CRUI Calls for Applications
The CRUI Foundation is the operational arm of the Conference of Italian University Rectors.
Since 2001, it has been managing an internship service for universities, providing over 12,000 young students with work-based learning opportunities within high-profile organizations.
Internship offers are published several times a year and are regulated by calls for applications that define the internship subject, eligible candidates and admission requirements, the calendar, application and selection deadlines and procedures.
The MAECI – MUR – Italian Universities Internship Programme is the result of a collaboration between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and Italian universities. The Programme relies on the support of the CRUI Foundation for the organisation of curricular internships at MAECI institutions abroad, and is designed as an integration to the academic coursework aimed at enabling students to gain direct knowledge of the activities carried out by MAECI institutions in other countries.
All internships have a standard duration of three months, which can be extended for another month in agreement with the host institution and the student's university. The position is full-time.
Students who complete the 3-month internship in person will receive a flat-rate reimbursement of expenses by the University of Milan, in an amount between EUR 900 and EUR 1,500 depending on their Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE) for the year during which the internship is carried out.
Up to 13,000 |
EUR 500.00 |
From 13,001 to 21,000 |
EUR 450.00 |
From 21,001 to 26,000 |
EUR 400.00 |
From 26,001 to 30,000 |
EUR 350.00 |
Over 30,001 |
EUR 300.00 |
Participation requirements
In order to participate in the programme, students have to meet the following requirements by the deadline of the call for applications:
- Having Italian citizenship;
- For internships at diplomatic missions (embassies and permanent representations to International Organisations), delegations or consulates, being enrolled in one of the Master's or single-cycle degree programmes listed in point d of the Access Requirements section (Requisiti di accesso) of the call for applications;
- For internships at Italian Cultural Institutes (IIC), being enrolled in one of the Master's or single-cycle degree programmes listed in point e of the Access Requirements section (Requisiti di accesso) of the call for applications;
- Having earned at least 60 credits (CFU) in the case of Master's degrees or 230 CFU in the case of single-cycle degrees;
- Demonstrating proficiency in English at level B2 or higher under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), with a corresponding certificate issued by the University or an official certifying body;
- Having an arithmetic average of exam grades not lower than 27/30;
- Being under 29 years old;
- Not having been convicted of wilful crimes, even under a plea bargain, to a suspended sentence or with a pre-trial judgement imposing fine in lieu of custodial punishment, nor being charged in criminal proceedings for wilful crimes;
- Not being sentenced to security or preventive measures.
- Student status must be held at the time of application and maintained for the entire duration of the internship, for the same study programme noted in the application, under penalty of exclusion from the programme.
- As stated in the call for applications, upon completion of the internship students must be awarded the number of university credits specified in their study plan.
Application process
Applications must be submitted online at by 5 pm on 07 October 2024.
All applications received by the deadline specified in the call will be pre-selected by the University Study and Career Guidance Service (COSP), and in particular by COSP’s Internship Services, which will check that the requirements are met, also using the University systems. The results of the pre-selection process will be communicated to the CRUI Foundation and published on this page by 28 October 2024.
The CRUI Foundation will proceed with the subsequent selection steps as outlined in the call for applications, and then notify COSP’s Internship Services of the names of the selected candidates. Other communications may follow regarding reserves or vacant places, if any.
The Internship Services will then set up the internships, subject to acceptance of the proposals by the selected candidates.
During each stage of the process as set forth in the call for applications (pre-selection, acceptance/refusal of the assigned institution by the selected candidates, notification of step-by-step instructions on the internship set-up procedure) the Internship Services will contact students at the email address and telephone number which they specified in their application.
For information on deadlines, participation requirements, submission of applications and the pre-selection and selection processes, please check the call for applications available on the CRUI Foundation website at the dedicated page, as well as at this page of the University website.
For any communication via email, please refer to this call for applications in the subject line, as follows: MAECI-MUR-CRUI Foundation Call for applications.
