Earth Sciences

Vetta innevata
Earth Sciences
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
Master programme
LM-74 - Geology
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
Course location
The Master's Degree Course aims to train Graduates with in-depth preparation in various branches of the Earth Sciences, offering opportunities of scientific development and of employment both in public and private fields. The Degree Course provides theoretical and practical preparation based also on participation in field and laboratory activities, internships and traineeships, research stages in public and private institutions including international ones.
Some of the thematic areas offering solid professional opportunities are: (1) Analysis, quantification and modeling of Earth processes interacting within the planet, on its surface, in atmosphere and hydrosphere, related to the origin of energy, water and mineral resources. (2) Evaluation and characterization of natural minerals for their role in geologic processes and with respect to industrial applications. (3) Basic field mapping and thematic mapping for the interpretation of geologic processes at various scales. (4) Analysis and interpretation of geologic processes interacting with human activities for a balanced use of natural resources and for protection of the environment and archaeological and cultural sites. (5) Field surveys and direct/indirect prospecting for the parametrization of technical properties and behavior of soils and rocks for wide and small scale engineering plans. (6) Exploration, exploitation, protection and reclamation of underground water resources, after local and diffuse pollution events. (7) Exploration, evaluation and management of natural resources, with particular reference to energy and mineral resources, also in relation to the environmental impact deriving from their exploitation. (8) Characterization and prevention deriving from natural risks affecting the territory, and their evaluation in the context of territorial planning.
Earth Science Master graduates are formed to perform the Geologist autonomous professional activity. The role of Professional Geologist is officially attributed by Ordine Nazionale dei Geologi by means of insertion in Section A (Geologo senior), in accordance with law D.P.R. 5 Giugno 2001, n. 328; after passing a State Exam.
Otherwise, Master graduates may find employment opportunities with research companies, public administrations, professional and consulting companies in Italy or abroad, companies and laboratories for treatment of natural materials.
Generally, the various sectors of the employment market, included in the intellectual, scientific and highly specialised professions are the following:
- Field mapping, updating of geological, technical and thematic maps;
- Planning, performing and interpretation of geophysical and geological investigations for civil engineering; prospecting and carachterisation of mineral, water end energy resources, environmental monitoring;
- Modeling of geologic processes for the analysis of slope instability, underground water circulation and pollutors transport, tunneling, and related activities;
- Prospecting, evaluation and managing of geological resources, direction of mining and quarrying works;
- Coordination of protection systems in mobile and temporary yards;
- Direction of mineralogical, petrographical, sedimentological, geochemical and geotehcnical laboratories;
- Territorial planning of hazardous sites and hydrogeological protection systems;
- Environmental monitoring for protection of water resources, reclamation and de-pollutioning of acquifers and sites, waste management;
- Control of industrial quality, technological use of geomaterials for mechanical, chemical and electronic industries, use of dimension stones; gemmology;
- Analysis, reclamation and managing of degraded sites, modeling of geoenvironmental processes and systems, managing, yard direction, testing and monitoring;
- Managing of Geographic Information Systems, particularly the ones oriented to geoenvironment;
- Protection of cultural and paleontological heritages, monuments conservation, geoarchaeology;
- Planning of civil engineering constructions and of environmental and soil protection, in collaboration with affine professionals;
- Evaluation of the environmental impact of wide engineering interventions (VIA) and strategic environmental evaluation (VAS);
- Scientific outreach and journalism;
- Didactics of Earth Sciences;
- Forensic Geology;
The Earth Science Master represents a preferential quality in PhD selections.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
The department of Earth Sciences offers opportunities for spending time as guest students at European universities and research centres both for attending courses/exams and for research and internship related to projects for graduate, post-graduate and PhD students. Studying and doing research in foreign universities is not only an important life experience and the occasion for thorough learning of a foreign language, but is also, and primarily, the opportunity for experiencing and acquiring different and more flexible learning approaches. Doing research and internship abroad may allow the access to facilities not available here (e.g., highly specialized labs), the performance of applied research on specific fields as well as the first-hand interaction with wider, international research groups. At present our partner universities in official Erasmus exchange agreements devoted to course/exams and, where indicated, research activity, are located in France, Germany, Greece, Spain, Holland and Switzerland. However the agreements for bursaries specifically devoted to applied research/internship can be stipulated with any other university or research centre with which any members of our department have or may establish collaboration on common research interests. For these research bursaries and, in general, for the correct validation of the research activity done by our students abroad, the role and the active involvement of a local member of the department is of fundamental importance, as he/she will act as official, competent internal scientific tutor for the student hosted in the guest foreign university. Students may access to "normal" Erasmus bursarships, allowing course/exam in addition to research activities in partner universities, as well as Erasmus Student Placement bursaries exclusively devoted to research/internship activities. The access to the different types of bursary is done by means of separate application procedures. The activity (course/exam or research) that the candidate will do in the guest foreign university has to be agreed with the local professors/tutors in both original and guest universities by means of the "Learning Agreement". This document is of prime importance for the final validation and official administrative registration of the activity done abroad.
Attendance is not compulsory, but highly recommended especially for all laboratories, field activities and many lectures of specialist courses with contents that are not easily available through textbooks.
Access to the Master's Degree in Earth Sciences is open, after an interview, to all graduates from Italian universities in the class of Degrees in Geological Sciences (Class L-34) and of the corresponding class relating to Ministerial Decree 509/99. Graduates in other degree classes of any Italian university, or those in possession of another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable, who demonstrate adequate preparation in the disciplines characterizing Earth Sciences, can also access it.

