Cultural heritage conservation science

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Cultural heritage conservation science
Course sheet
A.Y. 2024/2025
Master programme
LM-11 - Conservation and restoration of culturale heritage
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
Course location
The master degree in 'Cultural Heritage Conservation Science' is aimed at students who want to extend and deepen the skills acquired in previous degree courses to enter in the world of research or profession in the field of conservation science of cultural heritage.
In this light, the master degree aims to transmit an in-depth knowledge of the methods and technologies that the mathematical, physical and natural sciences make available today for the preservation of cultural heritage; moreover, it aims to provide the scientific skills allowing further development in these research fields. It aims to train future Conservation Scientists, i.e. experts in science and technology applied to cultural heritage with a high interdisciplinary educational background. Since there are many types of cultural heritage, it is appropriate to specify that the course will focus on the historical-artistic, archaeological, architectural, on museums and on information storage media, because they are the ones deeply rooted in the cultural tradition of the proposers and, in view of the future professional opportunities for graduates, the most relevant for the research field and the employment market. Therefore, the master degree will prepare professional profiles of: 1 - experts in diagnostics and application technology to historical and artistic cultural heritage, with particular reference to wall and on wooden paintings and textile supports; 2 - experts in diagnostics and technology applied to archaeological cultural heritage (geoarchaeologists and archaeometres); 3 - conservation experts applied to museum cultural heritage; 4 - experts in diagnostics and technology applied to information storage media.
In addition to theoretical courses, numerous laboratories are provided to support the notions with the necessary applications, in order to make the interface with the research and professional worlds stricter. The training offer proposed is composed of courses for each area envisaged by the ministerial educational system (Conservation Sciences and Technologies, Earth and Nature Sciences, Interdisciplinary Training), corroborated by supplementary courses, as well as by the internships and the final dissertation. Through this offer the students will be oriented and guided to finalize their training to achieve one of the proposed professional profiles.
The master degree aims to transmit the wide range of knowledge necessary to operate at the level of excellence in the field of cultural heritage diagnostics and conservation, taking as a cultural reference the interdisciplinary nature of the professions of the research field.
In particular, the master graduated will acquire in-depth theoretical, methodological and experimental skills in the Conservation Sciences applied to Cultural Heritage, in order to identify new theoretical developments and to operate at decision-making level in all areas of the sciences applied to Cultural Heritage.
Going into detail, the master graduated must have:
- mastership of the scientific investigation method and of diagnostic techniques aimed at identifying and designing the most suitable procedures for the recovery and conservation of cultural heritage even in complex realities, in territorial protection initiatives that include cultural heritage, in protection and development of conservation areas, in support of restoration and reconnaissance of the historical-artistic, monumental and archaeological heritage, and of preventive archeology activities;
- in-depth knowledge of modern analysis and detection instruments, statistical and analysis and data storage IT techniques, relating to each of the above described types of cultural heritage;
- updated scientific and operational preparation in the disciplines characterizing the master and advanced scientific knowledge on: a) characteristics, properties and degradation processes of the materials that constitute the historical and artistic cultural heritage; b) archaeometric and geoarchaeological applications in the various fields of interest; c) problems of the conservation of museum cultural heritage; d) characteristics and problems of conservation and in the diagnosis of information storage media;
- ability to organize the interactions of the different disciplinary knowledge, in order to face the complex scientific problems related to the preventive conservation and to the operations connected to it, in the various classes of cultural heritage;
- ability to identify strategies and tactics to plan and carry out interventions in the various fields of conservation of cultural heritage, in particular in the historical-artistic, architectural, archaeological, museum, and information storage media, and to integrate with other professional figures operating in the same fields.
The graduates in the master's degree will be able to carry out the activity of experts in diagnostics and technology applied to cultural heritage, as required by the recent Madia law (110/2014), and more specifically:
- take care of the direction and design of diagnostic interventions, with particular attention to the identification of methods, materials, measures and techniques for the recovery, conservation and restoration of historical, artistic, archaeological, museum and cultural media;
- deal with the design of diagnostic protocols for the conservation of each of the above described types of cultural heritage, also in relation to the reference procedures and good practices in use;
- contribute to the design and organization of museums, archaeological parks, exhibitions, and cultural events;
- collaborate in the design and implementation of information systems for the processing of data relating to cultural heritage.
Moreover, they will be prepared to conduct:
- planning and organization of laboratories and sites aimed at conservation of each of the above described types of cultural heritage;
- management, collaboration and consultancy activities for the design of scientific, archaeological and historical-artistic museums;
- didactic activity at various levels in the school;
- advertising and publishing activities.
The acquisition of university credits (CFU) is possible through: lectures, exercises, laboratories, seminars, practical activities on the field, archaeological excavations, laboratories and museums, free courses, degree theses carried out in university structures and/or at qualified organizations or museums.
In accordance with the aims of the master course, the didactical program includes disciplines specifically dedicated to teaching mediation and communication and business economics.
1 - Experts in diagnostics and technology applied to historical-artistic cultural heritage
Work Context
The master graduated in Cultural Heritage Conservation Science carries out functions of high responsibility in the areas of the conservation of historical-artistic heritage, both in terms of diagnostics (in support of restoration) and of protection and development:
- carrying out research activities in public and private institutes responsible for the conservation of cultural heritage (museums, art galleries, galleries, private collections);
- coordinating activities related to the scientific knowledge of cultural heritage performed by experts from different sectors, in the context of conservation / restoration campaigns;
- carrying out freelance activities the conservation of movable property belonging to public institutions and private collections;
- carrying out dissemination activities in the field of sciences applied to diagnostics and conservation of historical and artistic heritage;
- collaborating in the creation of scientific apparatus for temporary exhibitions and displays;
- examining and harmonizing the analytical results of specific diagnostic campaigns, on behalf of public and private institutions involved in the conservation of the historical and artistic heritage.
Skills Associated to the Role
The master graduated in Cultural Heritage Conservation Science has specific knowledge of the most modern applications of the biological, chemical, physical, geological and IT sciences used in the field of the conservation of historical-artistic heritage, in different contexts related to specific environmental or provenance conditions. He is aware of the ethical and legislative aspects of the restoration of the artworks of public and private institutions.
Career Opportunities
- universities and public research agencies;
- public and private biological, chemical, physical, geological and IT analysis laboratories;
- superintendences, museums, and art galleries;
- private museums;
- scientific journalism, specifically linked to the dissemination of scientific analyzes related to the study and conservation of historical and artistic heritage;
- freelance activities in the field of laboratory analysis on historical and artistic heritage.

