Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs (PPPA)

Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs (PPPA)
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
Master programme
interateneo Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
LM-62/78 R - Scienze della politica/Scienze filosofiche
The Master in Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs (PPPA), offered jointly by the University of Milan and Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, is a highly interdisciplinary programme that offers advanced and comprehensive training in both political science and philosophy. This training is specifically designed to provide students with the solid academic preparation and the analytical tools necessary to critically interpret complex public issues and to address the political questions they raise. The programme provides students with an awareness of the challenges and opportunities associated with current social trends, and with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand them and to propose effective and ethically appropriate interventions to address the political problems arising from such trends.
By the end of the programme, students will be familiar with the methods of political and social science used to study and explain political and social processes, as well as the philosophical methods of conceptual, logical and argumentative analysis and critical evaluation.
To achieve these learning objectives, the study plan includes a common core of compulsory courses that provide advanced knowledge of the basic concepts, methods and theories of political science and political, moral and social philosophy, together with an understanding of some of the economic, legal and social challenges of our time. Common courses combine different disciplinary perspectives and approaches, providing the common background necessary for elective courses, while helping students to develop strong argumentation skills and knowledge of the epistemic status and methods of empirical research in political sciences.
Elective courses cover a wide range of topics that are at the centre of public debate and raise important political issues. These topics include:
- The trends and challenges that characterise contemporary democracies, both domestically and in an international context characterised by increasing instability and new forms of conflict.
- The opportunities and challenges posed by climate change and by developments in science and technology, with particular reference to biomedicine, information technology and neuroscience.
- The demographic and socio-cultural changes affecting contemporary societies and their management, with a focus on gender inequalities, cultural diversity and migration dynamics.
- The transformations of the contemporary economy and their impact on people's rights, the labour market, welfare systems and levels of social inequalities.
By the end of the programme, students will be familiar with the methods of political and social science used to study and explain political and social processes, as well as the philosophical methods of conceptual, logical and argumentative analysis and critical evaluation.
To achieve these learning objectives, the study plan includes a common core of compulsory courses that provide advanced knowledge of the basic concepts, methods and theories of political science and political, moral and social philosophy, together with an understanding of some of the economic, legal and social challenges of our time. Common courses combine different disciplinary perspectives and approaches, providing the common background necessary for elective courses, while helping students to develop strong argumentation skills and knowledge of the epistemic status and methods of empirical research in political sciences.
Elective courses cover a wide range of topics that are at the centre of public debate and raise important political issues. These topics include:
- The trends and challenges that characterise contemporary democracies, both domestically and in an international context characterised by increasing instability and new forms of conflict.
- The opportunities and challenges posed by climate change and by developments in science and technology, with particular reference to biomedicine, information technology and neuroscience.
- The demographic and socio-cultural changes affecting contemporary societies and their management, with a focus on gender inequalities, cultural diversity and migration dynamics.
- The transformations of the contemporary economy and their impact on people's rights, the labour market, welfare systems and levels of social inequalities.
Political adviser
Job description:
The political adviser analyses political, economic and social phenomena, highlighting their dynamics and paying attention to their medium- or long-term developments and their ethical implications; examines key issues in public debate and highlights the factors to be taken into account in addressing them; compares possible lines of intervention, taking into account both feasibility and effectiveness criteria as well as ethical issues; develops intervention proposals and advises on the development of medium- and long-term strategies in the light of the opportunities or problems associated with political, cultural, social and economic trends.
Professional skills:
The job requires: a multidisciplinary approach, including philosophical disciplines and political and social sciences; the ability to critically analyse complex political, economic and social phenomena and to grasp their dynamics, possible developments and the ethical issues they raise; the ability to analyse and interpret empirical data; argumentation skills; social skills (e.g. relational, communicative, organisational and managerial skills).
Employment opportunities:
Local, national and international public institutions; research centres of political parties and other political organisations, interest groups and trade associations, national and international non-governmental and third sector organisations.
Political science specialist
Job description:
The political scientist conducts research on political, economic and social phenomena; develops research projects; develops interpretative and explanatory hypotheses; collects and critically examines empirical data; writes research reports and informative and scientific publications; coordinates projects, research groups and activities aimed at disseminating research results at national, European or international level.
Professional skills:
The job requires: specialised knowledge of political, economic and sociological fields; ability to interpret complex political, economic and social phenomena from a multidisciplinary perspective, understanding their specificities, dynamics and implications in relation to issues of public interest; ability to analyse and interpret data using qualitative and quantitative methods; ability to develop rigorous research designs appropriate to the topics addressed; social skills (e.g. relational, communicative, organisational and managerial skills).
