Human Nutrition and Food Science

Studente osserva al telescopio
Human Nutrition and Food Science
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
Master programme
LM-61 R - Scienze della nutrizione umana
Master programme
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
Il corso di laurea magistrale in Alimentazione e Nutrizione Umana si propone di fornire conoscenze avanzate e formare capacità professionali adeguate allo svolgimento di numerose attività finalizzate alla corretta gestione e applicazione dell'alimentazione e della nutrizione nel rispetto delle relative normative. Il corso di laurea presenta una visione olistica e sistemica della qualità dell'alimentazione in una formazione che è basata su una approfondita conoscenza degli alimenti e dell?ambiente alimentare, del consumatore e delle sue problematiche nutrizionali. Si propone specificamente di fornire agli studenti e alle studentesse conoscenze degli elementi costitutivi della qualità, sicurezza e sostenibilità dell'alimentazione e la capacità di collegarli e integrarli in un profilo di requisiti appropriato a soddisfare i bisogni della popolazione generale, di specifici gruppi di popolazione e di singoli individui rispettando allo stesso tempo esigenze e vincoli del sistema alimentare. A tale scopo vengono fornite conoscenze e competenze sulla predisposizione di protocolli dietetici per il singolo individuo e le comunità oltre che sulle tecniche di rilevamento dei consumi alimentari, dello stato di nutrizione, della composizione corporea e del dispendio energetico. Inoltre i laureati e le laureate in Alimentazione e Nutrizione Umana acquisiscono le conoscenze essenziali delle complesse relazioni tra dieta e stato di salute e i principi della prevenzione attraverso l'alimentazione nonché alcune conoscenze di base della psicologia dei consumi, del counseling nutrizionale e della comunicazione in campo alimentare/nutrizionale.
La formazione ricevuta permetterà ai laureati e alle laureate magistrali di svolgere ruoli di responsabilità nelle aziende alimentari e farmaceutiche, specialmente per quanto riguarda lo sviluppo e la valorizzazione di prodotti alimentari ad elevato impatto nutrizionale (alimenti funzionali, prodotti nutraceutici), la gestione dell'etichettatura e dell'informazione relativa alle indicazioni nutrizionali e sulla salute (health claims) e lo sviluppo dei sistemi di certificazione. I laureati e le laureate potranno, inoltre, trovare
impiego nelle aziende di ristorazione e ristorazione ospedaliera, specialmente per l'implementazione di sistemi integrati di gestione per la qualità del servizio erogato, negli organismi pubblici e privati preposti ai controlli, nelle istituzioni che si occupano degli effetti dell'alimentazione sulla salute e sul benessere degli individui, negli enti di ricerca in campo alimentare e nutrizionale e, infine, nelle attività di formazione, educazione, divulgazione e pubblicistica in tema di nutrizione, qualità e sicurezza degli alimenti.
Sbocchi occupazionali e professionali previsti per i laureati

Funzione in un contesto di lavoro:
La figura professionale di nutrizionista formata da questo corso di laurea opera a tutti i livelli del sistema alimentare (dalla
formulazione di alimenti alla loro distribuzione, dalla ristorazione allo sviluppo di sani stili di alimentazione che risultino anche
sostenibili dal punto di vista ambientale e accettabili per i diversi target di consumatori) con la finalità di renderlo idoneo alla
promozione della salute umana realizzando un approccio distinto e integrato a quello sanitario.

