Fees - current year
The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:
- The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
- The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year)
As students are bound to pay the total tuition and fees, the payment of the first instalment entails the obligation to pay the second one as well, if any.
A no tax area is set for students on track with exams and off track for one year with ISEE certification until 30.000 €.
The University also offers total or partial fees exemption for students meeting specific requirements established by law or University regulations
For information on admissions, enrolment, tuition and fees.
The first instalment is € 156 - € 140 regional tax for the right to an education + € 16 stamp duty.
It is the same amount for all students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle Master's degree programmes and is paid through the Payment services.
First year:
Students must pay within the deadline indicated in the call for admission. If you pay by printing the payment slip, the deadline is indicated in the slip itself.
Enrolment renewal:
Students must pay the first instalment from 15 July and within 30 September 2024.
In the event of enrolment after the deadline, a late payment fee will be due.
The online degree programme in Computer Systems and Networks Security requires an additional € 500 fee for students on track and € 200 for students off track that must be paid by 30 November 2024.
The amount of the second instalment is calculated on the basis of the following variables:
- The financial condition of the student's household, as confirmed by the ISEE University certificate, to be requested from a CAF (tax assistance centre) or INPS (Italian social security) within 16 October 2024;
- The fee area for the degree programme (A or B);
- the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than one year).
The second instalment will be available starting from the second week of December and must be paid by 31 January 2025.
The payment procedure is available on Unimia, which provides direct access to the Payment services.
For students who enrol after 31 December 2024, and no later than 31 March 2023, the second instalment will be available as of April 2025, and must be paid by 31 May 2025.
In the event of payments after the deadline, a late payment fee will be due.
Failure to pay the second instalment by the deadline will result in late payment fees, as well as the student's career being immediately halted. If the payment is not settled, the University will cancel any exams taken after the career halt, and will start debt collection procedures in accordance with the law.
The second instalment must also be paid by drop-out students who do not submit a formal application for withdrawal from studies.
Second instalment and scholarship
Students who are eligible for DSU regional scholarship and University scholarships have a waiver on the second instalment of tuition fees
Second instalment amount is determined on the basis of ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) according to the rules contained in the Regulations on tuition and fees, waivers and scholarships.
A no tax area is set for students on track with exams and off track for one year with ISEE certification until 30.000 €, exceeded the no tax area a progression based on ISEE University value is defined.
Students on track and off track for one year
Area |
Minimum amount: all students with an ISEE value up to € 30,000 |
Maximum amount |
A |
0 |
€ 3.204 |
B |
0 |
€ 4.101,12 |
Students off track for more than one year
Area |
Minimum amount: all students with an ISEE value up to € 30,000 |
Maximum amount |
A |
€ 200 |
€ 4.806 |
B |
€ 200 |
€ 6.151,68 |
Students enrolled on track with a regular career who have earned 90% of academic credits (CFU) by 30 September are granted a € 500 discount on the second instalment which is automatically calculated, without the student having to submit a specific application.
The number of credits to be earned are those required by the Study Programme up to the previous Academic Year.
In the case of training activities spread over several years or more semesters with a single exam, all credits will refer to the year in which the student is required to take the exam, as set out in the Study Programme.
Students with a regular career are those who are enrolled on track, have not interrupted their studies or repeated any years, and those already holding a degree.
Part time enrolled students cannot receive this type of exemption.
Medicine and Health professions
For students enrolled in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes for Health Professions and in single-cycle degree programmes in Medicine, the award of internship credits will be assessed as of 30 November.
A waiver is granted to transfer students who have repeated a programme year.
In the case of enrolment following internal transfer from another study programme for current academic year, the 90% merit requirement refers to the number of credits envisaged by the original programme, taking into account the student's enrolment cohort.
In the case of enrolment following transfer from another university for current academic year or of enrolment following transfer from another university or from another study programme prior to current academic year, the merit requirement refers to the number of credits envisaged by the study programme last enrolled, taking into account the student's enrolment cohort.
In all cases of transfer, the waiver is granted only if the student has repeated just once the same programme year in their entire academic career.
If the second instalment is equal to or greater than € 700, it may be sub-divided in four instalments.
The instalment plan is only available to students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle Master's degree programmes. It is not available for:
- those who matriculate or renew enrolment after 31 December ;
- those who enrol in a post-graduate programme (masters, advanced courses, PhDs, post-graduate schools);
- the additional fee due for the online degree programme in Computer Systems and Networks Security.
Instalment plan procedure
Eligible students may apply for the instalment plan online as soon as the payment procedure is available, and no later than 31 January 2025. Once the instalment plan has been confirmed, it is no longer possible to pay the second instalment as a lump sum. To apply for the instalment plan:
- access, from your personal UNIMIA page, Sifa online services > Online payment service > Instalment plan
- apply for the instalment plan. Once the instalment plan has been confirmed, it is no longer possible to pay the second instalment as a lump sum
- pay the first instalment
The second, third and fourth instalments will become available for payment only after receipt of the previous payment by the University.
You cannot apply for the instalment plan from your smartphone.
Cancellation of the instalment plan
Career termination (for withdrawal from studies, transfer, graduation) will result in the instalment plan being cancelled, and the student will be required to pay the full amount of the second instalment, subject to any late payment fees.
The instalment plan will lapse and the student will be required to pay the outstanding fees as a lump sum if:
- a single payment is not made as required by the University;
- the ISEE value changes, and the second instalment amount is updated after 31 January;
- payments are not fulfilled within the deadline for the fourth instalment.
Failure to pay every single instalment will immediately result in the student's career being halted, until regularization of their administrative status.
Only the late payment of the fourth and last instalment involves a late payment fee.
For students with foreign citizenship whose household produces income and assets abroad, the second instalment is not calculated on the ISEE University value, but consists of a fixed second instalment amount based on the student's citizenship, the fee area for the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than one year).
Italian citizens residing abroad and having income / assets produced abroad will pay fees based on their country of residence.
Students with foreign citizenship whose household produces income and possesses assets in Italy must apply for the ISEE University certificate.
For the purposes of right-to-an-education benefits (scholarships, canteens, accommodation), foreign students who cannot apply for the ISEE University certificate will have to provide financial evidence upon submitting their online application
Countries: table A
- On track and off track for one year - Area A: € 200
- On track and off track for one year - Area B: € 256
- Off track for more than one year - Area A: € 300
- Off track for more than one year - Area B: € 384
Countries: table B
- On track and off track for one year - Area A: € 700
- On track and off track for one year - Area B: € 896
- Off track for more than one year - Area A: € 1,050
- Off track for more than one year - Area B: € 1,344
Countries: table C
- On track and off track for one year - Area A: € 2,000
- On track and off track for one year - Area B: € 2,560
- Off track for more than one year - Area A: € 3,000
- Off track for more than one year - Area B: € 3,840