
Studenti in laboratorio mentre osservano una piantina in barattolo
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
L-2 - Biotechnologies
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
The Degree Course in Biotechnology aims to provide bachelor students with solid basic knowledge and practical skills in the different fields of biotechnology. The course will favour interdisciplinary approaches and propose the study of most of the modern molecular biotechnologies used in the agro-food, environmental, industrial, pharmaceutical and veterinary fields. Notions in bioethics, patenting and legislation, fundraising and management will be also provided. Innovation is the driving force of this course; being biotechnology an area of fast and active development, continuous and efficient updating is necessary to keep continuously updated with the rapid increase in scientific knowledge.
Biotechnology graduates will be able to work in numerous professional contexts including: the agri-food industry, the animal feed and plant production sector, the pharmaceutical industry, the chemical industry, the cosmetic industry and scientific information, the industry and services for environmental biotechnology, in reproductive biotechnology laboratories both in the medical and veterinary fields, biotechnological service centers for the applications of information technology to genomics and proteomics, universities and research laboratories of public and private institutions, certification bodies, structures of the National Health System, health regulatory agencies and national and international agencies for patent regulations for the exploitation of biotechnological products, including study centers for toxicological and environmental detection.
The specific roles and professions of the graduate in Biotechnology, based on the nomenclature and classification drawn up by ISTAT (2012), are identified by the following codes:
- Biochemical laboratory technicians
- Food technicians
- Agronomist and forestry technicians
- Veterinary laboratory technicians
- Zootechnicians
The degree course allows you to qualify for the following regulated professions:
- Agricultural biotechnologist (Agri-food curriculum)
- Junior biologist
- Medical-scientific informant (Pharmaceutical curriculum)
- The "Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale" (Italian Industrial Property Consultants Institute)

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
The study opportunities within the ERASMUS+ Programme, the specific participation rules and the student selection criteria are described in the notice that the University generally publishes in January, and are illustrated during specific meetings advertised on the website of the Degree Course and that of the University. Agreements have been stipulated with various universities, distributed throughout Europe (for a total of 13 countries), mainly in Spain, Germany, France, Holland, Belgium and the United Kingdom, selected based on educational affinity with the course of study and relevance in specific scientific sectors. The activities that can be carried out abroad are, as a rule, related to the topics and areas of study covered in the various curricula on which the Degree Course is structured. The purpose of the mobility is to carry out training activities abroad to replace part of one's study plan, including carrying out the internship.
The definition of the study program (Learning Agreement, LA) must necessarily take place in collaboration with the Erasmus person in charge of the study course, both as regards the choice of exams and the organisation of internships. The program must include training activities for a number of credits proportional to the duration of the stay, in accordance with the general provisions of the University of Milan.

To carry out an experimental activity abroad as a part or all of the internship included in the study plan, a letter of consent will be required from a professor of the partner university to host the student in their laboratories and by a teacher of the Course of Studies who will act as tutor and/or speaker. These letters must be forwarded to the ERASMUS Coordinator.

All activities will be recognized in the student's career, provided they have been completed with positive results (achievement of at least 70% of the credits required by the LA) and certified by the host University at the end of the student's stay. The Interdepartmental Teaching Committee will decide on the recognition of credits and exam grades taken based on a predefined conversion scale. Furthermore, participation in Erasmus+ programs will be taken into consideration in defining the degree grade, depending on the duration and quality of the period spent abroad.

In addition, the Degree Course also offers its students for the academic year 2024-2025 the opportunity to participate, following a formal selection, in the "Biodiversity, sustainability in the agro-food system" project within the Alliance 4EU+. The topic is the biodiversity and the sustainability of food systems and their involvement in society. Participation to the project, if the activities are completely completed, may be recognized in the student's career among the free choice activities (6 CFU).
Attendance is mandatory for laboratory courses.
Admission requirements
Admission to the degree programme in Biotechnology is capped pursuant to Law no. 264 of 2 August 1999. Applicants must hold an upper secondary-school diploma or equivalent foreign qualification pursuant to Ministerial Decree no. 270 of 22 October 2004.
Candidates will be required to sit an admission test aimed at ascertaining their educational background and aptitude.

Admission assessment
The test required for admission to the degree programme in Biotechnology is TOLC-S, an online test delivered by the Consortium of Inter-University Integrated Access Systems (CISIA -, which must be taken before enrolment.
The TOLC-S test is made up of four sections, with questions on Basic Mathematics, Reasoning and Problem Solving, Reading and Comprehension, and Basic Sciences, requiring a level of knowledge and skills as provided by an upper secondary school education.
Test structure and topics:
The TOLC test includes an additional English section. The score in this section is a self-assessment tool and does not affect the merit ranking, nor does it replace the for-credit assessment of English language proficiency required by the degree programme (see the language assessment section).
You may sit the TOLC-S at the University of Milan or any other venue among those listed in the test calendar available at
Registration procedures and deadlines will be provided in the call for applications posted to the University website at
Only students placing themselves high enough in the merit ranking will be eligible for enrolment in the degree programme in Biotechnology.