2 - Experts in diagnostics and technology applied to archaeological cultural heritage (geoarchaelogists and archaeometres)
Work Context
The master graduated in Cultural Heritage Conservation Science performs high responsibility functions through geological, physical, geoarchaeological and archaeometric applications:
- carrying out and coordinating research activities of stratigraphic analysis, both in the field and in the laboratory, collaborating with other professionals in the context of archaeological excavation activities;
- carrying out and coordinating surveys, stratigraphic analysis and documentation with advanced analytical and IT methods, in the contexts of archaeological excavation, or preventive and emergency archeology operations;
- dealing with the problems associated to the characterization of the various excavated materials, identifying suitable study procedures and contributing to their study and conservation;
- coordinating both public and private laboratories devoted to the physical, chemical, mineralogical, petrographic characterization of archaeological materials, identifying suitable analytical protocols and performing diagnostics for conservation and restoration purposes;
- carrying out freelance activities in relevant sectors;
- carrying out promotion and coordination activities in research projects and applications in relevant sectors;
- carrying out activities of dissemination of knowledge in the field of conservation and diagnostics of archaeological cultural heritage, contributing to the display of artifacts in the context of temporary exhibitions and museum exhibitions.
Skills Associated to the Role
The master graduated in Cultural Heritage Conservation Science possesses a specific and modern knowledge of geological, chemical, physical and biological applications, together with an in-depth multidisciplinary cultural and legislative preparation (also on the ethical issues) about diagnostics and conservation of archaeological cultural heritage, in various contexts.
Career Opportunities
- universities and research institutions promoting projects on archaeological surveys and excavations in Italy and abroad;
- museums and art galleries;
- superintendences and protection agencies;
- enterprises of archaeological excavation and archaeological sites and parks;
- freelance activities in survey and archaeological excavation projects, consultancy in the archaeometric field;
- freelance activities in the field of communication, dissemination and scientific information, journalism and scientific publishing as regards of the sciences applied to Archaeological Cultural Heritage.

3 - Experts in conservation applied to museum cultural heritage
Work Context
The master graduated in Cultural Heritage Conservation Science carries out functions of high responsibility in the areas of the conservation museum heritage:
- conducting and coordinating scientific research activities, including diagnostic activities in relation to collections;
- preparing measuring instruments for the control of all environmental parameters that can influence the state of conservation of museum heritage;
- managing integrated defense against harmful organisms;
- helping to formulate conservation plans, including routine maintenance and extraordinary interventions (such as flood management);
- participating in programs to increase collections, also through diagnostics on materials not yet acquired;
- contributing to/and elaborating the criteria and plans for displaying the collections;
- collaborating in the enhancement of collections through cultural, educational and scientific dissemination activities;
- contributing to the activities related to the museum temporary exhibitions and museum publishing;
- contributing to the inventory and cataloging of the collections according to national and regional standards, for the purpose of public display.
Skills Associated to the Role
The master graduated in Cultural Heritage Conservation Science possesses specific knowledge of the modern applications of the chemical, physical, biological, geological and computer sciences in the field of conservation of museum assets.
Career Opportunities
- Public and private museums, also in the university contexts.

