Simultaneous enrolment in two higher education programmes

Pursuant to Law no. 33 of 12 April 2022, to Ministerial Decrees no. 930 of 29 July 2022 and no. 933 of 2 August 2022, and to the resolution of the Academic Senate of 13 September 2022, it is possible to simultaneously enrol in two higher education programmes under the conditions set out below.

How to apply for enrolment in two higher education programmes

Applications must be submitted through the online service Application for simultaneous enrolment.

As of 2024, you can access the University's admission / enrolment / education incentive programmes and information services by using your SPID identity. Further information is available on the Registration page.

This operation is not required of those already registered on the portal or in possession of UniMi credentials ([email protected] or [email protected]).

Students must submit their application for the second higher education programme in which they wish to enrol. Therefore, applications for simultaneous enrolment are open only to those who are already enrolled in another programme at the University of Milan or at another university or AFAM institution (i.e. an institute of higher education in Art, Music and Dance).

The service allows students to enrol in the second higher education programme conditionally, until their application is assessed.

Students who are already enrolled at this University in years subsequent to the first and want to enrol in a second higher education programme at another university must submit their application for simultaneous enrolment to that university.

Assessment of the application and notification of the outcome

The application will be processed by the student office of the second higher education programme for which the student has applied.

Students will be notified of the outcome of their application at their UniMi email address (if they are already enrolled at the University of Milan) or at their personal email address indicated during registration (if they are not yet enrolled).

University of Milan's Educational Offer

Find out the Undergraduate, the Master's degree and single cycle Master degree programmes, and all the Post-Graduate programmes.

Application requirements

Students may simultaneously enrol in two higher education programmes at this University, or in one higher education programme at this University and a second one at another university or AFAM institution in Italy or abroad, provided that they choose one of the following combinations:

  • two Bachelor’s, Master’s or single-cycle Master’s degree programmes of different degree classes, with at least two thirds of the courses of the two programmes belonging to different scientific disciplinary sectors (SSD). For university-based degree programmes, the two-third requirement is calculated with regard to core and supplementary courses (attività di base, caratterizzanti, affini), while for other programmes it is calculated with regard to all the courses, without any distinction;
  • a Bachelor’s degree programme and a Master’s degree programme;
  • a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme and a PhD;
  • a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme and a vocational Master’s programme;
  • a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme and a non-medical postgraduate school;
  • two vocational master’s programmes (but not the same programme offered by two different universities);
  • a vocational master’s programme and a postgraduate school, subject to approval by the respective managing bodies, which have to ascertain the feasibility of attending both study programmes successfully at the same time;
  • a PhD programme and a non-medical postgraduate school, subject to approval by the respective managing bodies, which have to ascertain the feasibility of attending both study programmes successfully at the same time;
  • a PhD programme and a medical postgraduate school, subject to the provisions of Ministerial Decree no. 226 of 14 December 2021;
  • a PhD programme and a vocational master’s programme, subject to approval by the respective managing bodies, which have to ascertain the feasibility of attending both study programmes successfully at the same time;

In any case, students must hold the qualifications required by Italian legislation and the University regulations for enrolment in the different study programmes.

Students can apply for simultaneous enrolment in two locally-capped programmes only if they appear as “admitted” in the ranking list of both programmes.

In accordance with the University’s current regulations, students can enrol in two or more of the following programmes at the University of Milan or another institution without having to submit an application for simultaneous enrolment:

  • two or more advanced courses;
  • advanced courses and single courses;
  • a vocational master’s programme + advanced courses and single courses;
  • a PhD programme + advanced courses and single courses;
  • a postgraduate school + advanced courses and single courses;
  • a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme + advanced courses;
  • a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme + single courses offered by another university; in this case, credits of single courses offered by other universities may not be transferred to the degree programme that the student is attending at the University of Milan.

Please note that simultaneous enrolment in two of the above degree programmes does not relieve students from the obligation to comply with mandatory attendance requirements, where applicable.

Off-track students may not enrol in a second study programme.

Students who attend a joint degree programme may enrol in a second programme, while students of double degree programmes may not.

