Vocational Masters
Vocational Masters provide graduates with additional specific expertise in order to increase professionalism. The programmes generally last from 1 to 2 years with obligatory attendance.
The Master is an advanced, scientific course of study which aims at the acquisition of knowledge and professional skills at a technical-operational or planning level, and can be organized in collaboration with public or private institutions. The Masters do not confer any final qualification, but the credits acquired through attendance can also be recognized for continuing in other post-graduate courses in Italy and in Europe.
The masters are divided into two categories, which have different characteristics and access requirements:
- 1st Level Vocational Master
Entrance requirements: First Cycle (Bachelor's) Degree or a suitable equivalent foreign qualification.
Duration: 1 year, maximum 2 years
University Credits: 60
Professional title awarded: 1st Level Vocational Master - 2nd Level Vocational Master
Entrance requirements: second cycle degree or single-cycle degrees (5-6 years)
Duration: 1 year
University Credits: 60
Professional title awarded: 2nd Level Vocational Master
Students who wish to enrol on the programmes must have the necessary qualifications and requirements indicated in the programme call for applications and pass any required entrance tests.
Be sure to consult the specific call for applications for each master for details.
Attendance for all course activities is mandatory and cannot be suspended for any reason.
The required enrolment fee may vary from course to course and is indicated in the call for applications in which reference is also made to any scholarships available, the criteria for their assignment, the eligibility requirements and any documents that need to be submitted when applying for them.
To participate in the selection it is necessary to pay 50 euros, which is reimbursed, upon request, only if the course is not activated.
Before registering for a master programme, it is essential to read the course call for applications carefully, which indicates, in addition to the contents, objectives and educational organization of the course, the following:
- entry requirements
- maximum number of students admitted and selection method
- programme costs (enrolment contribution) and available student financial aid
- deadlines and method of submission of entry and enrolment applications
- contact information for the organizational and administrative office
To apply for a Vocational Master programme, complete the following by or before the deadline indicated in the call for application:
- Have the following information to hand:
- a valid identity document
- the name of the university where you completed the degree requirements requested in the call for application
- the date that you completed the requested degree requirements
- Access the admission service by using:
• your [email protected] (if you graduated from or are currently enrolled at the University of Milan), or
• your SPID identity, or
• your external user credentials (if you do not have them, please register on the University portal)
- Complete the admission application online.
Login to the admissions portal, find the master’s programme of your choice and complete the online form. - If you have a foreign degree
attach the following to your admission application:- a copy of your degree
- a translation of the degree in Italian, which has been legalized by the authorities in the country where the qualification was issued
- Check and confirm the data in your application:
a copy will be sent to your university email address or the email address that you indicated during the registration process - Pay the admission fee (50 euros, which is non-refundable)
indicated at the end of the admissions procedure by credit card or with or with the MAV payment form, which is printable at the end of the online enrolment procedure. The MAV payment form can be paid at any bank in Italy. - Save and conserve a copy of the admission application
Non-EU students residing abroad are required to submit a pre-enrolment application on Universitaly website.
To participate in the selection, upload your CV and any other requested certifications in the online Admission application procedure.
If you have a qualification obtained abroad, you should attach to the application:
- a copy of the qualification
- the translation in Italian and legalization of the qualification (contact the Diplomatic Representation in the country where the title was obtained)
- the Declaration of Value, issued by the same authority, or the Diploma Supplement, legalized according to current legislation (for qualifications obtained in the EU), and alternatively another validation certificate issued by ENIC_NARIC Centres or by Diplomatic Representations in Italy.
If you have a non-university degree recognized as equivalent as per law, you have to attach to your application:
- a copy of the aforementioned qualification
- a copy of the high school degree.
For all information strictly related to the organization of the master, please refer to the administrative office of the department. Contact information is indicated in the call for application and on the website of the master’s programme, available on the portal.
The ranking lists are published online.
