The guarantors of rights
The University of Milan guarantees the rights, promotes the welfare and safeguards the dignity of its students and staff.
Pursuant to art.2 of the Code of Ethics, all members of the University have the right to be treated with respect and equal consideration, without direct or indirect discrimination on the grounds of: religion, personal political opinions, language, social or ethnic origin, nationality, health, age or sexual orientation.
The guarantors
To help safeguard rights, promote organizational welfare and guarantee the respect of regulations protecting students and staff, the University has set up three dedicated structures:

The Comitato Unico di Garanzia (Central Guarantee Committee) promotes equal opportunities and the wellbeing of workers and contrasts discrimination. It protects and promotes the dignity and rights of workers and students.
This is an impartial, external specialist who protects the personal, professional and academic dignity of University employees against injurious, discriminatory, or intimidatory actions,which could undermine their wellbeing.
This is an impartial reference point for students who wish to report problems pertaining to administration and/or education encountered during their studies.