- Application deadline 07 October 2024
- Internship timeframe: 13 January – 11 April 2024
In aggiunta al rimborso spese forfettario previsto dal bando di tirocini, gli studenti/le studentesse vincitori/vincitrici di una delle offerte di tirocinio ed in possesso dei requisiti richiesti per l’ottenimento della Borsa di studio regionale, potranno far richiesta dell’integrazione per la mobilità internazionale, la quale prevede l'erogazione di un contributo mensile e il rimborso forfettario delle spese di viaggio e dei pasti gratuiti spettanti e non fruiti.
Qualora fossero decorsi i tempi previsti dal bando Borse di studio regionale per la presentazione di domanda per l'integrazione, gli studenti/le studentesse beneficiari/e di borsa regionale potranno inviarne richiesta tramite InformaStudenti > Tasse e benefici – Fees and benefits > Borse di studio – Scholarships
Per informazioni sull’entità dell’integrazione e sulle modalità di presentazione della richiesta si prega di vedere alla seguente pagina: Borse di studio regionali (vd. Bando di concorso, Art. 6 - “Integrazioni per mobilità internazionale”)."
The Internship Programme Expo 2025 Osaka - Italian Universities is the result of a collaboration between the General Commissariat responsible for Italian participation at Expo 2025 Osaka and Italian universities. The Programme relies on the support of the CRUI Foundation for the organisation of curricular internships at the Commissariat’s offices in Rome and Osaka, as well as at the Expo 2025 Italian Pavilion. The Programme is designed as an integration to the academic coursework aimed at enabling students to gain direct knowledge of the institutional activities carried out by the Commissariat.
The current call is for 6 curricular internships at the General Commissariat’s offices in Rome. Internships will have a duration of three months between January-April 2025. The position is full-time.
No allowance is provided for the internship.
Participation requirements
In order to participate in the programme, students have to meet the following requirements by the deadline of the call for applications:
- having no criminal convictions or pending legal proceedings for wilful crimes;
- not being sentenced to security or preventive measures;
- being enrolled in one of the degree programmes listed in point d of the call for applications published by the CRUI Foundation and available at the top right of this section;
- having an average exam grade not lower than 25/30;
- being under 28 years old;
- having earned at least 120 credits (CFU) in the case of Bachelor’s or single-cycle degrees or 40 CFU in the case of Master’s degrees;
- having a B2 level or higher in English, as certified by the University or an official certifier within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Certified knowledge of the Japanese language is considered a plus.
Student status must be maintained for the entire duration of the internship, for the same study programme noted in the application. Hence, students cannot obtain their degree before the end of the internship.
Application process
Applications must be submitted online at by 5 pm on 14 November 2024.
All applications received by the deadline specified in the call will be pre-selected by COSP’s Internship Office, which will check that the requirements are met, also using the University systems.
By 02 December 2024, the Internship Office will post a shortlist of suitable candidates on this page. The shortlist will be sent to the CRUI Foundation, which will take care of the subsequent selection steps as described in the call, in cooperation with the Commissariat.
At the end of the selection process, the CRUI Foundation will notify COSP’s Internship Office of the names of the selected candidates. Other communications may follow regarding reserve candidates or vacant places, if any.
During each stage of the process (pre-selection, communications to selected/reserve candidates) the Internship Office will contact students at the email address and telephone number which they specified in their application.
Internship activation
Once the selection process is over, the Internship Office will start the curricular internship set-up procedure.
For information on deadlines, participation requirements, applications, pre-selection and selection processes, please refer to the call.
For any communication via email, please refer to this call for applications in the subject line, as follows: CRUI Foundation - Expo 2025 Osaka Call for applications October 2024
- Application deadline: 14 November 2024
- Internship cycle: January - April 2025
The MAECI – MUR – Italian Universities Internship Programme is the result of a collaboration between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and Italian universities. The Programme relies on the support of the CRUI Foundation for the organisation of curricular internships at MAECI education institutions abroad, and is designed as an integration to the academic coursework aimed at enabling students to gain direct knowledge of the activities carried out by MAECI at Italian schools in other countries.