Additional learning requirements (OFA) and remedial activities
Students who have not achieved at least 11 points in the basic mathematics module of TOLC-S will be required to fulfil additional learning requirements (OFA). Students with additional learning requirements will have to carry out remedial activities organised by the University in the period between October-December, and then take a test to prove they have filled the gaps in their knowledge. Students may not sit any second-year exams before passing the compulsory Mathematics exam.
Learn more at

Admission of transfer or graduate students
Transfer students from a degree programme of the University of Milan, or another university, and graduate students will be waived from the test requirements only if admitted to years subsequent to Year I. To this end, they will have to submit a specific request for prior assessment of their academic records using the online service as shown in the call for applications. These candidates must provide a full transcript of records (listing exams, subject areas, credits, grades) and attach the course syllabi. For more details, please refer to the call for applications.

Places available: 250 + 8 reserved for non-EU citizens

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Session: 1

Application for admission: from 14/03/2024 to 13/06/2024

Application for matriculation: from 18/06/2024 to 01/07/2024

Read the Call

Session: 2

Application for admission: from 04/07/2024 to 12/09/2024

Application for matriculation: from 10/10/2024 to 14/10/2024

Read the Call

Programme description and courses list
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
General and Inorganic Chemistry 8 88 Italian CHIM/03
General E Cellular Biology 10 88 Italian BIO/13
Mathematics for Biotechnology 6 72 Italian MAT/01 MAT/02 MAT/03 MAT/04 MAT/05 MAT/06 MAT/07 MAT/08 MAT/09
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Informatics and Statistics for Biotechnologies (common) 6 48 Italian FIS/07 INF/01 MAT/03 SECS-S/01 SECS-S/02
Organic Chemistry 8 88 Italian CHIM/06
Physics 6 60 Italian FIS/07
Genetics 8 76 English AGR/07 BIO/18
Genetics 8 76 Italian AGR/07 BIO/18
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Assessment B1 (1 ECTS) 1 0 English
Study plan rules
- The student must choose one of the following courses
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Genetics 8 76 Italian Second semester AGR/07 BIO/18
Genetics 8 76 English Second semester AGR/07 BIO/18
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biochemistry 9 80 Italian BIO/10
Fundamentals of Economy and Bioethics 6 56 Italian AGR/01 IUS/01 IUS/04 MED/02 SECS-P/06
General Microbiology 9 80 Italian BIO/19
Molecular Biology 9 72 Italian BIO/11
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Applied Molecular Biotechnologies 11 112 Italian BIO/10
Botany and Cropping Systems 9 84 Italian AGR/02 AGR/04 BIO/01
Chemistry and Biochemistry of Agri-Food Molecules 8 72 Italian BIO/10 CHIM/06
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 7 64 Italian AGR/13
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biotechnology for Plant Protection 10 96 Italian AGR/11 AGR/12
In Vitro Plant Breeding 5 44 Italian AGR/03
Plant Genomics and Breeding 11 104 Italian AGR/07
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Careers in Biotechnology 2 16 Italian
Microbial Agrobiotechnology 6 56 Italian AGR/16
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Lab Training 8 0 Italian
Final Exam 5 0 Italian
The students have to successfully complete the propaedeutic exams listed in right column, before those listed in left column of the following table.
In the event that the list of propaedeutic exams changes, the students will have to comply with the list approved in the previous Academic Year
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Analytical Methods for Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies Biochemistry (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Physics (compulsory)
Generale Pathology, Immunology and Medical Microbiology Biochemistry (compulsory), General Microbiology (compulsory), Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy (compulsory)
Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy General E Cellular Biology (compulsory)
Informatics and Statistics for Biotechnologies (common) Mathematics for Biotechnology (compulsory)
Medicinal Chemistry and Bioprocesses Biochemistry (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
Microbial Agrobiotechnology General Microbiology (compulsory)
Molecular Genetics and Animal Models Genetics (compulsory)
Organic Chemistry General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory)
Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation of Biotechnological Medicinal Products General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Pharmacology (compulsory)
Pharmacological and Toxicological Biotechnology Biochemistry (compulsory), Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy (compulsory), Pharmacology (compulsory)
Pharmacology General E Cellular Biology (compulsory)
Plant Biology and Physiology General E Cellular Biology (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory)
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
General and Inorganic Chemistry 8 88 Italian CHIM/03
General E Cellular Biology 10 88 Italian BIO/13
Mathematics for Biotechnology 6 72 Italian MAT/01 MAT/02 MAT/03 MAT/04 MAT/05 MAT/06 MAT/07 MAT/08 MAT/09
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Informatics and Statistics for Biotechnologies (common) 6 48 Italian FIS/07 INF/01 MAT/03 SECS-S/01 SECS-S/02
Organic Chemistry 8 88 Italian CHIM/06