Curricular Requirements
Access to the Master's Degree requires the possession of a solid foundation in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and at least 44 credits in disciplines related to Earth Sciences.
Assessment methods of knowledge and personal preparation.
The personal preparation of all candidates will be verified through an interview carried out by a commission made up of professors appointed by the Teaching Board which will evaluate any shortcomings of the candidates in the subject areas.
The interview can also be carried out before the bachelor's degree which, for enrolment purposes, must be obtained by 31 December 2024.
For the recognition of ECTS credits in the case of transfer from another University or transfer from another University degree programme, the provisions of the University Teaching Regulations apply.
The Didactic Board decides on a case-by-case basis whether or not forms of verification of acquired credits and any supplementary exams should be provided.
For the recognition of study activities carried out abroad and the related CFUs, the provisions of the University Teaching Regulations apply.
The maximum number of credits that can be individually recognised, pursuant to Art. 5, paragraph 7, of Ministerial Decree 270/2004, for certified professional knowledge and skills, as well as for other knowledge and skills gained in post-secondary training activities to the design and implementation of which the university has contributed, is quantified in a maximum of 12 credits. For the A.Y. 2024/2025, the following dates have been set for the interview, which will be carried out in person (except for future provisions that will be communicated in time), as listed below:
- 5 July 2024, 2:00 pm Room A, Via Botticelli, 23 - 20133 Milan;
- 12 September 2024, 2:00 pm Room A, Via Botticelli, 23 - 20133 Milan;

Students must present a valid identity document and a copy of the same to be delivered to the commission. It is advisable to check often, close to the interview, the e-mail box with which you are registered, for urgent communications.
The dates are intended as notification and candidates will not receive a call.

Application for admission.
Graduates and undergraduates can apply for admission to the Master's Degree in Earth Sciences from 22/01/2024 to 25/8/2024 (in any case, graduating students must graduate no later than 31 December 2024). The application for admission, which is mandatory for all graduate and undergraduate students, must be submitted electronically taking into account the deadlines that can be found on the website of the student secretariats at the following link: The interview will be carried out by a commission made up of professors appointed by the Teaching Board of the course of study.