Internship description
This call is to set up curricular internships at 6 public schools in Athens, Barcelona, Istanbul, Madrid, Paris and Zurich. Interns will provide support to teaching activities, carry out research, perform data analysis and processing, and assist MAECI and school staff in the organisation of events and other outreach activities.
Internships will last three months, with a possible one-month extension to be agreed between the host school, the intern and the intern's university. All internships are full-time.
Interns will receive an allowance for the whole period of their internship: 50% of the allowance will be paid by MAECI via the host school abroad, and 50% by the intern's home university (the amount to be paid by the University will be disbursed at the end of the internship, through a dedicated procedure).)
The amount of the allowance will be between €300 and €500, depending on the intern's Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE) for the year during which the internship is carried out (see the table below).
Up to €13,000 | € 500 |
From €13,001 to €21,000 | € 450 |
From €21,001 to €26,000 | € 400 |
From €26,001 to €30,000 | € 350 |
Over €30,001 | € 300 |
The allowance for those who did not submit their ISEE will amount to €300 per month.
Accommodation is not provided.
Admission requirements
In order to participate in the programme, students have to meet the following requirements by the deadline of the call for applications:
- having Italian citizenship;
- being enrolled in a Master's or single-cycle degree programme;
- having earned at least 60 credits (CFU) in the case of Master's degrees or 230 CFU in the case of single-cycle degrees;
- demonstrating proficiency in English at level B2 under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), plus proficiency in a second foreign language, if indicated by the host school (optional). Language proficiency must be certified by the University or an official certifying body;
- having an arithmetic average of exam grades not lower than 27/30;
- being under 28 years old;
- not having been convicted of wilful crimes, even under a plea bargain, to a suspended sentence or with a pre-trial judgement imposing fine in lieu of custodial punishment, nor being charged in criminal proceedings for wilful crimes;
- not being sentenced to security or preventive measures.
With reference to Annex 1 of the call for applications, applicants may be awarded extra points by the Selection Committee if they:
- demonstrate proficiency in a second foreign language, as indicated by the host school;
- hold a Master's degree belonging to one of the degree classes specified in the table contained in Annex 1.
- Student status must be held at the time of application and maintained for the entire duration of the internship, for the same study programme noted in the application, under penalty of exclusion from the programme.
- Interested students are required to check in advance that the internship is consistent with their study plan and with other training experiences in progress.
- As stated in the call for applications, upon completion of the internship students must be awarded the number of university credits specified in their study plan.
- Students are required to check in advance the health and safety conditions in the country where the host school is located, as well as the documents and procedures for entry in the country.
Application procedure
Applications must be submitted online at by 5 pm on 21 November 2024.
Please carefully follow the instructions contained in the call for applications, which is linked here on the right.
Selection process
All applications received by the deadline specified in the call will be pre-selected by COSP's Internship Services, which will check that the requirements are met, also using the University systems. The results of the pre-selection process will be communicated to the CRUI Foundation and published on this page by 10 December 2024.
The CRUI Foundation will proceed with the subsequent selection steps and notify COSP's Internship Services of the names of the selected applicants. Other communications may follow regarding reserves or vacant places, if any.
The Internship Services will then set up the internships, subject to acceptance of the proposals by the selected applicants.
During each stage of the process, the Internship Services will contact students at the email address and telephone number which they specified in their application.
For information on deadlines, admission requirements, submission of applications and the pre-selection and selection processes, please refer to the call.
For any communication via email, please refer to this call for applications in the subject line, as follows: CRUI Foundation Call for applications - Italian schools abroad.