Students may not enrol in two study programmes that require mandatory attendance, unless where the attendance requirement applies only to workshops and internships. 

Simultaneous enrolment in two nationally capped programmes will be regulated by a specific Ministerial Decree, as set forth by Law no. 33 of 12 April 2022.

Students may not enrol simultaneously in:

  • two PhD programmes;
  • two postgraduate schools.

L’istanza deve essere presentata per il secondo corso a cui lo studente intende iscriversi. Bisogna pertanto essere già iscritti a un primo corso di questo Ateneo oppure ad un corso di un’altra Università o AFAM.

Nel caso di iscrizione contemporanea a un dottorato di ricerca e a un master, a Scuola di Specializzazione e dottorato di ricerca, oppure a un master e una Scuola di Specializzazione, è necessario il parere favorevole degli Organi Collegiali di entrambi i corsi a cui lo studente intende iscriversi:

  • Corso di prima iscrizione erogato da questo Ateneo: è necessario allegare un’autocertificazione relativa alla possibilità, secondo la normativa vigente, di frequentare i due corsi di interesse. Il parere dell’Organo collegiale verrà acquisito d’ufficio;
  • Corso di prima iscrizione erogato presso altro Ateneo: lo studente deve contattare l’Ateneo di prima iscrizione per acquisire l’autorizzazione necessaria. In attesa di ricevere il parere dei competenti organi didattici, è possibile allegare un’autocertificazione. Una volta ottenuta l’autorizzazione rilasciata dall’Organo collegiale di riferimento, ciascun iscritto dovrà inviarla tramite Informastudenti.

L’approvazione alla seconda iscrizione da parte degli Organi Collegiali dell’Università degli Studi di Milano verrà acquisita d’ufficio.

Una volta ottenuti i documenti necessari, l’istanza potrà essere accolta. Fino a quel momento l’iscrizione sarà intesa con riserva. In caso di mancata autorizzazione, è prevista l’esclusione dal corso.

Casi particolari:

  • Nel caso di iscrizione a due master, all’interno dell’istanza è necessario allegare i piani degli studi di entrambi i master.
  • Non è necessario presentare l’istanza di contemporanea iscrizione, fermo restando il rispetto degli obblighi di frequenza laddove previsti, quando uno dei due corsi è un corso di perfezionamento. È possibile altresì iscriversi a più corsi di perfezionamento senza dover presentare l’istanza di contemporanea iscrizione.
  • Nel caso di iscrizione a Scuola di Specializzazione medica e Dottorato di ricerca, si rimanda alle condizioni di compatibilità previste dal D.M. 226/2021 art. 7 Decreto Ministeriale n.226 del 14-12-2021 | Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (
Tuition and fees

Students enrolled simultaneously at two universities in Lombardy must pay the regional tax only to the first university at which they enrol.

Students enrolled simultaneously at the University of Milan and a university or AFAM institution in another region must pay the regional tax to both institutions.

Students enrolled in two higher education programmes at the University of Milan must pay the stamp duty on their first and second tuition instalment (if the latter has to be paid, as per the Regulation on Tuition and Fees for academic year 2023/2024) for both study programmes.

Pursuant to art. 13 of the Regulation on Tuition and Fees for academic year 2023/2024, issued by Rector’s Decree no. 0025021/23 of 23 June 2023, students are not entitled to any refund of the first instalment, even if their enrolment is conditional upon acceptance of their application for simultaneous enrolment.

Rules on benefits under the education incentive programme

Students who are simultaneously enrolled in two higher education programmes may apply for education incentive benefits for only one of the two programmes. In other words, students must choose for which programme they want to apply for the benefits, and this choice will be valid for the whole period of simultaneous enrolment. Students enrolled in years subsequent to the first who have already obtained benefits under the education incentive programme with regard to their first enrolment may not apply for these benefits for the second programme in which they enrol.

In order to obtain the scholarship increase referred to in art. 6, paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Ministry of University and Research no. 1320 dated 12 December 2021, students have to prove that they still meet the merit requirements established by said decree.

Students in receipt of a scholarship are entitled to a full or partial waiver on the all-inclusive fee for both programmes in which they are enrolled, provided that they meet the applicable requirements.