Employment opportunities:
Public or private organisations, institutions and research centres operating at local, national or international level. In addition, graduates who have obtained a sufficient number of credits in certain disciplinary areas will be able to participate in the national competition for secondary school teachers, in accordance with current legislation.
Philosophy specialist
Job description:
The philosophy specialist carries out research activities in the philosophical field; develops research projects; proposes interpretative hypotheses on the ethical issues raised by political, economic and social phenomena and/or scientific and technological developments; comparatively examines possible lines of intervention with regard to problems of public importance and proposes arguments and criteria to discriminate between the available options; writes research reports and informative and scientific publications; coordinates projects, research groups and activities aimed at disseminating research results at national, European or international level.
Professional skills:
The job requires: expertise in philosophy; a multidisciplinary set of skills enabling an understanding of complex political, economic and social phenomena and the ethical issues they raise; logical and argumentative skills; the ability to carry out philosophical analysis using a range of methods; the ability to develop rigorous research designs appropriate to the topics addressed; social skills (e.g. relational, communicative, organisational and managerial skills).
Employment opportunities:
Public or private organisations, institutions and research centres operating at local, national or international level. In addition, graduates who have obtained a sufficient number of credits in certain disciplinary areas will be able to participate in the national competition for secondary school teachers, in accordance with current legislation.
Internal consultant for companies, organisations and public and private institutions
Job description:
The internal consultant has high strategic, managerial and operational responsibilities; she/he coordinates working groups and carries out project management, work planning, communication and marketing activities.
Professional skills:
The job requires: multidisciplinary skills enabling the consultant to design broad strategies taking into account a variety of factors and to effectively coordinate working groups of professionals with different skills; ability to critically analyse and interpret political, cultural, social and economic trends; ability to anticipate and adapt; social skills (e.g. relational, communicative, organisational and managerial skills).
Employment opportunities:
Public administrations; public and private institutions, non-governmental and third sector organisations requiring professionals with strategic, management and communication skills; private companies at national, international or global level.
Cultural manager
Job description:
The cultural manager develops and coordinates cultural projects and initiatives; analyses the characteristics and trends of cultural demand; identifies and manages resources for the organisation of cultural initiatives; plans and manages training courses aimed at disseminating culture and current affairs, including to non-specialist audiences; collaborates in the preparation of training and information materials and in the creation of editorial projects.
Professional skills:
The job requires: multidisciplinary knowledge and a strong cultural awareness, enabling an understanding of the links between cultural phenomena and political, cultural, social and economic trends; analytical, forecasting and planning skills; social skills (e.g. relational, communicative, organisational and managerial skills).
Employment opportunities:
Communication, publishing, journalism and cultural industries in general; foundations, institutes and public and private organisations that carry out cultural projects and other activities for the dissemination of knowledge and culture.
Job description:
The political adviser analyses political, economic and social phenomena, highlighting their dynamics and paying attention to their medium- or long-term developments and their ethical implications; examines key issues in public debate and highlights the factors to be taken into account in addressing them; compares possible lines of intervention, taking into account both feasibility and effectiveness criteria as well as ethical issues; develops intervention proposals and advises on the development of medium- and long-term strategies in the light of the opportunities or problems associated with political, cultural, social and economic trends.
Professional skills:
The job requires: a multidisciplinary approach, including philosophical disciplines and political and social sciences; the ability to critically analyse complex political, economic and social phenomena and to grasp their dynamics, possible developments and the ethical issues they raise; the ability to analyse and interpret empirical data; argumentation skills; social skills (e.g. relational, communicative, organisational and managerial skills).
Employment opportunities:
Local, national and international public institutions; research centres of political parties and other political organisations, interest groups and trade associations, national and international non-governmental and third sector organisations.
Political science specialist
Job description:
The political scientist conducts research on political, economic and social phenomena; develops research projects; develops interpretative and explanatory hypotheses; collects and critically examines empirical data; writes research reports and informative and scientific publications; coordinates projects, research groups and activities aimed at disseminating research results at national, European or international level.
Professional skills:
The job requires: specialised knowledge of political, economic and sociological fields; ability to interpret complex political, economic and social phenomena from a multidisciplinary perspective, understanding their specificities, dynamics and implications in relation to issues of public interest; ability to analyse and interpret data using qualitative and quantitative methods; ability to develop rigorous research designs appropriate to the topics addressed; social skills (e.g. relational, communicative, organisational and managerial skills).