- Application deadline: 21 November 2024
- Internship timeframe: February - May 2025
The Milano Cortina 2026 – Italian Universities Internship Programme is the result of a collaboration between the Milano Cortina 2026 Foundation and Italian universities. The Programme relies on the support of the CRUI Foundation for the organisation of internships at the offices of the Milano Cortina 2026 Foundation.
The Programme aims to give participants a chance to strengthen the knowledge and skills acquired during their academic studies with a hands-on experience in the organisation of the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games 2026.
The selected candidates will support activities in the organisational area where the internship will be undertaken, as set out in the training project.
The current call is for the activation of 17 extracurricular internships to be undertaken and the Milan offices of the Milano Cortina 2026 Foundation. Internships will have a duration of six months and will take place approximately from April to October 2024. The position is full-time.
Internship allowance
The Milano Cortina 2026 Foundation will provide interns with a monthly allowance of €850.
Participation requirements
In order to participate in the programme, students have to meet the following requirements by the deadline of the call for applications:
- not having been convicted of wilful crimes, even under a plea bargain, to a suspended sentence or with a pre-trial judgement imposing fine in lieu of custodial punishment, nor being charged in criminal proceedings for wilful crimes;
- not being sentenced to security or preventive measures;
- having a degree in one of the degree classes listed in the internship postings;
- having a degree mark of at least 100/110;
- having a B1 level or higher in English, as certified by the University or an official certifier within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) .
The qualification must have been obtained within 12 months of the closing date of this call for applications.
Application procedure
Applications must be submitted online at by 5 pm on 23 February 2024.
Pre-selection process
All applications received by the deadline specified in the call will be pre-selected by COSP’s Internship Services, which will check that the requirements are met, also using the University systems.
By 8 March 2024, the Internship Services will post the list of suitable candidates on this page. The list will be sent to the CRUI Foundation, which will take care of the subsequent selection steps as described in the call, in cooperation with the Milano Cortina 2026 Foundation.
The Milano Cortina 2026 Foundation reserves the right to arrange further selection stages and/or tests with eligible candidates, before identifying the winners.
The CRUI Foundation will proceed with the subsequent selection steps and notify COSP’s Internship Services of the names of the selected candidates. Other communications may follow regarding reserves or vacant places, if any.
During each stage of the process (pre-selection, notification of the selected candidates/reserves/vacant places) the Internship Services will contact students at the email address and telephone number which they specified in their application.
Internship activation
Once the selection process is over, the Milano Cortina 2026 Foundation will start the extracurricular internship set-up procedure.
For information on deadlines, admission requirements, applications, pre-selection and selection processes, please refer to the call.
For any communication via email, please refer to this call for applications in the subject line, as follows: CRUI Foundation - Milano Cortina 2026 Call for applications
- Chiusura candidature: 23 febbraio 2024
- Durata tirocini: aprile - ottobre 2024
The "Strengthen the State" internship programme (“Rafforziamo lo Stato”) was set up jointly by the Ministry of Education and Italian Universities, with the organizational support of the CRUI Foundation. It offers curricular internships at central and local administration offices of the Ministry of Education. It is an opportunity for University students to hone their skills and gain direct knowledge of the institutional activities of the Ministry of Education.
A total of 156 curricular internships are available at central and local administration offices of the Ministry of Education in the period October 2021 - February 2022. The internships last four months, with a full-time work schedule. The selected candidates will support activities in the organizational area where the internship will be undertaken, as set out in the learning agreement.
In the face of the Covid-19 emergency, internship postings will be subject to the evolution of the health situation. The internship may therefore take place in person and/or remotely, in accordance with the Covid-19 measures that will be adopted by the host office.