Check the ranking lists periodically: admitted students should enroll within 5 days from the date of publication of the results.
The following documents are necessary:
- Italian tax code (codice fiscale)
- scanned copy of student badge (formats accepted: JPG, PNG, BMP - maximum 2 MB)
- scanned copy of identity document (formats accepted: JPG, PNG, BMP - maximum 2 MB)
- login to the enrolment services website for the master
- insert the requested data
- upload documents
- pay the first instalment of the tuition fees (by credit card at the moment of enrolment or with the MAV payment form, which is printable at the end of the online enrolment procedure. The MAV payment form can be paid at any bank in Italy.)
- confirm data indicated
- print and save a copy of the receipt, which should NOT be submitted to the university.
Only those admitted with a foreign degree or with non-university certification must submit the receipt with the additional documentation indicated in the call for applications to the Doctoral and Master's Degrees Office (Student Office for Phd, Vocational Masters, State Exams, and Post-Graduate Programmes).
Those admitted with non-university certification (recognized as valid equivalent) must attach a copy of the degree with a copy of the secondary school diploma (only if this was not done at the moment of the admission application), which can also be taken to the Office of Doctoral and Master's Degrees.
Those who are accepted with a foreign degree must attach the original or an authenticated copy of the following to the enrolment receipt:
- university degree
- official legal translation
- Dichiarazione di valore in loco (Certificate of Equivalence of Qualification), issued by the embassy or consulate of the country where the degree has been completed or a legalized Diploma Supplement for candidates who obtained the qualification in an EU country
- copy of Italian residence permit (permesso di soggiorno) for non-EU citizens
The University reserves the right to verify the actual possession of the declared admission requirements. The non-validity of submitted data and documents will result in exclusion from the course at any time.
Please contact the administrative office of the master's programme, indicated in the call for applications.
You can pay the second instalment, within the established deadlines, by logging into Unimia, the students’ personal web page.
- Login to Unimia using your university username and password ([email protected] and password) which are listed on the second page of the enrolment receipt
- go to the section: Administrative situation (Situazione amministrativa) and select: Online payment service (Servizio online pagamenti)
- select one of the payment options: MAV or credit card
Enrolled students are responsible for paying tuition installments by the established deadlines. In case of delayed payment there will be a fine of:
- 30 euros for payments made up to 15 days after the payment deadline
- 60 euros for late payments made more than 15 days after the payment deadline
To conclude the master programme with success, it is necessary to pass one or more final evaluations of the competencies that have been acquired.
All registered students who have regularly attended the course, completed an internship and who are up-to-date with tuition payments will be admitted to the final tests.
The attainment of a Master results in the acquisition of at least 60 credits which can be recognized for continuation in other post-graduate courses in Italy and in Europe.
You can print the self-certifications directly by accessing your Unimia page.
The request for certificates issued by the administration must, instead, be submitted to the Doctorate Office, Student Secretariat, in via S. Sofia 9/1 by appointment, which should be booked with the Informastudenti service personally, or by delegating another person with an identity document, by written delegation on plain paper with a copy of both the front and back of the applicant's identity document.
The certificate request form must be presented at the office with one €16 tax stamp for each certificate requested.
Certificates can also be sent by post.
Course withdrawal can be carried out at any time by completing the appropriate form.
Withdrawal submitted before the beginning of the course is eligible for reimbursement of the contribution paid for enrolment and attendance of the course, less 10% which is withheld to cover expenses.
The reimbursement must be requested by completing the appropriate form to which the original payment receipt must be attached.

A tenured teacher can use the 500 euros provided by the Teacher's Card for professional updating, to enroll in graduate or master's degree courses and for refresher courses, carried out by qualified organizations or accredited by the Ministry of Education of the University and Research.
The design, planning and provision of masters programmes are included in the Quality Management System that aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of this process in order to continuously improve and increase levels of satisfaction.
The process related to accreditation activities is certified according to regulation UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.