Competenze associate alla funzione:
Rientrano nelle competenze del laureato in Alimentazione e nutrizione Umana:
a) lo sviluppo, la formulazione e la valorizzazione di prodotti alimentari ad elevato impatto nutrizionale (alimenti funzionali,
alimenti destinati ad una alimentazione particolare e a fini medici speciali, integratori alimentari);
b) la gestione dell?etichettatura e delle informazioni relative alle indicazioni nutrizionali (nutritional claims) e più in generale dei
vari aspetti della comunicazione;
c) la ricerca e la documentazione degli effetti salutistici degli alimenti e dei componenti alimentari (health claims);
d) la valutazione della qualità nutrizionale e sensoriale e la gestione della sicurezza e dell'idoneità degli alimenti per il consumo,
e) la proposta e verifica di protocolli dietetici per una corretta alimentazione finalizzata al mantenimento di un ottimale stato di
f) l?impostazione e la gestione di programmi di educazione alimentare rivolti alla popolazione generale o a specifici gruppi;
g) la collaborazione a indagini sui consumi alimentari e a programmi di sorveglianza nutrizionale;
h) le ricerche di mercato e le relative attività in relazione alla produzione alimentare e allo studio dei trend di consumo;
i) la ricerca e lo sviluppo nel settore dell?alimentazione e nutrizione umana;
l) la formazione degli operatori del settore agro-alimentare nel settore della qualità e sicurezza

Sbocchi occupazionali:
Nelle aziende alimentari e farmaceutiche i laureati in Alimentazione e Nutrizione Umana svolgono ruoli di responsabilità, per
quanto riguarda lo sviluppo e la valorizzazione di prodotti alimentari ad elevato impatto nutrizionale (alimenti funzionali, alimenti
destinati ad una alimentazione particolare e a fini medici speciali, integratori nutrizionali), la gestione della sicurezza e
dell'idoneità degli alimenti per il consumo, la valutazione della qualità nutrizionale e sensoriale, nonché la gestione dei vari
aspetti della comunicazione verso un pubblico generale o specialistico. Inoltre stabiliscono, tenendo conto delle normative
comunitarie, le informazioni relative alle indicazioni nutrizionali (nutrition claims), indirizzano la ricerca e documentano gli
effetti salutistici degli alimenti e dei component alimentari (health claims).
Nelle aziende di distribuzione e di ristorazione, in particolare istituzionale, svolgono attività di programmazione, gestione,
controllo, coordinamento e formazione, implementando sistemi integrati di gestione per la qualità del servizio erogato, sia esso
pubblico o privato.
Nelle istituzioni che si occupano degli effetti dell?alimentazione e nutrizione sulla salute umana svolgono ruoli di
responsabilità, coordinamento, consulenza e ricerca. Possiedono inoltre le competenze per verificare la corretta assunzione di
alimenti per raggiungere i livelli ottimali di nutrienti per il mantenimento dello stato di salute a livello di gruppi e di singoli
individui, e per progettare e condurre attività di educazione alimentare, formazione, divulgazione e pubblicistica.
I laureati che avranno crediti in numero sufficiente in opportuni gruppi di settori potranno, come previsto dalla legislazione vigente,
partecipare alle prove di ammissione per i concorsi di formazione per l?insegnamento secondario.

Il corso prepara alla professione di (codifiche ISTAT)
1. Biologi e professioni assimilate - (
2. Biotecnologi - (
3. Ricercatori e tecnici laureati nelle scienze biologiche - (
4. Ricercatori e tecnici laureati nelle scienze agrarie, zootecniche e della produzione animale - (

Il corso consente di conseguire l'abilitazione alle seguenti professioni regolamentate:
The eligibility criteria to study under the Erasmus+ program, the rules for participation and the criteria for students selection are described in a specific call dedicated to the Food Area. Erasmus+ provides mobility opportunities within 40 academic partners, widely distributed in Europe and selected on the basis of their excellence and teaching affinity with the Italian degree. Students can apply to take courses in the area of nutrition and to carry out experimental work for the thesis in the following thematic areas: applied nutrition, assessment of nutritional status, nutritional characterization of food products and study of their in vitro and in vivo effects, the role of diet on the microbiota, food production technologies and food microbiology as well as activities relating to food education. The outline of the Erasmus+ study program (learning agreement) is prepared by the student in collaboration with the Italian academic Erasmus+ tutor. This document is defined after consulting the teaching board of the Italian degree and receiving the official approval of the activities to be performed in the host institution. In case of research activities, a detailed program describing the activities and the duration of the internship must be planned and formally approved by the host institution supervisor and by a member of the Italian teaching board (Italian supervisor). At the end of study period abroad, the Erasmus+ activities (credits and grades) must be certified in a document called transcripts of records that must be approved by the Italian teaching board. Exam grades are converted according to a pre-defined scale of any grades relating to previously approved optional courses. The MSc degree in Human Nutrition and Food Science is part of the international program Erasmus+ Placement which is finalized to fund mobility of students, to carry out research activities aimed at the preparation of their final thesis in highly qualified host institutions (private and public universities and research centers). Furthermore, the participation of male and female students in the thesis abroad call for proposals financed by the University is also supported, which allows them to carry out their degree thesis in qualified structures even outside the European Union.
Course attendance is strongly recommended.
Admission requirements

