Ii and Mediation 9 60 German L-LIN/14
Hindi Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Ii and Mediaition 9 60 Spanish L-LIN/07
Not specified period
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Business Administration 6 40 Italian SECS-P/07
International Business Contracts 9 60 Italian IUS/13
Anglophone Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Arab Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
English Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures I 9 60 French L-LIN/03
French Culture I 9 120 Italian L-LIN/03
German Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/13
Hispanic American Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/06
Indian Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Culture Ii 9 60 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/05
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Second year Language courses - Students must complete the second year (9+9 credits) of the two languages chosen in the first year from the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/21
English Ii and Mediation 9 60 English year L-LIN/12
French Ii and Mediation 9 60 French year L-LIN/04
German Ii and Mediation 9 60 German year L-LIN/14
Hindi Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/19
Japanese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-LIN/21
Spanish Ii and Mediaition 9 60 Spanish year L-LIN/07
- Students must obtain 18 credits (9 + 9 credits) by choosing two of the Culture options (corresponding to the foreign languages chosen) from those listed. For the order in which they must be studied, see the appropriate section (course progression requirements)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Anglophone Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Arab Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
English Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures I 9 60 French L-LIN/03
French Culture I 9 120 Italian L-LIN/03
German Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/13
Hispanic American Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/06
Indian Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Culture Ii 9 60 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/05
- Students must obtain 6 credits by completing a subject of their own choice
be activated by the A.Y. 2027/2028
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Arabic Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/21
English Iii and Mediation 12 80 English L-LIN/12
French Iii and Mediation 12 80 French L-LIN/04
German Iii and Mediation 12 160 German L-LIN/14
Hindi Iii and Mediation 12 160 L-OR/19
Japanese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Iii and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish L-LIN/07
Not specified period
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Digital Communication and Social Media 6 40 Italian INF/01
Economic History 9 60 Italian SECS-P/12
Marketing 6 40 Italian SECS-P/08
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 3 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Third year Language courses - Students must follow the third year (12 + 12 credits) of the two languages chosen in the first year from the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/21
English Iii and Mediation 12 80 English year L-LIN/12
French Iii and Mediation 12 80 French year L-LIN/04
German Iii and Mediation 12 160 German year L-LIN/14
Hindi Iii and Mediation 12 160 year L-OR/19
Japanese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-LIN/21
Spanish Iii and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish year L-LIN/07
- Students must obtain 6 credits by completing a subject of their own choice
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Work Placements, Internships 6 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
- During their second or third year, students must obtain 3 credits for a professional workshop to be chosen among the available curricular options
Prerequisites for all the curricula

In order to sit for exams of subsequent programme years (e.g. Language II or Culture II), students must have passed the exam of the previous programme year (Language I or Culture I).

As regards the choice of culture courses, please note that:
1. French language students may choose between French culture and Francophone cultures. This choice must be maintained for the duration of the degree programme.
2. English language students may choose Anglophone cultural studies I or English cultural studies I as first culture course. Those who opted for Anglophone cultural studies I may choose Anglophone cultural studies II as second culture course, whereas those who opted for English cultural studies I may choose between English cultural studies II or Anglo-American cultural studies as second culture course.
3. Spanish language students may choose between Hispanic American culture I and Spanish culture. This choice must be maintained for the duration of the degree programme.
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fundamentals of Linguistics 12 80 Italian L-FIL-LET/12 L-LIN/01
Human and Regional Geography 6 40 Italian M-GGR/01
International Organisation 6 40 Italian IUS/13
English I and Mediation 12 80 English L-LIN/12
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Arabic I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/21
French I and Mediation 12 80 French L-LIN/04
German I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-LIN/14
Hindi I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese I and Mediation 12 160 Italian L-OR/22
Russian I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish I and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish L-LIN/07
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Data, Web and Digital Content 6 40 Italian INF/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Sociology of Cultural Processes 6 40 Italian SPS/08
Optional activities and study plan rules
- First year Language courses - Students must obtain 24 credits (12 + 12 credits) by choosing two Language courses from the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/21
English I and Mediation 12 80 English Over several sessions L-LIN/12
French I and Mediation 12 80 French year L-LIN/04
German I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-LIN/14
Hindi I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/19
Japanese I and Mediation 12 160 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-LIN/21
Spanish I and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish year L-LIN/07
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Arabic Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
English Ii and Mediation 9 60 English L-LIN/12
French Ii and Mediation 9 60 French L-LIN/04
German Ii and Mediation 9 60 German L-LIN/14
Hindi Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Ii and Mediaition 9 60 Spanish L-LIN/07
Not specified period
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
International Protection of Cultural Heritage and of the Environment 9 60 Italian IUS/13
Places and Representations of Contemporary Italy 6 40 Italian L-FIL-LET/11
Anglophone Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Arab Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
English Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures I 9 60 French L-LIN/03
French Culture I 9 120 Italian L-LIN/03
German Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/13
Hispanic American Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/06
Indian Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Culture Ii 9 60 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/05
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Second year Language courses - Students must complete the second year (9+9 credits) of the two languages chosen in the first year from the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/21
English Ii and Mediation 9 60 English year L-LIN/12
French Ii and Mediation 9 60 French year L-LIN/04
German Ii and Mediation 9 60 German year L-LIN/14
Hindi Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/19
Japanese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-LIN/21
Spanish Ii and Mediaition 9 60 Spanish year L-LIN/07
- Students must obtain 18 credits (9 + 9 credits) by choosing two of the Culture options (corresponding to the foreign languages chosen) from those listed. For the order in which they must be studied, see the appropriate section (course progression requirements)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Anglophone Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Arab Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
English Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures I 9 60 French L-LIN/03
French Culture I 9 120 Italian L-LIN/03
German Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/13
Hispanic American Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/06
Indian Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Culture Ii 9 60 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/05
- Students must obtain 6 credits by completing a subject of their own choice
be activated by the A.Y. 2027/2028
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Arabic Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/21
English Iii and Mediation 12 80 English L-LIN/12
French Iii and Mediation 12 80 French L-LIN/04
German Iii and Mediation 12 160 German L-LIN/14
Hindi Iii and Mediation 12 160 L-OR/19
Japanese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Iii and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish L-LIN/07
Not specified period
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Sociology of Cultural Production and Consumption 9 60 Italian SPS/08
Anglo-American Cultural Studies 6 40 English L-LIN/11
Anglophone Cultural Studies Ii 6 40 English L-LIN/10
Arab Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/21
Contemporary History 6 40 Italian M-STO/04
English Cultural Studies Ii 6 40 English L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures Ii 6 40 French L-LIN/03
French Culture Ii 6 80 French L-LIN/03
German Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/13
Hispanic American Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/06
Indian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture Ii 6 40 Spanish L-LIN/05
Tourism Geography 6 40 Italian M-GGR/01
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 3 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Third year Language courses - Students must follow the third year (12 + 12 credits) of the two languages chosen in the first year from the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/21
English Iii and Mediation 12 80 English year L-LIN/12
French Iii and Mediation 12 80 French year L-LIN/04
German Iii and Mediation 12 160 German year L-LIN/14
Hindi Iii and Mediation 12 160 year L-OR/19
Japanese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-LIN/21
Spanish Iii and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish year L-LIN/07
- Students must obtain 6 credits by choosing one of the Culture course options. That means they must take the second year exam of the Culture courses started in their second year. For the order in which the exams must be taken please see to the relevant section (course progression requirements)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Anglo-American Cultural Studies 6 40 English L-LIN/11
Anglophone Cultural Studies Ii 6 40 English L-LIN/10
Arab Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/21
English Cultural Studies Ii 6 40 English L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures Ii 6 40 French L-LIN/03
French Culture Ii 6 80 French L-LIN/03
German Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/13
Hispanic American Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/06
Indian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture Ii 6 40 Spanish L-LIN/05
- Students must obtain 6 credits in one of the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Contemporary History 6 40 Italian M-STO/04
Tourism Geography 6 40 Italian M-GGR/01
- Students must obtain 6 credits by completing a subject of their own choice
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Work Placements, Internships 6 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
- During their second or third year, students must obtain 3 credits for a professional workshop to be chosen among the available curricular options
Prerequisites for all the curricula

In order to sit for exams of subsequent programme years (e.g. Language II or Culture II), students must have passed the exam of the previous programme year (Language I or Culture I).

As regards the choice of culture courses, please note that:
1. French language students may choose between French culture and Francophone cultures. This choice must be maintained for the duration of the degree programme.
2. English language students may choose Anglophone cultural studies I or English cultural studies I as first culture course. Those who opted for Anglophone cultural studies I may choose Anglophone cultural studies II as second culture course, whereas those who opted for English cultural studies I may choose between English cultural studies II or Anglo-American cultural studies as second culture course.
3. Spanish language students may choose between Hispanic American culture I and Spanish culture. This choice must be maintained for the duration of the degree programme.
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fundamentals of Linguistics 12 80 Italian L-FIL-LET/12 L-LIN/01
Human and Regional Geography 6 40 Italian M-GGR/01
International Organisation 6 40 Italian IUS/13
English I and Mediation 12 80 English L-LIN/12
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Arabic I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/21
French I and Mediation 12 80 French L-LIN/04
German I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-LIN/14
Hindi I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese I and Mediation 12 160 Italian L-OR/22
Russian I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish I and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish L-LIN/07
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Data, Web and Digital Content 6 40 Italian INF/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Sociology of Cultural Processes 6 40 Italian SPS/08
Optional activities and study plan rules
- First year Language courses - Students must obtain 24 credits (12 + 12 credits) by choosing two Language courses from the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/21
English I and Mediation 12 80 English Over several sessions L-LIN/12
French I and Mediation 12 80 French year L-LIN/04
German I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-LIN/14
Hindi I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/19
Japanese I and Mediation 12 160 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-LIN/21
Spanish I and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish year L-LIN/07
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Arabic Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
English Ii and Mediation 9 60 English L-LIN/12
French Ii and Mediation 9 60 French L-LIN/04
German Ii and Mediation 9 60 German L-LIN/14
Hindi Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Ii and Mediaition 9 60 Spanish L-LIN/07
Not specified period
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fundamentals of Economics 6 40 Italian SECS-P/01
Anglophone Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Arab Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
Comparative Public Law 9 60 Italian IUS/21
English Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures I 9 60 French L-LIN/03
French Culture I 9 120 Italian L-LIN/03
German Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/13
Hispanic American Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/06
Indian Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Private International Family Law 9 60 Italian IUS/13
Russian Culture Ii 9 60 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/05
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Second year Language courses - Students must complete the second year (9+9 credits) of the two languages chosen in the first year from the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/21
English Ii and Mediation 9 60 English year L-LIN/12
French Ii and Mediation 9 60 French year L-LIN/04
German Ii and Mediation 9 60 German year L-LIN/14
Hindi Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/19
Japanese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-LIN/21
Spanish Ii and Mediaition 9 60 Spanish year L-LIN/07
- Students must obtain 18 credits (9 + 9 credits) by choosing two of the Culture options (corresponding to the foreign languages chosen) from those listed. For the order in which they must be studied, see the appropriate section (course progression requirements)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Anglophone Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Arab Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
English Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures I 9 60 French L-LIN/03
French Culture I 9 120 Italian L-LIN/03
German Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/13
Hispanic American Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/06
Indian Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Culture Ii 9 60 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/05
- Students must obtain 9 credits in one of the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Comparative Public Law 9 60 Italian IUS/21
Private International Family Law 9 60 Italian IUS/13
- Students must obtain 6 credits by completing a subject of their own choice
be activated by the A.Y. 2027/2028
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Arabic Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/21
English Iii and Mediation 12 80 English L-LIN/12
French Iii and Mediation 12 80 French L-LIN/04
German Iii and Mediation 12 160 German L-LIN/14
Hindi Iii and Mediation 12 160 L-OR/19
Japanese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Iii and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish L-LIN/07
Not specified period
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cultural Anthropology 9 60 Italian M-DEA/01
Anglo-American Cultural Studies 6 40 English L-LIN/11
Anglophone Cultural Studies Ii 6 40 English L-LIN/10
Arab Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/12
Asian History and Institutions 6 40 Italian SPS/14
Chinese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/21
English Cultural Studies Ii 6 40 English L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures Ii 6 40 French L-LIN/03
French Culture Ii 6 80 French L-LIN/03
Geography of Migrations and the Third Sector 6 40 Italian M-GGR/02
German Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/13
Hispanic American Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/06
History of Great Britain and of the Commonwealth 6 40 Italian M-STO/04
History of Slavic Countries 6 40 Italian M-STO/03
History of Spain and Latin America 6 40 Italian M-STO/02
Indian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/22
North American History and Institutions 6 80 Italian SPS/05
Russian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture Ii 6 40 Spanish L-LIN/05
Storia Dell'europa Contemporanea 6 40 Italian M-STO/04
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 3 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Third year Language courses - Students must follow the third year (12 + 12 credits) of the two languages chosen in the first year from the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/21
English Iii and Mediation 12 80 English year L-LIN/12
French Iii and Mediation 12 80 French year L-LIN/04
German Iii and Mediation 12 160 German year L-LIN/14
Hindi Iii and Mediation 12 160 year L-OR/19
Japanese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-LIN/21
Spanish Iii and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish year L-LIN/07
- Students must obtain 6 credits by choosing one of the Culture course options. That means they must take the second year exam of the Culture courses started in their second year. For the order in which the exams must be taken please see to the relevant section (course progression requirements)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Anglo-American Cultural Studies 6 40 English L-LIN/11
Anglophone Cultural Studies Ii 6 40 English L-LIN/10
Arab Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/21
English Cultural Studies Ii 6 40 English L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures Ii 6 40 French L-LIN/03
French Culture Ii 6 80 French L-LIN/03
German Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/13
Hispanic American Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/06
Indian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Culture Ii 6 40 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture Ii 6 40 Spanish L-LIN/05
- Students must obtain 6 credits by choosing one of the following subjects. The history option must correspond to one of the language/culture options chosen
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Asian History and Institutions 6 40 Italian SPS/14
Geography of Migrations and the Third Sector 6 40 Italian M-GGR/02
History of Great Britain and of the Commonwealth 6 40 Italian M-STO/04
History of Slavic Countries 6 40 Italian M-STO/03
History of Spain and Latin America 6 40 Italian M-STO/02
North American History and Institutions 6 80 Italian SPS/05
Storia Dell'europa Contemporanea 6 40 Italian M-STO/04
- Students must obtain 6 credits by completing a subject of their own choice
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Work Placements, Internships 6 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
- During their second or third year, students must obtain 3 credits for a professional workshop to be chosen among the available curricular options
Prerequisites for all the curricula

In order to sit for exams of subsequent programme years (e.g. Language II or Culture II), students must have passed the exam of the previous programme year (Language I or Culture I).

As regards the choice of culture courses, please note that:
1. French language students may choose between French culture and Francophone cultures. This choice must be maintained for the duration of the degree programme.
2. English language students may choose Anglophone cultural studies I or English cultural studies I as first culture course. Those who opted for Anglophone cultural studies I may choose Anglophone cultural studies II as second culture course, whereas those who opted for English cultural studies I may choose between English cultural studies II or Anglo-American cultural studies as second culture course.
3. Spanish language students may choose between Hispanic American culture I and Spanish culture. This choice must be maintained for the duration of the degree programme.
Over several sessions
These activities are scheduled over several sessions. Please refer to course overviews for details.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English I and Mediation 12 80 English L-LIN/12
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Italian for Foreign Students I and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-FIL-LET/12
Arabic I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/21
French I and Mediation 12 80 French L-LIN/04
German I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-LIN/14
Hindi I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese I and Mediation 12 160 Italian L-OR/22
Russian I and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish I and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish L-LIN/07
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
General Linguistics 6 40 Italian L-LIN/01
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Italian Culture for Foreign Students I 9 60 Italian L-FIL-LET/11
Sociology of Cultural Processes 6 40 Italian SPS/08
Optional activities and study plan rules
- First year Language courses - Students must obtain 24 credits (12 + 12 credits) by choosing two Language courses from the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/21
English I and Mediation 12 80 English Over several sessions L-LIN/12
French I and Mediation 12 80 French year L-LIN/04
German I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-LIN/14
Hindi I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/19
Japanese I and Mediation 12 160 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian I and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-LIN/21
Spanish I and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish year L-LIN/07
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Italian for Foreign Students Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-FIL-LET/12
Arabic Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
English Ii and Mediation 9 60 English L-LIN/12
French Ii and Mediation 9 60 French L-LIN/04
German Ii and Mediation 9 60 German L-LIN/14
Hindi Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Ii and Mediaition 9 60 Spanish L-LIN/07
Not specified period
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fundamentals of Economics 6 40 Italian SECS-P/01
Italian Culture for Foreign Students Ii 6 40 Italian L-FIL-LET/11
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Second year Language courses - Students must complete the second year (9+9 credits) of the two languages chosen in the first year from the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/21
English Ii and Mediation 9 60 English year L-LIN/12
French Ii and Mediation 9 60 French year L-LIN/04
German Ii and Mediation 9 60 German year L-LIN/14
Hindi Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/19
Japanese Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian Ii and Mediation 9 60 Italian year L-LIN/21
Spanish Ii and Mediaition 9 60 Spanish year L-LIN/07
- Students must obtain 9 credits by choosing one of the Culture options (corresponding to one of the foreign languages chosen) from those listed. For the order in which they must be studied, see the appropriate section (course progression requirements)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Anglophone Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Arab Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
English Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures I 9 60 French L-LIN/03
French Culture I 9 120 Italian L-LIN/03
German Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/13
Hispanic American Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/06
Indian Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Culture Ii 9 60 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/05
- Students must obtain 6 credits by completing a subject of their own choice
be activated by the A.Y. 2027/2028
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Italian for Foreign Students Iii and Mediation 9 60 Italian L-FIL-LET/12
Arabic Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/21
English Iii and Mediation 12 80 English L-LIN/12
French Iii and Mediation 12 80 French L-LIN/04
German Iii and Mediation 12 160 German L-LIN/14
Hindi Iii and Mediation 12 160 L-OR/19
Japanese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Iii and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish L-LIN/07
Not specified period
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Comparative Law and Interculturality 9 60 Italian IUS/02
Places and Representations of Contemporary Italy 6 40 Italian L-FIL-LET/11
Tourism Geography 9 60 Italian M-GGR/01
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 3 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Third year Language courses - Students must complete the third year (12 credits) of one of the two languages chosen in the first year from the following subjects:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Arabic Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/12
Chinese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/21
English Iii and Mediation 12 80 English year L-LIN/12
French Iii and Mediation 12 80 French year L-LIN/04
German Iii and Mediation 12 160 German year L-LIN/14
Hindi Iii and Mediation 12 160 year L-OR/19
Japanese Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-OR/22
Russian Iii and Mediation 12 80 Italian year L-LIN/21
Spanish Iii and Mediaition 12 80 Spanish year L-LIN/07
- Students must obtain 9 credits by choosing a Culture option corresponding to one of the two foreign languages chosen... For information on the order of in which the options must be taken please see the relevant section (course progression requirements)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Anglophone Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Arab Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
English Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures I 9 60 French L-LIN/03
French Culture I 9 120 Italian L-LIN/03
German Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/13
Hispanic American Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/06
Indian Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Culture Ii 9 60 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/05
- Students must obtain 6 credits by completing a subject of their own choice
Not specified period
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Anglophone Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Arab Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Chinese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/21
English Cultural Studies I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/10
Francophone Cultures I 9 60 French L-LIN/03
French Culture I 9 120 Italian L-LIN/03
German Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/13
Hispanic American Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/06
Indian Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/19
Japanese Culture I 9 60 Italian L-OR/22
Russian Culture Ii 9 60 Italian L-LIN/21
Spanish Culture I 9 60 Italian L-LIN/05
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Work Placements, Internships 6 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
- During their second or third year, students must obtain 3 credits for a professional workshop to be chosen among the available curricular options
Prerequisites for all the curricula

In order to sit for exams of subsequent programme years (e.g. Language II or Culture II), students must have passed the exam of the previous programme year (Language I or Culture I).

As regards the choice of culture courses, please note that:
1. French language students may choose between French culture and Francophone cultures. This choice must be maintained for the duration of the degree programme.
2. English language students may choose Anglophone cultural studies I or English cultural studies I as first culture course. Those who opted for Anglophone cultural studies I may choose Anglophone cultural studies II as second culture course, whereas those who opted for English cultural studies I may choose between English cultural studies II or Anglo-American cultural studies as second culture course.
3. Spanish language students may choose between Hispanic American culture I and Spanish culture. This choice must be maintained for the duration of the degree programme.
Learn more
Head of study programme
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Study plan tutor
Internship tutor
Seminar and workshop tutor
University and programme transfer tutor
  • Erasmus programme and international mobility
    Prof. Fabio Mollica (coordinatore)
  • Transfers and second degrees
    Prof.ssa Silvia Cassamagnaghi
  • Academic recognition of workshops and extra-curricular activities
    Prof.ssa Bettina Mottura (coordinatrice)
  • Work experience placement
    Dott.ssa Lucia Berti
  • Part-time students
    Prof.ssa Giovanna Mapelli
  • Student Office
    Via S. Sofia 9/1 - 20122 Milano (MI) Italia
  • Course Administration Office
    Piazza Indro Montanelli 1 - 20099 Sesto S. Giovanni (MI) Italia
  • Disability and SLD
    Prof. Paolo Caponi (coordinatore)

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more