The skills and initiative of the University research groups generate new companies that bring to the market the applications of the latest scientific and technological breakthroughs. The University of Milan encourages the participation of national and international third parties that can provide spin-offs with the tools to grow and thrive on the market.
The Unimi Foundation helps these companies to establish themselves on the market and identify potential industrial partners.
Contact details
For more information on how to collaborate with and invest in the University's Spin-Offs: [email protected]
The company develops digital ecosystems for the verification, control and supervision of systems based on the integration of data-driven technologies and machine learning, with particular reference to the analysis of issues of fairness, bias and transparency.
The EEM Team Spin-off Company mission is developing and commercializing a software able to visualize and analyze geophysical, geological and hydrogeological data and offering consulting services in terms of geophysical data acquisition, elaboration and interpretation.
The mission at Nephris is to develop first-in-class therapies for chronic kidney disease in diabetic patients (also known as Diabetic Nephropathy/Diabetic Kidney Disease, DKD). Nephris’ research activities are focused on novel targets of glomerular damage in DKD to develop novel therapeutic strategies aiming at preventing, halting or reversing DKD.
Huvant produces virtual and tactile models of complex organs for human surgery. The models let surgery students, interns and surgeons practice allowing the development of less invasive and more precise specific procedures for the patient.
Viridis’ proposal is offering innovative technologies to improve the effectiveness of waste and by-product valorization processes, starting off from the diary and agro-industrial sectors.
The Spin-off aims at realizing and offering to the Italian agribusiness market a voluntary label that can be paired to the obligatory one issued by the European Commission and that is based on a sustainability index of the product and the production chain.
The main objective of Intrinsic Powers Inc. is to optimize, certify and commercialize a practical and reliable tool that makes it possible to detect consciousness and its recovery during medical practice.
Piattaforma tecnologica con servizi digitali per il sequestro e la valorizzazione della CO₂ in ambito agricolo.
Spin-Off specializzata in medicina rigenerativa per le malattie neurologiche. Ha sviluppato una terapia cellulare rivoluzionaria per la rigenerazione dei tessuti nervosi danneggiati, che trova applicazione nella guarigione delle lesioni midollari in fase sub-acuta.
Spin-Off biotech che sviluppa medicine curative e definitive per le malattie auto-immuni, concentrandosi su sclerosi multipla e diabete di tipo 1.
Creazione di una piattaforma tecnologica all’interno della quale sviluppare tecnologie ad elevato valore innovativo, destinate principalmente, ma non in maniera esclusiva, al settore degli imballaggi flessibili.
Soluzioni per la difesa del territorio e la gestione della risorsa idrica.
Sviluppo di soluzioni digitali per il settore agroambientale: agricoltura di precisione, ideotyping, assicurazioni parametriche.
It develops innovative early-diagnosis systems that can be easily installed to monitor animal health through odour emission analysis.
Authclick deals with the protection of rights and transparency in transactions, enhancement, certification, archiving and digitization of photography.
It provides innovative technologies and organisational solutions for leftover food and waste management in the catering industry.
An innovative B2B platform for safety compliance monitoring of ICT systems that can be entirely configured by the end user.
It provides data analysis and visualization services based on advanced algorithms developed in the field of complex systems research.
It develops new cancer and autoimmune disease therapies, and new therapeutic tools for the production of monoclonal antibodies.
It produces customized supplements both in terms of content (dose and molecule combination) and release times.
It makes analytical devices for rapid biomolecular and biochemical tests in the food chain.
It provides innovative therapeutic tools, information systems and services for neuromodulation.
It creates new technologies for the development of therapeutic systems for the administration of active ingredients.