PNRR pathways: active orientation in school-university transition

The University of Milan offers upper secondary schools a series of initiatives dedicated to active orientation in school-university transition.

With regard to the implementation of Mission 4 of Italy’s Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), the University of Milan serves as lead institution for a network of tertiary education entities including the University of Milan-Bicocca, the University of Bergamo and the School of Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia, all with the common goal of encouraging and supporting students in transitioning from upper secondary school to university.


Active orientation pathways are no promotional initiatives, but have been designed to enable students in the third, fourth and fifth year of upper secondary schools to:

  • get to know the context of tertiary education and its value for a knowledge-based society, as well as acquire information on the range of academic offers as a chance to enhance their personal growth and support the creation of sustainable and inclusive societies
  • take part in active, participatory and laboratory learning experiences with an approach geared towards the assimilation of the scientific method
  • self-assess, verify and strengthen their knowledge base to reduce the gap between their background preparation and the entry requirements of the degree programme of their interest
  • strengthen their reflective competence and soft skills with a view to laying the foundations of their educational and professional development
  • learn more about work sectors, employment prospects, future sustainable and inclusive jobs, as well as the correlation between such jobs and the competencies and skills acquired.

Target audience
All pathways are designed for students enrolled in the third, fourth or fifth year of upper-secondary school.
Each activity requires a minimum participation of 20 students.


  • 15 hours, of which at least two thirds must be held in person, while one third can be delivered online.

Activities can take place at the upper secondary school, at the University, or at other non-university locations.

Time frame
For the school year 2023-2024, activities start on 15 September 2023 and end on 31 August 2024.

Certificate of attendance
Students who participate in at least 70% of the activities included in a single pathway will receive a certificate of attendance. Schools can recognise such activities as PCTOPercorsi per le competenze trasversali e per l’orientamento (Pathway for Transversal Skills and Orientation, corresponding to the work-based learning activities formerly known as Alternanza scuola-lavoro).

PNRR pathways (available in Italian only)

How to participate

To join this initiative, all schools are required to sign an ad-hoc agreement with the University of Milan based on the template laid down in Annex 6 of the Directorial Decree.

Each student can take part in only one 15-hour pathway, communicating his/her own Italian tax ID (codice fiscale).

Schools will have to:

  • check the catalogue of PNRR pathways offered by the University of Milan
  • write an email to [email protected] (COSP – Guidance Services for Prospective and New Students) to identify which pathways would be more suitable for their students
  • define all administrative steps required for launching the pathways (including the signing of an ad-hoc agreement) together with COSP.
PNRR pathways offered by the University of Milan

Orientation pathways under the PNRR may focus on different topics and include active, participatory and laboratory learning experiences. The proposed pathways can be divided into three categories:

  1. all-round pathways on choice orientation
  2. hybrid pathways: modules on choice orientation + subject-specific modules
  3. subject-specific pathways.

All pathways may be recognised as PCTO.

Three different categories

15-hour orientation pathways made up of various thematic modules that can be combined according to the school’s requests. Topics covered include:

  • Orientation: where to start from
  • Transitioning from school to university: how to choose
  • Admission mode(s): required competencies
  • Useful skills for the transition from upper secondary school to university
  • Towards the job market: a glimpse into the future.

Pathways are coordinated by COSP (University Study and Career Guidance Service) and may be delivered partly or in full by specialised entities.

15-hour pathways made up of various thematic modules that can be combined according to the school’s requests.

These pathways contemplate one or more modules on the topics of orientation (Orientation: where to start from; Transitioning from school to university: how to choose; Admission mode(s): required competencies; Useful skills for the transition from upper secondary school to university; towards the job market: a glimpse into the future), plus one or more subject-specific modules, corresponding for example to:

  • a mock university lecture
  • a practical experience in a laboratory
  • guided visits
  • focus workshops/lessons on one or more specific subjects.

Pathways are coordinated by COSP. Orientation modules may be delivered partly or in full by specialised entities.

Subject-specific modules will be offered and delivered directly by the various study areas of the University (Law, Science and Technology, Pharmacy, Exercise and Sports Sciences, Humanities, Agricultural and Food Sciences, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Political, Economic and Social Sciences, Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication, Biotechnology), as well as by other academic units.

15-hour non-modular pathways dedicated to one or more specific subjects.

This kind of pathway may include:

  • practical experiences in a laboratory
  • guided visits
  • seminar cycles and thematic lessons.
Iniziative in evidenza

Indichiamo le date già fissate di alcuni dei percorsi da noi offerti. Altri percorsi le stanno definendo o le definiranno in base alle esigenze delle scuole che ci contatteranno.


Marzo - Aprile 2025      
Percorso Date Numero di posti  
SM.01 - Un salto nelle scienze motorie 12, 19, 26 marzo e 2 aprile 2025  40 vedi la scheda
TEST - Orientamento Attivo e Test d’ammissione  “Area Scientifico-Tecnologica” 17 e 19 marzo 2025 50 vedi la scheda
MC.23 - Ricerca di base in ambito biomedico 18 e 19 marzo 2025 21 vedi la scheda
MC. 47 - Prenditi cura di te: il ruolo dell’infermiere nella prevenzione 26 marzo e 3 aprile 2025 (date provvisorie) 60 vedi la scheda
MC.45 - Logopedia per GEN Z: sguardo a 360° sulla professione 31 marzo e 1 aprile 2025 20 vedi la scheda
SA.30 - School Area Agraria e Alimentare 2 e 3 aprile 2025 40 vedi la scheda
MC.27 - Open lab 7, 8 e 9 aprile 2025 25 vedi la scheda 



Maggio 2025      
Percorso Date Numero di posti  
MC.34 - Hands on anatomy  8,15, 22, 29 maggio + 5 giugno 2025 30 vedi la scheda
MC.45 - Logopedia per GEN Z: sguardo a 360° sulla professione 27 e 28 maggio 2025 20 vedi la scheda



Giugno 2025      
Percorso Date Numero di posti  
MC.22 - Obiettivo Psiche dal 9 al 12 giugno 2025 20 vedi la scheda
VET.04 - CampusLodiHub: From farm to fork dal 9 al 13 giugno 2025 30 vedi la scheda
ST.30 - Laboratorio per l’insegnamento delle scienze di base: Le basi del sistema immunitario dal 10 al 13 giugno 2025 20 vedi la scheda
CUSMIBIO. 01 - La variabilità’ all’interno delle popolazioni umane 16 e 17 giugno 2025 20 vedi la scheda
ST.31 - Viaggio alla scoperta del cervello dal 16 al 20 giugno 20 vedi la scheda
SF.05 - Dalla chimica alla biologia: esempi pratici 17 e 18 giugno 2025 20 vedi la scheda
CUSMIBIO. 02 - Nuove frontiere nella ricerca nell’ambito della biodiversità e ambiente 23 e 24 giugno 2025 20 vedi la scheda
SF.07 - I medicinali: dalla progettazione al riconoscimento analitico del principio attivo 23 e 25 giugno 2025 15 vedi la scheda
SF.08 - I medicinali: dalla sintesi di un principio attivo alla realizzazione della compressa per assumerlo. 23,24 e 26 giugno 2025 15 vedi la scheda
VET. 02 - Esperienza di lavoro nella gestione di animali allevati e ospedalizzati 30 giugno, 1 e 2 luglio 2025+modulo orientamento on line da definire 15 vedi la scheda
ST.36 - Una settimana da Bio dal 30 giugno al 4 luglio 44 vedi la scheda