4 - Experts in diagnostics and technology applied to information storage media
Work Context
The master graduated in Cultural Heritage Conservation Science carries out functions of high responsibility in the areas of in all professional fields related to Information & Communication Technology (ICT) applications to the different types of cultural heritage:
- carrying out and coordinating analysis and design activities for the organization and digitization of cultural heritage;
- carrying out and coordinating standardization activities aimed at the interoperability of digital archives;
- coordinating digitization laboratories, managing the aspects of preparing the original information media, eventually up to restoration treatments;
- coordinating the application of "good practices" for digital preservation, managing the monitoring and migrations aspects, and other methods aimed at the safety of digital preservation;
- carrying out and coordinating analysis and design activities for the enhancement of digital cultural heritage, through paper documents and/or multimedia supports and/or on the web;
- carrying out freelance activities in relevant sectors;
- carrying out promotion and coordination activities in research projects and applications in relevant sectors;
- carrying out dissemination of knowledge in the field of conservation and enhancement of digital cultural heritage.
Skills Associated to the Role
The master graduated in Cultural Heritage Conservation Science possesses a specific and modern knowledge of ICT methods and tools for the digitization, organization, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage. Moreover, he is trained with multidisciplinary cultural and legislative preparation on the ethical issues of the conservation and enhancement of digital cultural heritage in the various contexts of application and research.
Career Opportunities
- public and private agencies holding large cultural heritage (archives, museums, art galleries, ministerial, regional and municipal agencies, publishers);
- protection agencies;
- universities and research institutions;
- freelance activities in projects of cultural heritage digitization, conservation and enhancement;
- freelance activities in the field of cultural heritage enhancement through ICT tools.

Finally the master degree course makes ready for the profession of experts of diagnostics and technology applied to cultural heritage, as required by the recent Madia law (110/2014):
Specialists in mathematical, computer science, chemical, physical and natural sciences
Training and research specialists

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)
Erasmus is a grant that finances the study abroad experience at a partner university, as part of bilateral agreements with selected universities and research centers in many foreign countries. When abroad, students attend courses, carry out research activities or do an internship.
In order to get these grants, students must contact a professor of this program who will scientifically supervise the exchange. Every topic related to this program is suitable. Two types of grants are available:
Erasmus+, for attending courses and carry out research activities (refer to the call in the Geological Sciences area).
Erasmus+ Traineeship (see Placement on website), exclusively for internships.
For Erasmus+, see the call on the Geology area in the website. Among other agreements, please have a look at the undergraduate and graduate courses offered by TEI, Technological Educational Institute, Atene (Grecia), who has a special agreement with this program.
The call for Erasmus+ Traineeship is published on the website for all programs. In the recent past, Traineeship partners were: Cergy-Pontoise (France), Poitiers (France), Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and Ghent (Belgium). Anyway, new agreements with other universities or research centers can be signed if a professor of this program has some scientific collaboration with them. Apart from courses and exams, any activity carried out at the abroad institution is worth 5 credits (CFU) per month.
The "learning agreement" between professors at the home and abroad institution will define the activities the student will carry out. This document, together with the transcript of the exams and other research activities, will allow for the acknowledgment of such activities by this program.
To attend courses and take exams abroad has many advantages. In addition to being an unconventional experience in a student's life, it offers a big opportunity to practice in the local language. The students will also experience and compare different teaching systems, gaining more flexibility in their studying activities. Finally, the study abroad experience is in some cases a good opportunity to use facilities otherwise not available (for example, special equipment for experiments), work with large research groups on a cosmopolitan scale.
Attendance is strongly recommended for both courses and laboratories.
Admission requirements:
Bachelor's graduates in Diagnostics for the conservation of cultural heritage (class L-43) can access the Master's degree programme in Science and technology for the diagnosis and preservation of cultural heritage. Graduates from other eligible programmes, both in Italy and abroad, can also be admitted, if they meet skills requirements.
Admission assessment
All candidates will be assessed through an interview with a board made up of faculty members appointed by the Academic Board, with a view to identifying any shortcomings in their educational background. The interview may also take place before graduating from the Bachelor's programme. However, for the purpose of enrolment, the candidate must obtain their degree by 31 December 2024.

Curricular requirements
Access to the Master's degree programme requires solid foundations in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, earth sciences, agricultural disciplines, and a total of at least 60 CFU across the following areas: AGR, BIO, CHIM, FIS, GEO, ICAR, INF, ING-INF, IUS, L-ANT, MAT, SECS, of which at least 6 CFU in three out of five of the following areas: BIO, CHIM, FIS, GEO, INF.
Application for admission:
The application for admission is mandatory and must be submitted electronically from 22 January to 25 August 2024 (learn more at Graduates and upcoming graduates who will obtain their degree by 31 December 2024 may submit the application for admission.

