Foodservice Science and Technology - discontinued

Studente in laboratorio
Foodservice Science and Technology - discontinued
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
L-26 - Food industry
Open with admission self-assessment test
Course location
The bachelor degree in Foodservice Science and Technology aims at preparing graduates with specific professional knowledge and skills for the needs of companies and organizations operating in the foodservice field.
The degree course is provided by the Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS) in cooperation with the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Production, Landscape, Agroenergy (DISAA).
The professional figure of the foodservice technologist operates at different levels for the preparation, marketing and supply of food, beverages and full meals. Graduates have the skills to independently carry out professional activities in numerous fields, including the management, control and quality assurance of production processes, preservation and transformation of foodstuffs and food products; evaluation of chemical, physical, sensorial, microbiological and nutritional characteristics of finished, semi-finished products and raw materials; planning and control of the hygienic-sanitary and safety aspects of food products from field to fork in both private and public structures; preparation and supply of meals for foodservice; global supply chain quality management, also with reference to product traceability issues; management of food safety in the distribution sector; teaching, professional training, marketing, communication and publishing relevant to food science and technology. Thanks to the multidisciplinary nature of the training, graduates will be able to cover various roles in foodservice companies, in small and large-scale retail, in companies and public alert offices, public planning institutions, control and certification bodies and analytical laboratories. Graduates will also be able to find employment in agro-food companies and in agritourism field. They will be able to collaborate in the design of collective foodservicesystems and in the activities of consultancy companies.
For example, graduates have the skills to:
- production management and quality control in catering and banqueting companies;
- development, innovation and research in the area of quality assurance;
- training and selection of staff involved in collective and commercial foodservice;
- certification of production processes and of the self monitoring systems applied to collective foodservices;
- participation in the management of public procurement for foodservice;
- management and supervision of food supplies and food analysis s in large-scale retail;
- development of processes and products in the foodservice system.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
Students enrolled in the degree program have the opportunity to spend periods of study and internship abroad. This is a unique opportunity to enrich their curriculum in an international context. For the European Erasmus+ program, the geographical areas where the partner universities reside are mainly in France, Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. Otherwise, The Erasmus + Traineeship allows you to accede a training internship abroad at research centers, institutions and laboratories. Information on international mobility is available on the page
Course attendance is strongly recommended.
Qualifications and knowledge required for admission

Applicants to the degree programme must hold a secondary-school diploma, or other equivalent qualification, and a basic knowledge in scientific subjects (mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology).

Admission assessment

Admission to this Bachelor's degree programme is open, subject to a mandatory, non-selective, assessment test before enrolment. The test is aimed at ascertaining that the candidate meets admission requirements in the basic scientific disciplines (mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology) as provided by upper secondary school, and an understanding of elementary logic.
The test required for admission to the degree programme is TOLC-AV, an online test provided by the Consortium of Inter-University Integrated Access Systems (CISIA -
For topics and details of the test, please view the page
It is possible to take the TOLC-AV test at the University of Milan or any other member university of CISIA.
The calendar with available locations and dates is published on the page
Enrollment procedures and deadlines are indicated in the call for applications published on the page

Admission for transfer or graduate students

Transfer students from a degree programme of the University of Milan, or another university, and graduate students will be waived from the test only if admitted to years subsequent to the first.
To this end, a specific request for prior career assessment must be submitted by accessing the online service as indicated in the call for applications.
These candidates must provide a full transcript of records (exams lists, subject areas, credits, grades) and attach the course syllabi. For more details and dates, please refer to the call for applications.
Students admitted to the first year will be required to take the test and register for the call.

