Acceptance and integration
The University of Milan firmly condemns the war and calls for peace negotiations, along with the Conference of Italian Rectors (CRUI) and the RuniPace network. We support our Ukrainian students through the initiatives proposed at the Welcome and Integration University Roundtable of 21 March.
So far, we have:
- Set up 20 scholarships worth 6 thousand euros each for Ukrainian students. Moreover, we are encouraging them to apply for grants awarded by the Intesa SanPaolo Foundation
- Granted financially challenged Ukrainian students a temporary waiver of tuition and accommodation fees;
- Allocated free places in University halls of residence to both our existing Ukrainian students and those from Ukrainian universities;
- Created 4 visiting-scholar-at-risk positions for Ukrainian scholars.

The University is aware of the importance of acceptance and integration, especially at this historical moment.
There are numerous projects aimed at raising awareness of the topics and creating an inclusive culture. There is also a specialisation course in the Management of immigration and asylum seekers.
In accordance with the Cariplo Foundation, the University of Milan has set up the research group "Immigrants: reception and representation policies" and a permanent committee has been set up, comprising professors who are experts on immigration issues and technical personnel who work directly in the field of the reception and integration of immigrant students: the Acceptance and Integration Committee, which was created by vice-rectors Antonella Baldi and Marilisa D'Amico, has seen the involvement of a number of professors researching or teaching on topics relating to integration, to promote joint projects.
An interdisciplinary analysis of immigration and the connected issue of safeguarding human rights is the centre point for the Immigration Research and Human Rights Centre, whose objective is the interdisciplinary study of immigration and human rights.
The culture of integration is growing thanks to attention that is being placed on services - an activity that is championed by the Vice-Rector for Academic Planning and Services, students and personnel, Marina Brambilla – and also to a dialogue and actions that foster social responsibility, which are overseen by the Vice-Rector for Third Mission activities Marina Carini, including:
This project was developed by UNAR, the National Antidiscrimination Body, and the University of Milan to promote an inclusive environment within the University and a culture that fosters rights by rolling out a specific campaign on communication, training and guidance.
This meeting was aimed at raising awareness in the young individuals looking to study at the University of the importance that this University attaches on a daily basis to equality and inclusion.
By collaborating with Unar, which is part of the University's Inclusive project, the curriculum also includes a specific study into the topic of harassment in general, discrimination due to sexual orientation as well as an introduction to the tools that can help combat the barriers that can be encountered by students with disabilities or learning difficulties.
As part of that, educational materials have been created, including videos, which are made available to students during the Open Week event.
Promoted by the Office of the Deputy Rector for Legality, Transparency, Rights and Equality, the Unimi-Inclusiva project was developed in tandem by the University of Milan and Unar. On May 14, prospective students had a chance to attend a meeting on equality and inclusion, two key goals of our University.
The speakers focussed on the issue of gender-based discrimination and sexist language, and on the tools for promoting the inclusion of students with disabilities or specific learning disorders. The speakers included not only faculty members, but also university students who made these topics the subject of their theses and in-depth studies.
Two seminars looking into specific learning difficulties and disabilities, designed specifically for teaching personnel from the SpLD and disability department but open to anyone interesting in learning more about the topic.
Created using the Teams platform, the meetings were promoted by the University Service dedicated to supporting students with disabilities or SpLD together with the members of the University who are involved in guaranteeing equal opportunities in terms of their University education.
Training sessions include the participation of authoritative experts from a number of fields as well as time dedicated to debate, which is fundamental to bring to light the relevant principles and ideas as part of the diverse education opportunities offered by this University, and to collectively build good practice and strong foundations for a genuinely inclusive learning environment.
The University of Milan has signed two important manifestos relating to accepting refugee students, developed by the Vice-Rector for internationalisation Antonella Baldi.
On 6 November 2019, the University signed the first manifesto, which requires an undertaking to broaden activities and courses for the benefit of refugee students, such as IT and tutoring services, the acknowledgment of international qualifications, scholarships and incentives, and University opportunities for refugees who are resident in third countries.
On 15 June 2020, the University signed the second manifesto, which is a continuation of the 2019 pilot project, to activate educational opportunities.