Admission requirements
In order to participate in the internship programme, on the deadline of the call for applications, you must:
- not have been convicted of wilful crimes, even under a plea bargain, to a suspended sentence or with a pre-trial judgment imposing fine in lieu of custodial punishment, nor be charged in criminal proceedings for wilful crimes;
- not be sentenced to safety or preventive measures;
- be enrolled in a Master's or single-cycle degree programme in one of the degree classes listed at the bottom of the call for applications, as well as in the Annex "List of internship postings by degree class";
- have an exam weighted average score not lower than 25/30;
- have earned at least 40 credits (CFU) in the case of Master's degrees, or 210 CFU in the case of single-cycle Master's degrees.
- Student status must be hold at the time of application and maintained for the entire duration of the internship, for the same study programme noted in the application, under penalty of exclusion from the programme.
- As stated in the call for applications, the internship must award transfer credits as required by the study plan.
Application procedure
Applications must be submitted online at by 5 pm on 6 September 2021.
Pre-selection process
All applications received by the deadline will be pre-selected and checked for requirements by the COSP (University Study and Career Guidance Service), also through the University systems. By 15 September 2021, the COSP will post the list of suitable candidates to this page. The list will be sent to the CRUI Foundation, which will take care of subsequent selection steps as described in the call. The CRUI Foundation will notify the COSP of the winners and any replacements, and the COSP will contact them and set up the internships, subject to acceptance of the proposals by the selected candidates.
For information on deadlines, admission requirements, applications, pre-selection and selection processes, please refer to the call.
For any communications via e-mail, please note the call title in the subject line: Bando di tirocini Fondazione CRUI-MIUR.
- Application deadlines: 6 September 2021
- Internships duration: October 2021 - February 2022
The internship programme offered by the Chamber of Deputies in cooperation with Italian universities constitutes a partnership between the Chamber and the universities. The aim of the programme is to achieve more structured and systematic involvement of students from Italian universities through internships at the premises of the Chamber of Deputies, in order to hone the learning and training process, and facilitate career choices.
The current call is for the activation of 10 curricular internship to be undertaken in person at the premises of the Chamber of Deputies. Internships will have a duration of six months and will take place approximately from January - July 2024. The position is full-time.
The internship offer and its method of completion could however be changed before, during or after this call for applications in the event of health and/or safety emergencies.
Participation requirements
Students who meet the following requisites as at the deadline date for this call for applications can participate in the programme:
- have no criminal convictions, penalty notices or plea bargaining agreements for crimes with intent, nor any pending legal procedures for crimes with intent;
- not be subject to judicial security or prevention measures;
- have level B1 English or higher as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (QCER), certified by the university or official certification body;
- be able to satisfy the university curriculum requirements set out in point 1 in the section Applicants and Access Requirements in the Selection Notice (available here at the side);
Note that:
- the student status with the degree class included on the application must be maintained for the entire duration of the internship;
- losing even just one of the requisites when completing the internship will result in immediate exclusion from the internship.
Students who are interested must first verify the compatibility of the internship with their study plans and other ongoing training experiences.
Application procedure
Internship applications must only be sent electronically by logging on to the portal at the following address by 5 pm on 23 November 2023.
Preselection process
All applications arriving by the deadline for this call for applications will be preselected by the Traineeships Office of the University Study and Career Guidance Service (COSP), which will check that the requirements set out in the call for applications are met, including through university systems. The result of the preselection process will be communicated to the CRUI Foundation and published on this page by 04 December 2023.
The CRUI Foundation will proceed with the subsequent selection steps outlined in the selection notice, and will inform the Traineeships Office of the University Study and Career Guidance Service (COSP) solely of the winners and any reserves, so that they can be contacted in relation to accepting or refusing the internship offer and, if it is accepted, proceed with activating the internship.
For all information on deadline dates, participation requirements, submitting an application, the preselection and selection process, consult the selection notice.
When sending communications via e-mail, please refer to this call for applications in the subject header as follows: CRUI Foundation call for applications - Chamber of Deputies internship
N.B: During the preselection process, applicants may be contacted by the university to provide additional documentation in support of their application.
- Application closing date: 23 November 2023
- Internship duration: January – July 2024