English language certificates

Thanks to an agreement with Cambridge English, the University of Milan is a Cambridge Exam Centre (IT998).

Registration is open to both internal and external users.

How to register

In order to register for a Cambridge exam, users have to wait for the official call, which is published on the website about 2 months before the exam date.


Results will be available in 5-10 working days from the end of the key assessment date.

Certificates are dispatched to the SLAM Centre 14 working days from the end of the session week.

2024 Calendar for digital EXAMS


  • Wednesday, 23 October 2024 (Speaking: Thursday, 24 October 2024)
  • Monday, 2 December 2024 (Speaking: Tuesday, 3 December 2024)


  • Wednesday, 23 October 2024 (Speaking: Thursday, 24 October 2024)
  • Monday, 2 December 2024 (Speaking: Tuesday, 3 December 2024)


  • Tuesday, 24 September 2024 (Speaking: Wednesday, 25 September 2024)
  • Monday, 11 November 2024 (Speaking: Tuesday, 12 November 2024)


  • Thursday, 26 September 2024 (Speaking: Wednesday, 25 September 2024)
  • Wednesday, 13 November 2024 (Speaking: Tuesday, 12 November 2024)

N.B.: session dates from September to December 2024 may vary.


SLAM – University of Milan Language Centre organises English language development courses with a view to sitting the Cambridge English language certification exams.

Each course has an overall duration of 20 hours. Registration is open to both internal and external users. Registration fee for internal users (including Unimi graduates for up to 12 months) is equal to 222 euros, including materials; registration fee for external users is equal to 230 euros, including materials. 5 participation requests at the least are needed for each course to be activated and there are up to 10 seats available.

For further information as well as to sign up and pay, please refer to the relevant notice, which is  published on this webpage about one month prior to the start of each course.


It is strongly recommended to visit the Cambridge website for preparation materials, sample tests and practice:

Information for candidates booklets are now available. Each booklet is filled with useful information, from study tips and frequently asked questions about the exams, to top tips for exam day and an explanation of your learners’ scores:

What's it like to take a computer- based exam?

Did you know that preparing for computer-based Cambridge English Qualifications is just the same as for the paper-based exams?

The computer-based exams are user-friendly, don’t require any technical skills and have many useful features. Candidates listen with headphones and can control the volume. They will also receive their results more quickly than those taking paper-based exams.

 Why not share this short video with your students so they can learn more about taking a computer-based exam? 

 Watch this video to learn more about it

2024 Calendar for English language development COURSES


  • March - April CALL IS CLOSED


  • May - June CALL IS CLOSED
  • October - November


  • September - October* CALL IS CLOSED

*the call for this course will be published two months in advance.

For further information, please write to

Fees for students, graduates for up to 12 months, PhD students, research fellows, scholarship holders, post-graduates, teaching staff, and non-teaching staff of the University of Milan:

  • B1 Preliminary (PET): 100 euros
  • B2 First (FCE): 140 euros
  • C1 Advanced (CAE): 150 euros
  • C2 Proficiency (CPE): 165 euros

Fees for external users, of age exclusively:

  • B1 Preliminary (PET): 140 euros
  • B2 First (FCE): 190 euros
  • C1 Advanced (CAE): 210 euros
  • C2 Proficiency (CPE): 215 euros
  • Stage 1 (all levels): 45 euros
  • Stage 2 (B1 Preliminary): 100 euros
  • Stage 2 (B2 First, C1 Advanced, C2 Proficiency): 150 euros
Ceremony for awarding the first Cambridge certificates