Student organizations

The University of Milan guarantees, promotes and fosters student associations according to applicable statutory and regulatory provisions, as well as self-managed cultural activities run by its students.

The University supports, both financially and by guaranteeing the freedom of assembly in its own spaces, cultural, social and recreational activities promoted and managed by its students and intended for the entire student body.

In order to ensure a fair and transparent allocation of financial resources and spaces to all students engaged in various initiatives, the University has established a mandatory Register of student organizations.

The following student organizations can register, provided they meet membership requirements:

  • Student associations that promote activities of general interest to the University or activities of interest to a specific Department;
  • Student groups that promote activities of general interest to the University or activities of interest to a specific Department;
  • Student representatives;
  • Student cooperatives (pursuant to arts. 2511 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code) that promote activities of general interest to the University or activities of interest to a specific Department.

The registration term is two years and allows student organizations to apply for funding and spaces. The Register is regularly reviewed to ensure that registered student organizations still meet membership requirements.

Committee for the cultural and social activities of student organizations

The Committee assesses applications for registration from student associations, groups and cooperatives, as well as applications for funding from registered organizations.

Applications for funding can only be submitted using the online procedure available at the following link:

Refund requests must be submitted online at:

A partire dal 1° ottobre 2021 sono in vigore le nuove linee guida per lo svolgimento delle attività collegate all’organizzazione di Banchetti informativi a cura delle Associazioni, dei Gruppi, delle Cooperative e delle Liste di rappresentanza accreditate all’Albo d’Ateneo.

Per quanto attiene lo svolgimento di attività quali eventi, convegni e manifestazioni, gestite dall’Ufficio Eventi, le Organizzazioni studentesche accreditate sono invitate a compilare l’apposita modulistica.