Physics 6 60 Italian FIS/07
Genetics 8 76 Italian AGR/07 BIO/18
Genetics 8 76 English AGR/07 BIO/18
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Assessment B1 (1 ECTS) 1 0 English
Study plan rules
- The student must choose one of the following courses
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Genetics 8 76 Italian Second semester AGR/07 BIO/18
Genetics 8 76 English Second semester AGR/07 BIO/18
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biochemistry 9 80 Italian BIO/10
Fundamentals of Economy and Bioethics 6 56 Italian AGR/01 IUS/01 IUS/04 MED/02 SECS-P/06
General Microbiology 9 80 Italian BIO/19
Molecular Biology 9 72 Italian BIO/11
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Animal Physiology and Assisted Reproduction 9 96 Italian VET/02 VET/10
Comparative and Laboratory Animal Pathology 7 64 Italian VET/03
Development, Morphology and Function of Organs and Systems 8 92 Italian VET/01
Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology 6 64 Italian VET/05
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biotechnology Applied to Animal Nutrition and Animal Origin Food 12 136 Italian AGR/18 VET/04
- Animal nutrition6
- Food of animal origin6
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Infectious and Parasitic Diseases 10 96 Italian VET/05 VET/06
Veterinary Pharmacology and Biotechnology Law 9 88 Italian VET/07 VET/08
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Molecular Genetics and Animal Models 8 88 Italian AGR/17 AGR/20
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Lab Training 8 0 Italian
Final Exam 5 0 Italian
The students have to successfully complete the propaedeutic exams listed in right column, before those listed in left column of the following table.
In the event that the list of propaedeutic exams changes, the students will have to comply with the list approved in the previous Academic Year
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Analytical Methods for Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies Biochemistry (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Physics (compulsory)
Generale Pathology, Immunology and Medical Microbiology Biochemistry (compulsory), General Microbiology (compulsory), Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy (compulsory)
Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy General E Cellular Biology (compulsory)
Informatics and Statistics for Biotechnologies (common) Mathematics for Biotechnology (compulsory)
Medicinal Chemistry and Bioprocesses Biochemistry (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
Microbial Agrobiotechnology General Microbiology (compulsory)
Molecular Genetics and Animal Models Genetics (compulsory)
Organic Chemistry General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory)
Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation of Biotechnological Medicinal Products General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Pharmacology (compulsory)
Pharmacological and Toxicological Biotechnology Biochemistry (compulsory), Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy (compulsory), Pharmacology (compulsory)
Pharmacology General E Cellular Biology (compulsory)
Plant Biology and Physiology General E Cellular Biology (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory)
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
General and Inorganic Chemistry 8 88 Italian CHIM/03
General E Cellular Biology 10 88 Italian BIO/13
Mathematics for Biotechnology 6 72 Italian MAT/01 MAT/02 MAT/03 MAT/04 MAT/05 MAT/06 MAT/07 MAT/08 MAT/09
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Informatics and Statistics for Biotechnologies (common) 6 48 Italian FIS/07 INF/01 MAT/03 SECS-S/01 SECS-S/02
Organic Chemistry 8 88 Italian CHIM/06
Physics 6 60 Italian FIS/07
Genetics 8 76 Italian AGR/07 BIO/18
Genetics 8 76 English AGR/07 BIO/18
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Assessment B1 (1 ECTS) 1 0 English
Study plan rules
- The student must choose one of the following courses
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Genetics 8 76 Italian Second semester AGR/07 BIO/18
Genetics 8 76 English Second semester AGR/07 BIO/18
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biochemistry 9 80 Italian BIO/10
Fundamentals of Economy and Bioethics 6 56 Italian AGR/01 IUS/01 IUS/04 MED/02 SECS-P/06
General Microbiology 9 80 Italian BIO/19
Molecular Biology 9 72 Italian BIO/11
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Analytical Methods for Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies 7 64 Italian CHIM/01 CHIM/08
Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy 10 80 Italian BIO/09
Methods in Cell Biology and Biochemistry 7 84 Italian BIO/10 BIO/13
Pharmacology 8 64 Italian BIO/14
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Generale Pathology, Immunology and Medical Microbiology 11 96 Italian MED/04 MED/07
Medicinal Chemistry and Bioprocesses 10 80 Italian CHIM/08 CHIM/11
Pharmacological and Toxicological Biotechnology 10 88 Italian BIO/14
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation of Biotechnological Medicinal Products 6 56 Italian CHIM/09
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Lab Training 8 0 Italian
Final Exam 5 0 Italian
The students have to successfully complete the propaedeutic exams listed in right column, before those listed in left column of the following table.
In the event that the list of propaedeutic exams changes, the students will have to comply with the list approved in the previous Academic Year
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Analytical Methods for Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies Biochemistry (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Physics (compulsory)