Only graduates who have passed the assessment test may enrol.
Milan University students who have submitted an application for admission, and who during their Bachelor's degree programme have earned credits in excess of the 180 requirement, through courses and/or laboratories offered by the Master's degree programme, may apply for transfer credits for the purposes of achieving the required 120 credits.
Candidates from another university graduating after the interview are required to update the documents submitted to the Student Registrar as soon as they obtain their degree.
Candidates who fail the interview, whether graduates or upcoming graduates, may not enrol on the Master's degree programme for the current year.
For academic year 2024/2025, interviews have been scheduled on 20 September 2024, with place and time details to be posted on the home page of the degree programme website (
Candidates are required to show up with a valid ID on the specified date and time. Students from other universities must also hand in a photocopy of their ID (for in-person interviews).


Application for admission: from 22/01/2024 to 25/08/2024

Application for matriculation: from 08/04/2024 to 15/01/2025

Admissions A.Y. 2025/2026

Admission applications for Academic Year 2025/2026 are now open. Non-EU students visa applicants are required to apply for admission no later than 30 April 2025.

Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
Optional programme year

Compulsory activity
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English Open sessions
Final Exam 33 0 Italian Open sessions
Training 12 0 Italian Open sessions
1 - 18 credits chosen from the following qualifying exams (Conservation Sciences and Technologies area).
N.B. The teaching of advanced physical techniques applied to cultural heritage, laboratory can only be chosen by students who have already acquired at least 12 credits in courses in the FIS/07 and/or FIS/03 sector between the three-year and master's degrees.
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Physic Techniques Applied to Cultural Heritage: Laboratory 6 48 Italian year FIS/07
Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, Laboratory 6 48 Italian First semester CHIM/02
Analytical Methods for the Environmental Degradation of Cultural Heritage 6 48 Italian Second semester CHIM/01
Conservation and Valorization of Scientific Instruments 6 48 Italian Second semester FIS/07
2 - Characterizing Formation Activities - Earth and Natural Sciences (18 CFU)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced Analytical Methods in Mineralogy and Petrography for Cultural Heritage, Laboratory 6 68 Italian First semester GEO/06 GEO/07
Applied Geology for the Preservation of Archaeological and Architectonical Heritages 6 48 Italian First semester GEO/05
Sedimentology and Cultural Heritage 6 48 Italian First semester GEO/02
Archaeobotany 6 48 Italian Second semester BIO/02
Geophysics Applied to Cultural Heritage 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/11
Palaeontology and Vertebrate Palaeontology, Museological Aspects 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/01
3 - Characterizing Formation Activities - Interdisciplinary Formation (12 CFU)
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Colorimetry and Color Management for Cultural Heritage 6 48 Italian First semester ING-INF/05
Integrated Course of Advanced Biotechnologies Applied to Cultural Heritage: Laboratory 6 48 Italian Second semester AGR/11 AGR/12 AGR/16
Movie Restoration 6 48 Italian Second semester INF/01
Site Management and Preventive Archaeology 6 48 Italian Second semester L-ANT/10
4 - 12 credits to be acquired chosen from the following related and supplementary courses
Courses or activities ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Topographic Techniques and Equipment for Archaeological and Architectonical Survey 6 48 Italian First semester ICAR/06
Analysis and Diagnostics of Architectural Cultural Heritage 6 48 Italian Second semester AGR/10
Formation Processes in Archaeological Sites 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/04
Microclimatology Applied to Cultural Heritage 6 48 Italian Second semester GEO/12
5 - Other Formation Activities, freely selected by students among courses held by University of Milan (12 CFU)
The program of each course indicates the preliminary knowledge necessary to adequately deal with the contents of the course itself. It is the responsibility, as well as the interest, of the student to comply with these indications.
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Course locations
Le lezioni e le esercitazioni/laboratori, si svolgono nelle aule del Settore Didattico di Città Studi.
Laboratory locations
Le attività didattiche di laboratorio si svolgono sia in strutture dipartimentali, attrezzate con collezioni e strumentazioni tecnico-scientifiche, sia sul terreno, usufruendo di logistica specificamente sviluppata.
Le attività nelle aule attrezzate si svolgono presso i laboratori dei seguenti Dipartimenti: Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Dipartimento di Chimica, Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente (Scienze Agrarie e Alimentari), Dipartimento di Fisica, Dipartimento di Informatica.
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Internship tutor
Seminar and workshop tutor
Dissertation tutor
University and programme transfer tutor
Master's degree admission tutor
Credit recognition tutor
Quality Assurance Delegate

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more