Employment opportunities:
Public or private organisations, institutions and research centres operating at local, national or international level. In addition, graduates who have obtained a sufficient number of credits in certain disciplinary areas will be able to participate in the national competition for secondary school teachers, in accordance with current legislation.
Philosophy specialist
Job description:
The philosophy specialist carries out research activities in the philosophical field; develops research projects; proposes interpretative hypotheses on the ethical issues raised by political, economic and social phenomena and/or scientific and technological developments; comparatively examines possible lines of intervention with regard to problems of public importance and proposes arguments and criteria to discriminate between the available options; writes research reports and informative and scientific publications; coordinates projects, research groups and activities aimed at disseminating research results at national, European or international level.
Professional skills:
The job requires: expertise in philosophy; a multidisciplinary set of skills enabling an understanding of complex political, economic and social phenomena and the ethical issues they raise; logical and argumentative skills; the ability to carry out philosophical analysis using a range of methods; the ability to develop rigorous research designs appropriate to the topics addressed; social skills (e.g. relational, communicative, organisational and managerial skills).
Employment opportunities:
Public or private organisations, institutions and research centres operating at local, national or international level. In addition, graduates who have obtained a sufficient number of credits in certain disciplinary areas will be able to participate in the national competition for secondary school teachers, in accordance with current legislation.
Internal consultant for companies, organisations and public and private institutions
Job description:
The internal consultant has high strategic, managerial and operational responsibilities; she/he coordinates working groups and carries out project management, work planning, communication and marketing activities.
Professional skills:
The job requires: multidisciplinary skills enabling the consultant to design broad strategies taking into account a variety of factors and to effectively coordinate working groups of professionals with different skills; ability to critically analyse and interpret political, cultural, social and economic trends; ability to anticipate and adapt; social skills (e.g. relational, communicative, organisational and managerial skills).
Employment opportunities:
Public administrations; public and private institutions, non-governmental and third sector organisations requiring professionals with strategic, management and communication skills; private companies at national, international or global level.
Cultural manager
Job description:
The cultural manager develops and coordinates cultural projects and initiatives; analyses the characteristics and trends of cultural demand; identifies and manages resources for the organisation of cultural initiatives; plans and manages training courses aimed at disseminating culture and current affairs, including to non-specialist audiences; collaborates in the preparation of training and information materials and in the creation of editorial projects.
Professional skills:
The job requires: multidisciplinary knowledge and a strong cultural awareness, enabling an understanding of the links between cultural phenomena and political, cultural, social and economic trends; analytical, forecasting and planning skills; social skills (e.g. relational, communicative, organisational and managerial skills).
Employment opportunities:
Communication, publishing, journalism and cultural industries in general; foundations, institutes and public and private organisations that carry out cultural projects and other activities for the dissemination of knowledge and culture.
In the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, PPPA has signed agreements with the following universities:
- Europa-Universität Flensburg (Germany)
- Heidelberg University (Germany)
- Leipzig University (Germany)
- Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)
- University of Bayreuth (Germany)
- University of Bremen (Germany)
- University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
PPPA also participates in the 4EU+ programme, which allows students to take online courses offered by the European universities that are part of the 4EU+ European University Alliance: https://4euplus.eu/4EU-1.html
- Europa-Universität Flensburg (Germany)
- Heidelberg University (Germany)
- Leipzig University (Germany)
- Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)
- University of Bayreuth (Germany)
- University of Bremen (Germany)
- University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
PPPA also participates in the 4EU+ programme, which allows students to take online courses offered by the European universities that are part of the 4EU+ European University Alliance: https://4euplus.eu/4EU-1.html
Attendance is not compulsory but highly recommended.
A Bachelor's degree or equivalent Italian or foreign qualification is required for admission.
All applicants with a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy (L-5 or equivalent Italian or foreign degree) or Political Science and International Relations (L-36 or equivalent Italian or foreign degree) will be considered for admission.
Candidates with a Bachelor?s degree or equivalent in other disciplines will only be considered for admission if they have completed at least 42 credits (ECTS or equivalent) in the disciplinary fields of M-FIL/02, M-FIL/03, M-FIL/04, M-FIL/05, M-FIL/06, SPS/01, SPS/02, SPS/04, SPS/07, SPS/08, SPS/09, SPS/10, SPS/11, IUS/07, IUS/08, IUS/09, IUS/10, IUS/13, IUS/14, IUS/20, IUS/21, M-DEA/01, M-STO/04, SECS-P/01, of which at least 12 in the disciplinary fields of M-FIL/03, SPS/01, SPS/02, SPS/04, IUS/20.