Additional learning requirements (OFA) and remedial activities

Students admitted with a score lower than or equal to 4 in the Mathematics section of the TOLC-AV test will have to fulfil additional learning requirements (OFA), within the first year of the programme. In order to fulfil their OFA, students will be offered a remedial Mathematics course with a final assessment test. Students who do not pass the OFA test within the deadline are not allowed to take second- or third-year exams. Alternatively, students may fulfil their learning requirements by passing the Mathematics exam in the study plan. Learn more at
Programme description and courses list
course year not available
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fundamentals of Chemistry and Physical Chemistry 8 72 Italian CHIM/02
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Calculus 8 88 Italian MAT/05
Principles of Biology 6 48 Italian BIO/01 BIO/05 BIO/10
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Elements of Physics 8 80 Italian FIS/03 FIS/05
Introductory Economics and Statistics 8 72 Italian AGR/01
Organic Chemistry 6 56 Italian CHIM/06
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Assessment B1 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
course year not available
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Food Chemical Analysis 9 92 Italian AGR/15
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biochemistry and Biochemical Analysis of Food 8 68 Italian BIO/10
Food of Animal and Plant Origin 10 88 Italian AGR/03 AGR/19
- Food of animal origin5
- Plant food5
Microbiology I 6 52 Italian AGR/16
Sensory Analysis of Food 6 52 Italian AGR/15 M-PSI/05
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biotic Contamination of Food and Environments 8 74 Italian AGR/11 AGR/12 VET/04
Catering Technology 8 68 Italian AGR/15
Human Nutrition 8 64 Italian BIO/09 MED/49
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Stage 14 0 Italian
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Food Microbiology and Hygiene 9 84 Italian AGR/16
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Business Economy and Elements of Food Legislation 8 72 Italian AGR/01 IUS/13 IUS/15
Community Nutrition 6 56 Italian BIO/09 MED/49
Quality Management Systems in Food Service 6 48 Italian AGR/15 SECS-P/13
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Design, Logistic and Sustainability for Foodservices 8 76 Italian AGR/09 AGR/15
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Exam 3 0 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Food Law 4 32 Italian IUS/03
Health and Safety in the Workplace (T.U. 81/08) 2 16 Italian AGR/09
Mass Market Retailers: Organization, Processes and Food Safety 4 32 Italian AGR/15
Packaging for Foodservice 4 40 Italian AGR/15
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Equal Opportunities and Scientific Careers 3 24 Italian SPS/09
Insects and Microorganisms for the Valorization of Agro-Food Residues and Waste 6 56 Italian AGR/11 AGR/12
Inspection of Foods of Animal Origin 4 32 Italian VET/04
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 4 32 Italian AGR/13 IUS/01 SECS-P/01 SPS/04
- Brainstorming session1
- Diritti0.25
- Impatto energetico0.75
- Riciclo e bioeconomia0.5
- Sostenibilità sociale , politica ed economica1.5
Safety of Fish Products and Derivatives 4 48 Italian AGR/20 VET/04
Supplier's Planning and Food Quality 5 48 Italian BIO/09
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Computer Science Course 3 30 Italian INF/01
Study plan rules
- Students must earn 13 credits for elective activities, which can be chosen from the list of courses offered by the University of Milan, provided that the Academic Board recognise them as congruent with the study programme. Students may also obtain elective credits by attending seminars, conferences or refresher courses organised by this University or another entity and offered yearly under the label "Professional development for the food service industry", with the Academic Board's approval. Among elective courses offered by this Faculty, the Academic Board recommends those listed in the table below. For activities included in the Professional development for the food service industry bundle, students may be awarded a minimum of 1 and up to 4 credits.
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Food Law 4 32 Italian First semester IUS/03
Health and Safety in the Workplace (T.U. 81/08) 2 16 Italian First semester AGR/09
Mass Market Retailers: Organization, Processes and Food Safety 4 32 Italian First semester AGR/15
Packaging for Foodservice 4 40 Italian First semester AGR/15
Equal Opportunities and Scientific Careers 3 24 Italian Second semester SPS/09
Insects and Microorganisms for the Valorization of Agro-Food Residues and Waste 6 56 Italian Second semester AGR/11 AGR/12
Inspection of Foods of Animal Origin 4 32 Italian Second semester VET/04
Laboratory: Sustainability and Sustainable Development 4 32 Italian Second semester AGR/13 IUS/01 SECS-P/01 SPS/04
Safety of Fish Products and Derivatives 4 48 Italian Second semester AGR/20 VET/04
Supplier's Planning and Food Quality 5 48 Italian Second semester BIO/09
Learn more
Head of study programme
Tutor per i piani di studio:
lettera iniziale cognome studenti A-BE: Prof. Alberto Giuseppe Barbiroli (Responsabile docenti Tutor per i piani di studio)
lettera iniziale cognome studenti BF-BZ: Prof. Matias Pasquali
lettera iniziale cognome studenti C-CL: Prof. Dimitrios Fessas
lettera iniziale cognome studenti CM-DE: Prof.ssa Gabriella Giovanelli
lettera iniziale cognome studenti DF-F: Prof. Riccardo Guidetti
lettera iniziale cognome studenti G-L: Prof.ssa Luciana Bava
lettera iniziale cognome studenti MA-MI: Prof.ssa Carola Cappa
lettera iniziale cognome studenti MJ-PN: Prof.ssa Lidia Limonta
lettera iniziale cognome studenti PO-S: Prof.ssa Daniela Martini
lettera iniziale cognome studenti T-Z: Prof.ssa Monica Laureati (Responsabile Erasmus)

Referente DSA: Prof.ssa Sara Limbo

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more