The legal borders between Switzerland and the EU
Action: Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module 2021
The J.M. Module proposes teaching and scientific activities on the following topics: A) The relations between the EU and third countries. B) EU-Switzerland relations. C) The agreement on the free movement of persons between the EU and Switzerland. D) The agreement on Switzerland's association with Schengen and Dublin systems.
Unimi Coordinator: Cecilia Sanna
Scholars involved:
- Prof. Cecilia Sanna, Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy)
- Dr. Ivan Vaccarello, diplomatico presso la Rappresentanza permanente dell’Italia in UE
- Prof. Federica De Rossa, Università della Svizzera italiana and judge at TAF (Switzerland)
- Prof. Paolo Arginelli, Università Cattolica di Milano (Italy)
- Prof. Francesco Maiani, Université de Lausanne (Switzerland)
- Dr. Marina Pianoforte, PhD at Università degli Studi di Udine (Italy)
The Module, through the establishment of a course ("EU and Third Countries: Relations with Switzerland"), the organisation of seminars and conferences open to pre- and post-graduate students, as well as to business operators and officials of public and private bodies and services present on the Italian and Swiss border territory, aims at promoting the knowledge of the regulatory framework of reference and the most sensitive issues for the geographical area of the border between Italy and Switzerland, to encourage academic debate at national and European level through the production of a series of scientific outputs, to develop long-term good practices of cross-border governance by involving local authorities in the action, in particular, the Provinces, the cantons of Ticino and Grigioni and the Association of Italian border municipalities.
Target groups:
- - The Host Institution
- - Teachers and students of the Host Institution
- - Italian and foreign academics
- - Ph.D and LL.M. candidates, Italians and foreigners
- - Economic operators, lawyers, journalists
- - Officials of bodies and institutions active in the field of relevance of the Jean Monnet Module
- - Italian and foreign institutes and research centres in the sector
- - Policy makers at national and European level
The Host Institution will widen its range of academic courses on EU-related studies; it will offer special attention to the needs of the territory from a transnational perspective; it will increase its international attractiveness.
The involvement of Italian and foreign academics will foster the comparison and exchange of ideas, as well as the identification of areas of common interest for possible future scientific collaborations at national and international level.
The Module will offer to the economic operators of the border areas a systematization of legal issues related to the relations between Switzerland and the EU, which are always frequent and relevant in the daily exercise of their work.
As the activities of the Module also involve local public authorities, good practices of cross-border governance can be developed in the long term.