4EU+ Research and innovation
The 4EU+ European University Alliance brings together eight multidisciplinary, research-oriented, public universities of excellence.
The Alliance aims to promote collaborations in the fields of research and innovation, and to create a community of 4EU+ researchers across four flagships: Urban health and demographic change; Europeanness: multilingualism, pluralities, citizenship; Digitisation - Modelling - Transformation; Environmental transitions.
4EU+ member universities join forces to find innovative solutions to the challenges of today's world, and foster the implementation of these solutions at national and regional level.
A significant milestone in the history of the Alliance is TRAIN4EU+ (Transforming ReseArch & INnovation agendas and support in 4EU+), a project funded in the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme "Science with and for Society". TRAIN4EU+ paved the way for a paradigm shift within the Alliance, based on the exchange of best practices and the creation of joint action plans regarding services and facilities to support research and innovation. This led to the creation of the 4EU+ Grant Support Service.
Collaboration between member universities also translates into the following initiatives:
- the SEED4EU+ calls, which fund innovative joint projects between at least three universities of the Alliance
- the 4EU+ Visiting Professorships, an opportunity for professors to spend a mobility period at one of the 4EU+ member universities, to start new collaborations
- other calls for projects launched individually by 4EU+ member universities and aiming to strengthen collaboration between the funding university and the other universities of the Alliance. Two examples are the Charles University 4EU+ Academic mini-grants and the call for projects of the University of Geneva.