Proficiency in English at a B2 level or higher per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required for admission.
The B2-level requirement will be ascertained by the University Language Centre (SLAM) upon admission as follows:
- Language certificate of B2 or higher level issued no more than three years before the date of admission application. You will find the list of language certificates recognized by the University at: https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39322. The certificate must be uploaded when submitting the online application;
- English level achieved during a University of Milan degree programme and certified by the University Language Centre (SLAM) no more than four years before the date of admission application, including levels based on language certificates submitted by the applicant during their Bachelor's degree at the University of Milan. In this case the process is automatic, the applicant does not have to attach any certificates to the application;
- Entry test administrated by the University Language Centre (SLAM) according to the calendar published on the website: (https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39267/)
All those who fail to submit a valid certificate or do not meet the required proficiency level will be instructed during the admission procedure to take the Entry test.
Applicants who do not take or pass the Entry test will be required to obtain a language proficiency certificate recognized by the University (see https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39322) and deliver it to the SLAM via the InformaStudenti service by the deadline fixed for the master's programme (https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39267/).
Applicants who do not meet the requirement by said deadline will not be admitted to the master's degree programme and may not sit any further tests.
Applications are assessed by an ad-hoc admission committee. Applicants may be invited to attend an online interview to assess whether they have the basic knowledge and skills required to successfully complete the programme.
All applicants with a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy (L-5 or equivalent Italian or foreign degree) or Political Science and International Relations (L-36 or equivalent Italian or foreign degree) will be considered for admission.
Candidates with a Bachelor?s degree or equivalent in other disciplines will only be considered for admission if they have completed at least 42 credits (ECTS or equivalent) in the disciplinary fields of M-FIL/02, M-FIL/03, M-FIL/04, M-FIL/05, M-FIL/06, SPS/01, SPS/02, SPS/04, SPS/07, SPS/08, SPS/09, SPS/10, SPS/11, IUS/07, IUS/08, IUS/09, IUS/10, IUS/13, IUS/14, IUS/20, IUS/21, M-DEA/01, M-STO/04, SECS-P/01, of which at least 12 in the disciplinary fields of M-FIL/03, SPS/01, SPS/02, SPS/04, IUS/20.
Proficiency in English at a B2 level or higher per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required for admission.
The B2-level requirement will be ascertained by the University Language Centre (SLAM) upon admission as follows:
- Language certificate of B2 or higher level issued no more than three years before the date of admission application. You will find the list of language certificates recognized by the University at: https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39322. The certificate must be uploaded when submitting the online application;
- English level achieved during a University of Milan degree programme and certified by the University Language Centre (SLAM) no more than four years before the date of admission application, including levels based on language certificates submitted by the applicant during their Bachelor's degree at the University of Milan. In this case the process is automatic, the applicant does not have to attach any certificates to the application;
- Entry test administrated by the University Language Centre (SLAM) according to the calendar published on the website: (https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39267/)
All those who fail to submit a valid certificate or do not meet the required proficiency level will be instructed during the admission procedure to take the Entry test.
Applicants who do not take or pass the Entry test will be required to obtain a language proficiency certificate recognized by the University (see https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39322) and deliver it to the SLAM via the InformaStudenti service by the deadline fixed for the master's programme (https://www.unimi.it/en/node/39267/).
Applicants who do not meet the requirement by said deadline will not be admitted to the master's degree programme and may not sit any further tests.
Applications are assessed by an ad-hoc admission committee. Applicants may be invited to attend an online interview to assess whether they have the basic knowledge and skills required to successfully complete the programme.
