Master in Management Delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni - Secondo Livello

2nd level vocational master
A.Y. 2022/2023
Study area
Social Sciences and Law
2nd level vocational master
This Master's programme aims to provide professional and specialist training for public administration executives and officers. It is mainly geared to:
1) New graduates who intend to serve as public administration officers in different fields (e.g. D-level officers in local authorities). The programme will also prepare students for PA exams;
2) Graduates who intend to take the National School of Administration course and exam in order to be promoted to executive positions;
3) PA officers wishing to have a broader picture of public institutions management, including for the purposes of career advancement;
4) Executives who wish to have a better understanding of PA management, and look at their profession from a broader angle.

The programme is structured as follows:
a. Baseline understanding of public management theories and conceptual foundations;
b. Personal development, aimed at providing learners with interpersonal and problem-solving skills;
c. Specialist ad hoc courses, with a focus on university management and general management.

The general management track has the following learning objectives: management of complex public-sector organisations, creating public value through inter-institutional cooperation, problem-solving, talent management.
More specifically, the main learning objectives include:
? understanding public value creation processes from an economic, legal and political perspective;
? understanding key management tools and room for manoeuvre in the public regulatory framework;
? developing financial and human resources strategic management skills;
? public policy analysis and assessment, public-private and public-public partnership management;
? responsible leadership skills to seize new professional opportunities and become agents of change;
? becoming familiar with public recruitment processes and tools.

The specialist university management track, in addition to PA general management skills, will develop the knowledge and skills required for integrated management of key university processes, namely:
? understanding the production processes of the university system also with a view to development and internationalisation;
? understanding key management tools and room for manoeuvre in resource management and in terms of efficient teaching and research;
? developing financial and human resources strategic management skills;
? responsible leadership skills to seize new professional opportunities and become agents of change;
? becoming familiar with the public recruitment processes and tools.
Il corso si rivolge a tutti i possessori di laurea magistrale e a ciclo unico ex D.M. 270/2004.
This Master's programme is intended to promote employment in public administration offices, under the current development plan. It will train highly-skilled graduates from different subject areas, who intend to serve in the public administration. Students will also learn how to deal with public recruitment processes. Those who have at least 5 years' experience as officers will receive training for executive positions, including with a view to public recruitment processes.
Lastly, this Master's programme offers an opportunity for personal development to all those who intend to perfect their knowledge of general management of public administrations as municipal secretaries, public managers and PA consultants.

Courses list

Open sessions
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Administrative Law 3 27 Italian
Co-Production and Cooperation Strategies in the Pa
3 27 Italian
Data Analysis and Public Policies 3 27 Italian
Economics and Strategy in Public Administrations 3 27 Italian
L'evoluzione del ruolo del management pubblico
1 17 Italian
Labour Law in the Pa 3 27 Italian
Organization of Work in the Pa 3 27 Italian
Pa Budget and Procurement
3 27 Italian
Pa Governance
3 27 Italian
People Management and Relations
3 27 Italian
Performance Management and Audit 3 27 Italian
Potenziare le capacità di gestione degli appalti 1 17 Italian
Potenziare le capacità di gestione dei rapporti con la politica
1 17 Italian
Potenziare le capacità di governo della complessità
1 17 Italian
Potenziare le capacità di prevenzione rischi corruttivi
1 17 Italian
Potenziare le capacità di progettazione della leva dell'information technology
1 17 Italian
Potenziare le capacità di utilizzo della leva formativa nelle organizzazioni
2 21 Italian
Potenziare le capacità negoziali nelle relazioni sindacali
2 21 Italian
Public Ethics and Criminal Law 3 27 Italian
Training for Selection and Coaching and Career Development
3 42 Italian
Workshop 2- Enhancing the Skills to Sit Psychometric Tests
1 17 Italian
Open sessions
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Administrative Law 3 27 Italian
Attori e governance del sistema universitario, delle università e delle sue unità organizzative 2 18 Italian
Economics and Strategy in Public Administrations 3 27 Italian
Evolutionary Trends in University Systems and Universities. Post-Covid Scenarios 2 18 Italian
Finanziamento delle università, bilancio e gestione economica
2 18 Italian
I meccanismi di valutazione e accreditamento interni alle università 1 9 Italian
L'evoluzione del ruolo del management pubblico
1 17 Italian
Labour Law in the Pa 3 27 Italian
Organization of Work in the Pa 3 27 Italian
Pa Budget and Procurement
3 27 Italian
People Management and Relations
3 27 Italian
Potenziare le capacità di gestione degli appalti 1 17 Italian
Potenziare le capacità di gestione dei rapporti con la politica
1 17 Italian
Potenziare le capacità di governo della complessità
1 17 Italian
Potenziare le capacità di prevenzione rischi corruttivi
1 17 Italian
Potenziare le capacità di progettazione della leva dell'information technology
1 17 Italian
Potenziare le capacità di utilizzo della leva formativa nelle organizzazioni
2 21 Italian
Potenziare le capacità negoziali nelle relazioni sindacali
2 21 Italian
Public Ethics and Criminal Law 3 27 Italian
Sistemi di programmazione e performance nelle università
2 18 Italian
Sistemi informativi e analisi dei dati per il management universitario
2 18 Italian
Training for Selection and Coaching and Career Development
3 42 Italian
Workshop 2- Enhancing the Skills to Sit Psychometric Tests
1 17 Italian