Thesis abroad
The Thesis Abroad programme is currently under revision. The next edition is expected to be published around the end of 2024.
All the students will receive further information when available.
Students of Master's and single-cycle degree programmes of the University of Milan can carry out all or part of their thesis work at academic and research institutions abroad.
They can choose any destination and institution in the world, without any geographical restrictions.
To be eligible, candidates must have an average grade equal to or higher than the range of the best students in their Master's or single cycle degree programme, and graduate from one of the sessions specified in the call for applications.
Thesis-abroad grants are awarded through a call for applications published once/twice a year, approximately in the Spring and in the Fall, specifying application requirements, procedures and selection criteria. Applicants must submit a detailed research project highlighting the importance and added value of working on their thesis abroad.
Selected students must promptly contact the International Mobility and Promotion Office to receive instructions on the forms to be filled in online before departure. Please consider the processing times for the T5 – Youth Mobility Scheme visa when planning your mobility to the UK.
Within 30 days of the end of mobility, the student is required to upload the certificate of stay and a report on their experience abroad to the online platform.
Information and appointments for students:
Contact Center - InformaStudenti
For partner universities only: