Health Assistance

assistenza sanitaria
Health Assistance
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
L/SNT4 - Health professions for preventive care
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
The Bachelor?s degree programme in Health Assistance (degree class L/SNT4 - Health professions for preventive care) has a three-year duration.
The study plan includes both theoretical and practical classes as well as internships. Indeed, practical classes and internships are a critical part of the study plan: they are taken under the guidance of dedicated tutors and coordinated by top-tier, highly-qualified professors.

Graduates of the Bachelor?s degree programme in Health Assistance will acquire:
- the scientific knowledge base and theoretical and practical preparation to understand biological and hereditary phenomena, the functioning of organs and systems, and psychological, social and environmental factors;
- the basics of working as a healthcare assistant, and the rules and principles that govern the scope and responsibilities of this role;
- the bioethical, deontological and medico-legal principles inherent to the profession, and the cultural and professional values that determine how healthcare assistants think and act towards individual patients, families and the community (plus the ability to apply these principles and values while working at accredited community services, healthcare facilities and educational institutions);
- professional, decisional and operational autonomy, achieved as a result of a learning pathway informed by a holistic approach to health promotion, education and prevention (on an individual, family or community scale), which also takes into account the chemical, physical, biological, social and cultural environment to which the person, family or community is exposed;
- the ability to observe, identify and critically assess data on the health needs of individuals, families and the community, and to consequently define goals, set priorities of intervention and adopt the most suitable methodologies;
- knowledge, skills and experience to be able to plan, manage and assess the actions of the healthcare assistant;
- knowledge, skills and experience to be able to ensure the correct application of medical prescriptions and to promote health education and prevention measures:
- the right methodology and mindset to embark on lifelong learning and to act as tutors of Health Assistance students;
- the ability to collaborate and interact with other professionals in the healthcare, psychosocial and educational fields;
- the ability to take part in initiatives for the promotion of health, which is every citizen?s right;
- the ability to effectively and appropriately interact and communicate with individuals (during the various stages of life), families and the community;
- the ability to contribute to the definition of communication methods, strategies and campaigns for health promotion.
Graduates are expected to be familiar with:
- the structural organisation of the human body and the mechanisms that govern such organisation during embryonic organ development, when organs start to differentiate, and when they are fully functional;
- the molecular and biochemical mechanisms of life processes and their metabolic correlates, and the fundamentals of chemistry needed to understand the structure of living things and organic compounds of biochemical and pharmacological interest;
- the mechanisms determining how genetic information is transmitted and expressed, and the main genetic disorders;
- the fundamentals of pathophysiology applicable to various clinical situations, also with reference to diagnostics parameters and functional findings in healthy humans;
- the fundamentals of statistics needed to identify, understand and interpret biomedical phenomena;
- the different strategies to identify and address health and support needs of individuals (during the various stages of life), families and the community, in relation to the context they live in and their daily activities;
- the rules on radiation protection laid down by EU directives (Italian Legislative Decree no. 187 of 26 May 2000);
- the processes that regulate individual, family and group behaviours;
- the main psychological and pedagogical theories regarding human behaviour, as well as their methodologies;
- social and health legislation.
Moreover, graduates will have acquired the following knowledge and skills:
- knowledge of the basics of human sciences, with particular regard to the historical evolution of values (including ethical values) in public health;
- knowledge of physiological defence mechanisms, the causes of human diseases, and the main pathogenetic and pathophysiological mechanisms;
- ability to evaluate epidemiological, health and social data, combined with an understanding of how these data can be used to set up preventive and educational actions and to promote health on an individual, family and community scale;
- knowledge of the basic principles for the analysis of human behaviour, and an understanding of relational and learning processes;
- ability to interact with other healthcare, psycho-social and educational professionals, whilst bearing in mind one?s own role and values, and respecting the others? values;
- ability to apply the fundamentals of relational and communication dynamics to build up interpersonal and support relationships with individuals, families and groups;
- ability to provide information and education on health, nutrition and the sexual, social and emotional sphere, by using the appropriate methodologies;
- ability to identify the main psychiatric and psychological disorders, behaviour alterations and changes in the perception of personal experiences, and to adopt tools and methods to implement preventive and educational actions with regard to mental health, addictions and psycho-social distress;
- ability to analyse and address support needs by taking into account costs, risks and benefits, also in light of the principles of evidence-based medicine;
- ability to responsibly deal with the ethical issues of the profession;
- knowledge of the fundamentals of nutrition science and ability to apply them to different life stages and situations;
- ability to critically assess one?s own actions within a work team, with a view to improving quality;
- knowledge of the different classes of drugs, toxicants and substances of abuse, their main mechanisms of action, therapeutic uses, side effects and toxicity, and an understanding of the principles of pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology;
- knowledge of the different types of vaccines, how they work and how they are used;
- expertise in integrated healthcare and support services aimed at families and the community, also acquired through practical training;
- ability to develop targeted prevention and support schemes to address the health needs of individuals, families and the community, as identified also during group sessions;
- knowledge of the main conditions related to gynaecological and obstetric health, maternal and child health, paediatric and geriatric health (including how to prevent and treat these conditions, and how to educate patients), combined with the ability to apply this knowledge to assistance settings, also in light of cultural differences and health models adopted by other groups/communities;
- an understanding of distress in adulthood, and the ability to implement targeted actions to improve health and well-being;
- knowledge of the main psychological and physical handicaps, and the ability to design operational models of prevention, assistance and rehabilitation;
- ability to immediately intervene in the case of emergencies, catastrophes or natural disasters, by providing the necessary first assistance within the limits of one?s own role, in order to ensure survival and the best possible support;
- ability to monitor health and hygiene conditions within households, schools and assisted-living facilities, assess environmental hygiene and infection risks, and collaborate ? within the limits of one?s own role ? on health promotion, education and prevention initiatives in schools of any kind, also by delivering training and refresher courses to the school staff; knowledge of rules and principles concerning hospital hygiene, and infection prevention and control in hospital and community settings;
- knowledge of hygiene legislation and occupational epidemiology, as well as of tools and practices to maintain and promote health and prevent diseases and accidents at the workplace, also identifying specific areas of competence;
- ability to produce reports to be submitted to the competent authorities, also with a view to proposing operational measures;
- ability to ensure interprofessional and cross-cultural cooperation with other specialists in a wide range of activities, delving deeper into the rules and dynamics of group work;
- ability to take part in quality assurance and quality enhancement initiatives regarding healthcare services, with a particular focus on the assessment of user satisfaction; knowledge of the general principles for the evaluation of facilities, services and assistance;
- knowledge of the rules on radiation protection laid down by EU directives;
- knowledge of the core national and European legislation on the organisation of health and social services, as well as of organisational models;
- knowledge of professional ethics and professional liability;
- an adequate expertise in organising work and managing human resources;
- ability to develop a suitable operational approach to address social and health issues of different communities (also acquired through experience);
- an understanding of the development of multi-ethnic societies, with a particular focus on the diversification of values, cultures and religions;
- bibliographical research skills, combined with the ability to critically evaluate scientific articles and apply research findings to prevention, assistance and health promotion strategies;
- IT skills needed to manage information systems;
- proficiency in one language of the European Union besides Italian, in order to be able to read the international literature and keep up-to-date on the subject, as well as to communicate with people who do not speak Italian.
By the end of the degree programme, graduates will have acquired the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to assess the effectiveness and efficacy of health prevention and promotion interventions, and communication skills allowing them to manage ordinary and emergency healthcare situations. Additionally, they will have the technical and scientific knowledge base to implement health promotion, education and prevention actions with full professional autonomy. The activities of the healthcare assistant are geared towards single individuals during the various stages of their life, as well as towards families and the community as a whole, and include the identification of health needs and priorities of intervention for prevention, education and recovery.
Graduates holding this Bachelor?s degree are legally qualified to practice as healthcare assistants.
Therefore, they may work at facilities of the Italian Health Service, e.g. hospitals and/or Local Health Units (ASL), for Regional Agencies for the Protection of the Environment and within health departments of the Regions. Their functions and responsibilities may include: organising and evaluating health services; planning and implementing refresher courses and lifelong learning activities for healthcare professionals; acting as internship tutors and coordinators at healthcare facilities; conducting research and directly contributing to the continuous professional development of healthcare assistants. Graduates can also take on the above functions within offices and bodies of the Ministry of Health. They are entitled to practice in public as well as private settings (also for private entities authorised in accordance with existing regulations) and for non-profit organisations, whether as employees or independent professionals. Graduates may also continue with a Master?s degree, which is a mandatory requirement for those who already work in the above-mentioned healthcare services and aim to take on managerial roles.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
Il Corso di Studi non ha attivato accordi Erasmus+ con Atenei esteri.
Attendance of all coursework, and all internship activities, is mandatory.
To be admitted into the degree programme, a candidate must have an Italian secondary-school diploma or similar diploma obtained overseas and deemed equivalent.
Admission into the programme is capped, at a national level, pursuant to Law no. 264 of 2 August 1999.
The number of students who may be admitted is set each year pursuant to a decree of the Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR), based on findings provided by the university in terms of available instructional, classroom, and clinical resources (human and otherwise), as well as the demand for the type of professionals contemplated for this Class as determined by the Region of Lombardy, and the Ministry of Health.
The admission test will be administered as a national exam, generally in the month of September. The date will be set pursuant to a decree of MUR.

Additional learning requirements (OFA):
Students who answered less than 50% of the Biology and Chemistry questions on the admission test will be required to finish a set of additional learning requirements (OFA). These prerequisites may be met through specifically assigned remedial work. Any failure to complete the OFA will make it impossible for the student to sit exams in Biology and Biochemistry.
Timely notice of the various courses will be posted to:

Places available: 25

Call for applications

The call for applications is being finalized. Please refer to the call, once it is available, for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for admission: application deadlines will be published shortly.

