View the CV database
The extensive online database containing the CVs of students and graduates of the University of Milan allows companies to search for the candidate that best suits their requirements, save the results of any searches carried out and retrieve them at any time for viewing the selected CVs.
Use of the database
The CV database can only be accessed by registering on the UNIMI-Almalaurea portal.
The service is free and allows users to view a limited number of CVs every year.
The service can only be used for the purpose of selecting staff and initiating recruitment and/or internship procedures. The service must not be used for promoting training courses or other training activities, even if they are provided free of charge.
The University may deny access to the database in the event of misuse.
Truthfulness of the data contained in the CVs
The University of Milan guarantees the truthfulness of the data entered into the archives of the University (personal and academic details) but is not responsible for the information entered by students and graduates (e.g. foreign language and computer skills).
Viewing of anonymous CVs
The anonymous CVs of students and graduates of the University who have given their permission for their CVs to be viewed, can be freely viewed by companies under Law 183/2010 - Collegato Lavoro (Italian employment legislation).
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- Tel +39 02 503.12231