Application for admission: from 22/01/2025 to 30/06/2025
Application for matriculation: from 02/04/2025 to 15/01/2026
Attachments and documents
Online services
Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
First trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Conflicts, Political Arrangements and Legitimacy | 9 | 60 | English | SPS/01 |
Political Order, Violence and Institutions | 9 | 60 | English | SPS/04 |
Optional | ||||
The Politics of Mobility, Displacement and Asylum | 6 | 40 | English | M-DEA/01 |
Second trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Critical Thinking and Argumentation | 3 | 20 | English | M-FIL/02 |
Empirical Research in Political Sciences | 3 | 20 | English | SPS/04 |
Rationality, Rules and Institutions | 9 | 60 | English | SECS-P/01 |
Optional | ||||
Economy and Society: Past, Present and Perspectives | 6 | 40 | English | SPS/04 |
Gender Theory and Social Issues | 6 | 40 | English | SPS/07 |
Third trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Ethical Theory and Hard Choices | 6 | 40 | English | M-FIL/03 |
The Western Tradition: Moral and Political Values | 12 | 80 | English | M-FIL/06 |
Optional | ||||
Contemporary Challenges: Labor Market and Inequalities | 6 | 40 | English | SPS/09 |
Contemporary Challenges: Migrations and Cultural Diversity | 6 | 40 | English | SPS/10 |
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Liberal Rights and Social Justice | 6 | 40 | English | IUS/20 |
Optional activities and study plan rules
1 - Students must earn 6 credits by selecting 1 course from those listed below
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Contemporary Challenges: Labor Market and Inequalities | 6 | 40 | English | Third trimester | SPS/09 |
Economy and Society: Past, Present and Perspectives | 6 | 40 | English | Second trimester | SPS/04 |
Liberal Rights and Social Justice | 6 | 40 | English | Open sessions | IUS/20 |
2 - Students must earn 6 credits by selecting 1 course from those listed below
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Contemporary Challenges: Migrations and Cultural Diversity | 6 | 40 | English | Third trimester | SPS/10 |
Gender Theory and Social Issues | 6 | 40 | English | Second trimester | SPS/07 |
The Politics of Mobility, Displacement and Asylum | 6 | 40 | English | First trimester | M-DEA/01 |
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Second trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
The Welfare State and Social Innovation | 6 | 40 | English | SPS/04 |
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Differences and Non-Discrimination: Rights in Action | 6 | 40 | English | IUS/07 |
Optional | ||||
Additional Language Skills: French (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | French | |
Additional Language Skills: German (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | German | |
Additional Language Skills: Italian (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Italian | |
Additional Language Skills: Spanish (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Spanish | |
Climate change: ethics and politics | 6 | 40 | English | M-FIL/03 |
Dirty-Hands Politics: Theories and Practices | 6 | 40 | English | SPS/01 |
Frontiers in Bioethics | 6 | 40 | English | M-FIL/03 |
Global Challenges to Democracy | 6 | 40 | English | SPS/04 |
Justice and International Affairs | 6 | 40 | English | SPS/01 |
Neuroethics and Human Enhancement | 6 | 40 | English | M-FIL/03 |
Reasoning with Data | 6 | 40 | English | M-FIL/02 |
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Final Exam | 15 | 0 | English |
Optional activities and study plan rules
3 - Students must earn 6 credits by selecting 1 course from those listed below
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Climate change: ethics and politics | 6 | 40 | English | Open sessions | M-FIL/03 |
Frontiers in Bioethics | 6 | 40 | English | Open sessions | M-FIL/03 |
Neuroethics and Human Enhancement | 6 | 40 | English | Open sessions | M-FIL/03 |
Reasoning with Data | 6 | 40 | English | Open sessions | M-FIL/02 |
4 - Students must earn 6 credits by selecting 1 course from those listed below
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Dirty-Hands Politics: Theories and Practices | 6 | 40 | English | Open sessions | SPS/01 |
Global Challenges to Democracy | 6 | 40 | English | Open sessions | SPS/04 |
Justice and International Affairs | 6 | 40 | English | Open sessions | SPS/01 |
Not specified period
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Qualitative Methods for Empirical Research | 3 | 20 | English |
Third trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Quantitative Methods for Empirical Research | 3 | 20 | English |
Optional activities and study plan rules
5 - Students must earn 12 credits of electives (additional courses of their choice)
6 - Students must earn 6 credits choosing from advanced computer or Language skills, internships, workshops and other activities
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Additional Language Skills: French (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | French | Open sessions | |
Additional Language Skills: German (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | German | Open sessions | |
Additional Language Skills: Italian (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Italian | Open sessions | |
Additional Language Skills: Spanish (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Spanish | Open sessions | |
Qualitative Methods for Empirical Research | 3 | 20 | English | ||
Quantitative Methods for Empirical Research | 3 | 20 | English | Third trimester |
Learn more
Head of study programme
Academic guidance tutor
Erasmus and international mobility tutor
Internship tutor
Reference structures
- Services for students with disabilities
https://www.unimi.it/en/study/student-services/services-students-disabilities - Contact:
[email protected] - Student registrar
Via S. Sofia 9/1 - 20122 Milano (MI) Italia
https://www.unimi.it/en/study/student-services/welcome-desk-informastudenti - Services for students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD)
The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:
- The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
- The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year)
- An additional fee is due for online programmes
The University also offers:
- Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
- Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
- Concessions for international students with refugee status
Scholarships and benefits
The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).
Learn more
Admission, ranking and enrolment