Applicants to the programme must have adequate basic knowledge. More specifically, they must hold a university degree obtained by 31 December 2025, in classes L-26, L-2, L-13, L-29, in health professions classes L-SNT3 (Dietitian only) and L-SNT4 (Environment and workplace prevention technician only), or in classes 20, 1, 12 and 24, and health professions classes SNT/3 e SNT/4 under the previous regulations. In addition to a degree in the above listed classes, at least 50 credits will be required as additional curricular requirements in the following academic fields, covering biology, biochemistry, nutrition, hygiene, food technologies and microbiology: BIO/01, 03, 09, 10, 12, 13, 16, CHIM/06, CHIM/10, AGR/15, AGR/16, MED/07, MED/42, MED/49 and similar.

Proficiency in English at a B1 level or higher under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required for admission.
The B1-level requirement will be ascertained by the University Language Centre (SLAM) upon admission as follows:
- Language certificate at or above B1, obtained no more than three years earlier. For the list of language certificates recognized by the University please review: ( The certificate must be uploaded when submitting the online application;
- English level achieved during a University of Milan degree programme and certified by the University Language Centre (SLAM) no more than four years before the date of admission application, including levels based on language certificates submitted by the applicants during their Bachelor's degree at the University of Milan. In this case the process is automatic, the applicant does not have to attach any certificates to the application;
- Entry test administrated by the University Language Centre (SLAM) according to the calendar published on the website: (
All those who fail to submit a valid certificate or do not meet the required proficiency level will be instructed during the admission procedure to take the Entry test.
Applicants who do not take or pass the Entry test will be required to obtain a language proficiency certificate recognized by the University (see: and deliver it to the SLAM via the InformaStudenti service by the deadline fixed for the master's programme (
Applicants who do not meet the requirement by said deadline will not be admitted to the master's degree programme and may not sit any further tests.

Admission assessment

Admission into the degree programme is capped in order to meet high-quality teaching standards relative to the available resources.
There are 150 places available for enrolment in the first year, plus 10 places for non-EU students residing abroad.
Access to the programme is regulated by a compulsory test aimed at ascertaining the initial skills of the candidates, with a view to successfully completing their course of studies.
All applicants will be required to take the test, including transfer students from other universities, students who completed one or more courses of the Human nutrition and food science programme as single courses, and graduate students.
The Academic Board will decide into which year to admit the student, and may award any transfer credits for their previous career.
The test will assess knowledge and skills in the following areas:
1) biochemistry, biology and human physiology;
2) nutritional properties and fundamentals of nutrition and food science;
3) principles of food preservation and processing;
4) main microbiological aspects related to the quality and safety of food preparation, storage and
The test is selective in nature. Therefore, in order to be admitted into the Human nutrition and food science programme, candidates must:
a) achieve a score higher than the threshold set by the Board;
b) rank high enough in the merit ranking based on individual test scores;
c) meet all admission requirements (degree, 50 credits earned in relevant academic fields,
B1 level in English) by 31 December 2025.
For admission tests, there are two separate sessions:
FIRST SESSION - July 2025, for candidates who have already graduated and meet curricular requirements or expect to meet them by 30 July.
SECOND SESSION - September 2025, for upcoming graduates and candidates who do not yet meet curricular requirements. These must be met by 31 December 2025.
Graduates who have not taken or passed the admission test in July will be admitted to the September session.
For test details including dates, time, venue and delivery modes, please refer to the call for applications posted to the page
For non-EU, non-resident students with foreign qualifications, applications will be assessed based on the qualifications, and possibly an online interview. Further information will be included in the call for applications.
The Academic Board will appoint an admission board made up of at least three instructors from the degree programme, which will conduct the admission procedures.
In order to facilitate access to the degree programme and allow students to fill any learning gaps or hone knowledge and skills required for admission, applicants to the programme are offered a dedicated annual course: "Fundamentals of nutrition and food science" (12 credits).
It is underlined that this course does not fall within the scope of those with independent choice.

