Cooperation for Sustainable Agri-Food Development

1st level vocational master
A.Y. 2022/2023
Study area
Agricultural and food science
1st level vocational master
07-11-2022 - 27-10-2023
The Master's programme, which will be held in English, aims to train students to understand and address rural development issues from different angles (e.g. technical, social, economic, institutional). Rural development is still a high priority in many parts of the world, where local communities base their existence on the agricultural sector, which requires continuous adaptation to respond to the challenges of globalization, population growth, natural and anthropogenic threats. Moreover, the development of rural communities should go hand in hand with environmental, social and economic sustainability, which is the only guarantee of a lasting and sound use of available resources in keeping with the institutional, cultural and natural environment. In this context, it is essential to understand the reality that we operate in, and to favour processes of self-development, empowerment, social and institutional capital building.
Il corso si rivolge ai i possessori di laurea in una delle seguenti classi ex D.M. 270/2004:
L-2 Biotecnologie;
L-6 Geografia;
L-7 Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale;
L-13 Scienze Biologiche;
L-18 Scienze dell'Economia e della Gestione Aziendale;
L-21 Scienze della Pianificazione Territoriale, Urbanistica, Paesaggistica e Ambientale;
L-25 Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie e Forestali; L-26 Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari;
L-32 Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Ambiente e la Natura;
L-33 Scienze economiche;
L-36 Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali;
L-37 Scienze Sociali per la Cooperazione, lo Sviluppo e la Pace;
L-38 Scienze Zootecniche e Tecnologie delle Produzioni Animali.
È richiesta inoltre la conoscenza della lingua inglese.
The main career opportunities can be found in the following areas:
- Non-governmental organisations;
- EU institutions and agencies;
- Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS);
- Local authorities;
- Professional consultancy for Italian, EU and international institutions.

Courses list

Open sessions
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Analysis of the geographical, social, political context 2 22 English
Esercizi di autovalutazione
2 26 Italian
Management of biotic and abiotic stresses in extreme environments 3 30 English
Mapping and monitoring 2 20 English
Monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learning 1 - theory and practice 6 52 English
Policies and strategies (International and national institutions, civil society)
Moro Riccardo
3 28 English
Project design 1: theory of change, problem and soultion trees, logical framework, results chain. 3 28 English
Project design 2: co-design and participatory methods, conflict management. 2 20 English
Seminari di approfondimento e analisi di casi di studio
9 118 Italian
Water - energy - food nexus - valorisation of local food resources 4 34 English
Water-energy - food nexus - water management 4 34 English
Water-energy-food nexus - appropriate technologies for farming 4 34 English
Water-energy-food nexus - integrated energy approach 2 20 English
Water-energy-food nexus - livestock systems 4 34 English