Application for admission: from 22/01/2024 to 25/08/2024

Application for matriculation: from 02/04/2024 to 15/01/2025

Admissions A.Y. 2025/2026

Admission applications for Academic Year 2025/2026 are now open. Non-EU students visa applicants are required to apply for admission no later than 30 April 2025.

Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Mineral Resources and Geomaterials 6 48 Italian GEO/07 GEO/09
Physics of Earth's Interior 6 56 Italian GEO/10
Technical Geology 6 48 Italian GEO/05
Applied Geomorphology and Laboratory 9 84 Italian GEO/04
Groundwater Exploration and Management with Laboratory 9 84 Italian GEO/05
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Geology 6 64 Italian GEO/02 GEO/03
Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Survey and Laboratory 9 92 Italian GEO/05
Slope Stability and Stabilization Methods 9 84 Italian GEO/05
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
be activated by the A.Y. 2025/2026
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Dissertation 30 0 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Environmental Geochemistry 6 52 Italian GEO/08
Hydrostratigraphy and Aquifer Sedimentology 6 64 Italian GEO/02
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Geographic Information System 6 56 Italian GEO/05 ICAR/06
Geotechnics 6 60 Italian ICAR/07
Groundwater Modelling 6 56 English GEO/05
Water Quality and Remediaton Techniques 6 56 Italian GEO/05
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Trainig Stage 6 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
1 - The student must acquire 18 ECTS by freely choosing among all the courses activated by the University as long as they are culturally consistent with his educational path and cannot be superimposed, in terms of content, on the fundamental and elective courses already used in the study plan.
Therefore, all the teachings and/or modules present in this Study Manifesto that meet these criteria are included in the choice of the 18 credits.
The Academic Board of the course of study in the academic year 2024-2025 will also make available the following courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Environmental Geochemistry 6 52 Italian First semester GEO/08
- The student will have to choose three of the following courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Applied Geomorphology and Laboratory 9 84 Italian First semester GEO/04
Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Survey and Laboratory 9 92 Italian Second semester GEO/05
Groundwater Exploration and Management with Laboratory 9 84 Italian First semester GEO/05
Slope Stability and Stabilization Methods 9 84 Italian Second semester GEO/05
- The student will have to choose two of the following courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Geographic Information System 6 56 Italian Second semester GEO/05 ICAR/06
Geotechnics 6 60 Italian Second semester ICAR/07
Groundwater Modelling 6 56 English Second semester GEO/05
Hydrostratigraphy and Aquifer Sedimentology 6 64 Italian First semester GEO/02
Water Quality and Remediaton Techniques 6 56 Italian Second semester GEO/05
There are no preparatory courses between the teachings.
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Mineral Resources and Geomaterials 6 48 Italian GEO/07 GEO/09
Physics of Earth's Interior 6 56 Italian GEO/10
Technical Geology 6 48 Italian GEO/05
Analytical Geochemistry and Laboratory 9 84 Italian GEO/08
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Geology 6 64 Italian GEO/02 GEO/03
Applied Mineralogy and Laboratory 9 84 Italian GEO/09
Crystallography and Laboratory 9 84 Italian GEO/06
Ore Deposits and Sustainability 6 48 Italian GEO/09
Petrology and Laboratory 9 84 Italian GEO/07
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
be activated by the A.Y. 2025/2026
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Metallogenesis and Ore Minerals 6 64 Italian GEO/09
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Dissertation 30 0 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Applied Petrography 6 52 Italian GEO/07
Environmental Geochemistry 6 52 Italian GEO/08
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Applied Geochemistry 6 52 Italian GEO/08
Mineral Thermodynamics 6 52 Italian GEO/06
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Trainig Stage 6 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
1 - The student must acquire 18 ECTS by freely choosing among all the courses activated by the University as long as they are culturally consistent with his educational path and cannot be superimposed, in terms of content, on the fundamental and elective courses already used in the study plan.