Places available: 150 + 10 reserved for non-EU citizens

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Session: 1

Application for admission: from 13/03/2025 to 30/06/2025

Application for matriculation: from 16/07/2025 to 23/07/2025

Read the Call


The call for applications is the only official document for admission to degree programmes. Please read it carefully. If you are reading this notice is because the call is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.

Session: 2

Application for admission: from 07/08/2025 to 29/08/2025

Application for matriculation: from 17/09/2025 to 24/09/2025

Read the Call


The call for applications is the only official document for admission to degree programmes. Please read it carefully. If you are reading this notice is because the call is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.

Programme description and courses list
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biochemistry of Food, Nutrition, and Metabolic Diseases 9 72 Italian BIO/10
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Food Preservation and Processing 8 64 Italian AGR/15
Microbial Quality and Safety in Food and Ecology of Human Microbiota 7 56 Italian AGR/16
Structure and Function of Organic Molecules in Food 6 60 Italian CHIM/06
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Applied Nutrition 7 64 Italian MED/49
Economics and Psychology of Food Consumptions 8 72 Italian AGR/01 M-PSI/01
Human Physiology 7 56 Italian BIO/09
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Nutrition-Related Diseases 10 88 Italian MED/04 MED/13
- Fisiopatologia5
- Sistematica e prevenzione5
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Evaluation of Nutritional Status and Principles of Dietetics and Diet Therapy 13 128 Italian BIO/09 M-PSI/08 MED/49
- Principi di dietetica, dietoterapia e counseling nutrizionale7
- Valutazione dello stato di nutrizione6
Nutrition for Health Promotion 6 56 Italian MED/49
Nutritional Epidemiology and Biostatistics 6 56 Italian MED/01
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 22 0 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fundamentals of Nutrition and Food Science 12 96 Italian AGR/15 AGR/16 MED/49
Molecular Bases of Taste 4 32 English CHIM/06
Nutraceuticals and Drugs in Cardiovascular Prevention 4 40 Italian BIO/14
Nutrition Communication and Education 4 40 Italian MED/45 MED/49
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Feeding Throughout Pediatric Age 4 32 Italian MED/38
Study plan rules
- To earn the 8 credits for elective activities, students may choose any course offered by the University of Milan, provided that the Academic Board recognised such course as congruent with the study programme. The Academic Board recommends the elective courses listed in the table below. See also the paragraph Structure of the course - Presentation of the study plan. For certified professional knowledge and skills, as well as other knowledge and skills acquired in the course of post-secondary level training activities designed or implemented in collaboration with the University of Milan, students may be awarded a maximum of 12 credits.
The teachings Feeding throughout pediatric age, Nutraceuticals and drugs in cardiovascular prevention and Probiotic science and applications must be followed in the second year of the course.
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Molecular Bases of Taste 4 32 English First semester CHIM/06
Nutraceuticals and Drugs in Cardiovascular Prevention 4 40 Italian First semester BIO/14
Nutrition Communication and Education 4 40 Italian First semester MED/45 MED/49
Feeding Throughout Pediatric Age 4 32 Italian Second semester MED/38
Learn more
Head of study programme
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more

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