Generale Pathology, Immunology and Medical Microbiology Biochemistry (compulsory), General Microbiology (compulsory), Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy (compulsory)
Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy General E Cellular Biology (compulsory)
Informatics and Statistics for Biotechnologies (common) Mathematics for Biotechnology (compulsory)
Medicinal Chemistry and Bioprocesses Biochemistry (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
Microbial Agrobiotechnology General Microbiology (compulsory)
Molecular Genetics and Animal Models Genetics (compulsory)
Organic Chemistry General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory)
Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation of Biotechnological Medicinal Products General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Pharmacology (compulsory)
Pharmacological and Toxicological Biotechnology Biochemistry (compulsory), Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy (compulsory), Pharmacology (compulsory)
Pharmacology General E Cellular Biology (compulsory)
Plant Biology and Physiology General E Cellular Biology (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory)
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
General and Inorganic Chemistry 8 88 Italian CHIM/03
General E Cellular Biology 10 88 Italian BIO/13
Mathematics for Biotechnology 6 72 Italian MAT/01 MAT/02 MAT/03 MAT/04 MAT/05 MAT/06 MAT/07 MAT/08 MAT/09
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Informatics and Statistics for Biotechnologies (common) 6 48 Italian FIS/07 INF/01 MAT/03 SECS-S/01 SECS-S/02
Organic Chemistry 8 88 Italian CHIM/06
Physics 6 60 Italian FIS/07
Genetics 8 76 English AGR/07 BIO/18
Genetics 8 76 Italian AGR/07 BIO/18
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Assessment B1 (1 ECTS) 1 0 English
Study plan rules
- The student must choose one of the following courses
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Genetics 8 76 Italian Second semester AGR/07 BIO/18
Genetics 8 76 English Second semester AGR/07 BIO/18
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biochemistry 9 80 Italian BIO/10
Fundamentals of Economy and Bioethics 6 56 Italian AGR/01 IUS/01 IUS/04 MED/02 SECS-P/06
General Microbiology 9 80 Italian BIO/19
Molecular Biology 9 72 Italian BIO/11
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Animal Cell Biotechnology 6 48 Italian BIO/13 BIO/17
Chemical Methods for Biotechnology 8 88 Italian CHIM/02 CHIM/06
Fermentation Biotechnology 6 56 Italian BIO/11 BIO/18 CHIM/11
Plant Biology and Physiology 8 72 Italian BIO/01 BIO/04 BIO/18
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Applications in Biotechnology 12 112 Italian BIO/10 BIO/11
- Methods in Biochemistry6
- Methods in Molecular Biology6
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 12 96 Italian BIO/10 BIO/11 INF/01
- Bioinformatics6
- Computational Biology6
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Microbial Biotechnology 6 56 Italian BIO/18 BIO/19
Plant Industrial Biotechnology 9 80 Italian AGR/07 BIO/18
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Careers in Biotechnology 2 16 Italian
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Lab Training 8 0 Italian
Final Exam 5 0 Italian
The students have to successfully complete the propaedeutic exams listed in right column, before those listed in left column of the following table.
In the event that the list of propaedeutic exams changes, the students will have to comply with the list approved in the previous Academic Year
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Analytical Methods for Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies Biochemistry (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Physics (compulsory)
Generale Pathology, Immunology and Medical Microbiology Biochemistry (compulsory), General Microbiology (compulsory), Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy (compulsory)
Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy General E Cellular Biology (compulsory)
Informatics and Statistics for Biotechnologies (common) Mathematics for Biotechnology (compulsory)
Medicinal Chemistry and Bioprocesses Biochemistry (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory)
Microbial Agrobiotechnology General Microbiology (compulsory)
Molecular Genetics and Animal Models Genetics (compulsory)
Organic Chemistry General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory)
Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation of Biotechnological Medicinal Products General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory), Organic Chemistry (compulsory), Pharmacology (compulsory)
Pharmacological and Toxicological Biotechnology Biochemistry (compulsory), Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy (compulsory), Pharmacology (compulsory)
Pharmacology General E Cellular Biology (compulsory)
Plant Biology and Physiology General E Cellular Biology (compulsory), General and Inorganic Chemistry (compulsory)
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Course locations
Sede dei Corsi: Settori Didattici di Città Studi
Laboratory locations
Il corso di laurea è caratterizzato da un'intensa attività di laboratorio. I corsi di laboratorio sono obbligatori e devono essere frequentati nell'anno di competenza. Durante le lezioni pratiche vengono fornite le necessarie norme di sicurezza e di corretto comportamento in laboratorio.
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Quality Assurance Delegate

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more