Therefore, all the teachings and/or modules present in this Study Manifesto that meet these criteria are included in the choice of the 18 credits.
The Academic Board of the course of study in the academic year 2024-2025 will also make available the following courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Environmental Geochemistry 6 52 Italian First semester GEO/08
- The student will have to choose three of the following courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Analytical Geochemistry and Laboratory 9 84 Italian First semester GEO/08
Applied Mineralogy and Laboratory 9 84 Italian Second semester GEO/09
Crystallography and Laboratory 9 84 Italian Second semester GEO/06
Petrology and Laboratory 9 84 Italian Second semester GEO/07
- The student will have to choose two of the following courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Applied Geochemistry 6 52 Italian Second semester GEO/08
Applied Petrography 6 52 Italian First semester GEO/07
Metallogenesis and Ore Minerals 6 64 Italian First semester GEO/09
Mineral Thermodynamics 6 52 Italian Second semester GEO/06
Ore Deposits and Sustainability 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/09
There are no preparatory courses between the teachings.
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Mineral Resources and Geomaterials 6 48 Italian GEO/07 GEO/09
Physics of Earth's Interior 6 56 Italian GEO/10
Technical Geology 6 48 Italian GEO/05
Sedimentology and Laboratory 9 84 Italian GEO/02
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Geology 6 64 Italian GEO/02 GEO/03
Integrated Stratigraphy: Principles and Laboratory 9 76 Italian GEO/02
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
be activated by the A.Y. 2025/2026
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Micropaleontology and Laboratory 9 84 Italian GEO/01
Sedimentary Basins: Processes and Evolution and Laboratory 9 84 Italian GEO/02
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Dissertation 30 0 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Environmental Geochemistry 6 52 Italian GEO/08
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biostratigraphy 6 48 Italian GEO/01
Marine Geology 6 52 English GEO/01
Paleontology and Paleoenvironments 6 48 Italian GEO/01
Regional Stratigraphy 6 56 Italian GEO/01 GEO/02
Sedimentary Rock Diagenesis and Environmental Record 6 48 English GEO/02
Subsurface Sedimentary System for the Energy Transition 6 48 English GEO/02
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Trainig Stage 6 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
1 - The student must acquire 18 ECTS by freely choosing among all the courses activated by the University as long as they are culturally consistent with his educational path and cannot be superimposed, in terms of content, on the fundamental and elective courses already used in the study plan.
Therefore, all the teachings and/or modules present in this Study Manifesto that meet these criteria are included in the choice of the 18 credits.
The Academic Board of the course of study in the academic year 2024-2025 will also make available the following courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Environmental Geochemistry 6 52 Italian First semester GEO/08
2 - The student will have to choose three of the following courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Integrated Stratigraphy: Principles and Laboratory 9 76 Italian Second semester GEO/02
Micropaleontology and Laboratory 9 84 Italian First semester GEO/01
Sedimentary Basins: Processes and Evolution and Laboratory 9 84 Italian First semester GEO/02
Sedimentology and Laboratory 9 84 Italian First semester GEO/02
3 - The student will have to choose two of the following courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Biostratigraphy 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/01
Marine Geology 6 52 English Second semester GEO/01
Paleontology and Paleoenvironments 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/01
Regional Stratigraphy 6 56 Italian Second semester GEO/01 GEO/02
Sedimentary Rock Diagenesis and Environmental Record 6 48 English Second semester GEO/02
Subsurface Sedimentary System for the Energy Transition 6 48 English Second semester GEO/02
There are no preparatory courses between the teachings.
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Mineral Resources and Geomaterials 6 48 Italian GEO/07 GEO/09
Physics of Earth's Interior 6 56 Italian GEO/10
Technical Geology 6 48 Italian GEO/05
Numerical Modelling of Geodynamic Processes and Laboratory 9 96 Italian GEO/10