The call for applications is being finalized

Programme description and courses list
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Internship (first year) 14 350 Italian MED/50
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biology and Biochemistry 4 40 Italian BIO/10 BIO/13
- Biochemistry2
- Experimental biology2
Elements of Anatomy and Physiology 4 40 Italian BIO/09 BIO/16
- Human anatomy2
- Physiology2
Psyco-Pedagogical and Social Sciences 7 70 Italian M-PED/01 M-PSI/01 MED/02 MED/50 SPS/07
- Applied medical techniques1
- General psychology2
- General sociology2
- Medical history1
- Theories and science of education and social education1
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Epidemiology, Prevention and Public Health 6 60 Italian MED/42 SECS-S/05
- Hygiene and public health4
- Social statistics2
Microbiology and Pathology 6 60 Italian MED/04 MED/07 MED/09
- Experimental medicine and pathophysiology3
- Internal medicine1
- Microbiology and clinical microbiology2
Sociology of the Health and Law 6 60 Italian IUS/01 M-DEA/01 SPS/07 SPS/10
- Demology, ethnology and anthropology2
- General sociology1
- Private law2
- Urban and environmental sociology1
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Computer Science Course 3 30 Italian INF/01
English Assessment B1 (2 ECTS) 2 0 English
Study plan rules
Elettivi - Lo studente, al primo anno, deve altresì maturare 2 CFU in attività formative a scelta.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Internship (second year) 20 500 Italian MED/50
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biophysiology of Reproduction, Sexology and Andrology 6 60 Italian MED/03 MED/13 MED/40 MED/50
- Applied medical techniques2
- Endocrinology2
- Medical genetics1
- Obstetrics and gynaecology1
Community Medicine 1 9 90 Italian MED/17 MED/35 MED/42 MED/50
- Applied medical techniques4
- Dermatological and venerological diseases1
- Hygiene and public health2
- Infectious diseases2
Health Education and Promotion 8 80 Italian M-PED/01 M-PED/03 M-PSI/01 MED/42 MED/50
- Applied medical techniques2
- General psychology2
- Hygiene and public health1
- Methodologies of teaching and special education1
- Theories and science of education and social education2
Medical Sciences 7 70 Italian BIO/14 MED/09 MED/45 MED/49
- Applied medical techniques1
- Internal medicine3
- Pharmacology2
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Chidlhood and Adolescence Health and Socio-Emotional Education 7 70 Italian M-PSI/04 MED/38 MED/39 MED/42 MED/50
- Applied medical techniques1
- Child neuropsychiatry1
- Developmental and educational psychology2
- General and subspecialty paediatrics2
- Hygiene and public health1
Health in the Adult and Elderly and Health in Neuropsychiatry 6 60 Italian MED/09 MED/25 MED/26 MED/33 MED/48 MED/50
- Applied medical techniques1
- Internal medicine1
- Musculoskeletal system diseases1
- Neurology1
- Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric1
- Psychiatry1
Study plan rules
Elettivi - Lo studente, al secondo anno, deve altresì maturare 2 CFU in attività formative a scelta.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Internship (third year) 26 650 Italian MED/50
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Community Medicine 2 6 60 Italian MED/01 MED/42 MED/50
- Applied medical techniques2
- Hygiene and public health2
- Medical statistics2
Workplace Hygiene and Emergency First Aid 7 70 Italian MED/36 MED/41 MED/44 MED/45 MED/50 SPS/07
- Anaesthesiology1
- Applied medical techniques2
- Diagnostic imaging1
- General sociology1
- Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric1
- Occupational medicine1
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Community Medicine 3 4 40 Italian MED/13 MED/28 MED/30 MED/32
- Audiology1
- Endocrinology1
- Eye diseases1
- Oral diseases and dentistry1
Law, Deontology, Legal Guardianship 9 90 Italian IUS/01 IUS/07 MED/42 MED/43 MED/50 SECS-P/07 SECS-P/10
- Applied medical techniques2
- Business administration and Management1
- Forensic medicine1
- Hygiene and public health1
- Labour law1
- Organization studies1
- Private law2
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 7 0 Italian
Study plan rules
Elettivi - Lo studente, al terzo anno, deve altresì maturare 2 CFU in attività formative a scelta.
Learn more
Course locations
Sede Corso di Laurea presso Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche per la salute - via Pascal, 36/38 - Milano.
L'attività didattica relativa al corso di laurea in Assistenza Sanitaria si svolge presso le strutture didattiche allocate presso Città Studi o presso strutture sanitarie accreditate dal servizio sanitario nazionale ed enti convenzionati identificati dal Collegio Didattico interdipartimentale.

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more