Structural Analysis Ii and Laboratory 9 84 Italian GEO/03
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Geology 6 64 Italian GEO/02 GEO/03
Geodynamics and Laboratory 9 84 Italian GEO/03
Seismic and Wave Field Exploration and Laboratory 9 84 English GEO/11
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English
be activated by the A.Y. 2025/2026
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final Dissertation 30 0 Italian
First semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Basement Geology 6 64 Italian GEO/03
Environmental Geochemistry 6 52 Italian GEO/08
Second semester
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Advanced Mineralogy and Crystal Physics 6 52 Italian GEO/06
Geochronology and Crustal Evolution 6 56 English GEO/08
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics 6 56 Italian GEO/12
Regional Geology 6 64 Italian GEO/03
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Trainig Stage 6 0 Italian
Optional activities and study plan rules
1 - The student must acquire 18 ECTS by freely choosing among all the courses activated by the University as long as they are culturally consistent with his educational path and cannot be superimposed, in terms of content, on the fundamental and elective courses already used in the study plan.
Therefore, all the teachings and/or modules present in this Study Manifesto that meet these criteria are included in the choice of the 18 credits.
The Academic Board of the course of study in the academic year 2024-2025 will also make available the following courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Environmental Geochemistry 6 52 Italian First semester GEO/08
- The student will have to choose three of the following courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Geodynamics and Laboratory 9 84 Italian Second semester GEO/03
Numerical Modelling of Geodynamic Processes and Laboratory 9 96 Italian First semester GEO/10
Seismic and Wave Field Exploration and Laboratory 9 84 English Second semester GEO/11
Structural Analysis Ii and Laboratory 9 84 Italian First semester GEO/03
- The student will have to choose two of the following courses:
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Mineralogy and Crystal Physics 6 52 Italian Second semester GEO/06
Basement Geology 6 64 Italian First semester GEO/03
Geochronology and Crustal Evolution 6 56 English Second semester GEO/08
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics 6 56 Italian Second semester GEO/12
Regional Geology 6 64 Italian Second semester GEO/03
There are no preparatory courses between the teachings.
Learn more
Course locations
Le infrastrutture didattiche del corso di laurea magistrale in Scienze della Terra si trovano nelle due strutture del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra "A. Desio": le due principali aree didattiche sono la Struttura di Geologia e Paleontologia (via L. Mangiagalli, 34), e quella di Mineralogia, Petrografia, Geochimica, Giacimenti Minerari e di Geofisica (via Botticelli, 23/via L. Mangiagalli 32).
Laboratory locations
Le attività didattiche di laboratorio si svolgono sia in strutture dipartimentali, attrezzate con collezioni e strumentazioni tecnico-scientifiche, sia sul campo, usufruendo di logistica specificamente sviluppata.
Collezioni didattiche per il riconoscimento e studio di fossili, minerali e rocce sono disponibili in aule e in laboratori didattici appositamente organizzati. Aule informatizzate garantiscono l'applicazione di programmi per il trattamento dei dati e per la simulazione di processi geologici.
La strumentazione scientifica installata presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra ( garantisce adeguati apprendimento e applicazione delle tecniche di caratterizzazione ottica, chimica e fisico-meccanica di minerali, fossili, rocce, suoli, altri materiali naturali o sintetici, nonché di acque e altri fluidi terrestri. Esercitazioni pratiche a complemento delle lezioni in aula sono svolte in laboratori di microscopia ottica, microscopia elettronica a scansione, microscopia elettronica a trasmissione, diffrazione di raggi X, spettrometria di raggi X, spettroscopia micro-Raman, spettrometria di massa e petrologia sperimentale, meccanica delle rocce e sedimentologia.
I laboratori di campo si articolano in aree ove l'apprendimento delle tecniche di cartografia geologica si combinano con la disponibilità di strutture di supporto ove elaborare dati geologici e ricostruire i processi genetici dei materiali terrestri (es. Stazione di Valchiavenna).

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

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