Psotgraduate School of Nuclear Medicine

Specializzazioni mediche
Postgraduate Schools - Medicine, Healthcare, Dental Medicine
A.Y. 2023/2024
Course class
Classe della diagnostica per immagini e radioterapia
Study area
Medicine and Healthcare
Postgraduate Schools - Medicine, Healthcare, Dental Medicine
Milano, Como, Legnano, Pavia, Veruno
Director of Specialization School
Common training objectives (or common core)
Students must acquire a scientific grounding and theoretical-practical preparation for practicing as a specialist and the methodology and culture for lifelong learning, as well as a degree of professional, decisional and operative autonomy in the selected field of specialization. Students must acquire: core competencies deriving from the basic sciences, which underpin all the specialization paths and are indispensable for understanding instrumentation and the correct application of procedures and methods; core competencies in molecular and genetic biology, advanced knowledge of etiopathogenic mechanisms in neoplastic disease, adequate theoretical knowledge and clinical practice for prevention, diagnosis, therapy and follow-up in neoplastic patients; lastly, clinical knowledge enabling an accurate assessment of pathologies so as to select the most appropriate diagnostic, interventional and therapeutic options, also in compliance with existing norms in the field of radiation protection and protection, assessing risks, costs and benefits; the ability to communicate clearly and sympathetically with patients and family members. Lastly, students must acquire the ability to liaise with attending physicians and other specialists, as well as collaborate with other radiology professionals and understand scientific English.

Core training objectives
-fundamentals of mathematics and physics, and of radiation physics in particular;
-tracer theory;
-image processing;
-electronic instrumentation and applications in medicine;
-structure and functioning of devices for detecting and measuring ionizing radiation (live and in-vitro);
-structure and functioning of imaging devices;
-ways in which ionizing radiation and biological structures interact;
-radiosensitivity of tissues and organs;
-radiation protection and radiation pathology;
-foundations in physiology and physical pathology;
-foundations in clinical radiopharmacology

School-specific training objectives
-evaluation and statistics of radioactive counts;
-radiochemistry, radiopharmacy and quality control of radiopharmaceuticals;
-radionuclide marking of cells, subcellular structures and biomolecules;
-image data acquisition and processing techniques, in particular emission tomography (SPET and PET);
-integration and assessment of diagnostic results with clinical information and the results of other investigations;
-principles and norms in radiation protection of patients, operators, and the public;
-indications, procedures and results, methodologies and dosimetry regarding the application of radiotracers

Related or additional objectives
-radiopharmaceutical preparation and quality control;
-administering radiopharmaceuticals,
-supervision and quality assurance in the process of preparing, controlling and administering radiopharmaceuticals;
-special methods for in-vivo diagnostic testing of various organs and systems;
-study of neoplastic and non-neoplastic pathological processes using radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals;
-application of radiometabolic therapy to neoplastic and non-neoplastic processes;
-principles and application of radioimmunology, immunoradiometry and other techniques relating to in-vitro nuclear medicine;
-diagnostic methods that do not make use of radioactive tracers (CT, NMR);
-ability to integrate and interpret results obtained through medical-nuclear methods with those obtained through radiodiagnostic methods, focusing on methods for merging imagery;
-organization of activities in a nuclear medicine service and quality assurance principles;
-knowledge of the basic methods for planning scientific research correctly;
-knowledge of norms and legislation pertaining to the use of radiative energy
Alla Scuola si accede con concorso annuale per titoli ed esami bandito di norma entro il 28 febbraio di ciascun anno con Decreto del Ministero per il numero di posti determinati ai sensi dell'art. 35, comma 2, del Decreto Legislativo n. 368 del 1999.
Al concorso possono partecipare i laureati in Medicina e Chirurgia in data anteriore al termine di scadenza per la presentazione delle domande di partecipazione al concorso fissato dal bando, con obbligo, a pena di esclusione, di superare l'esame di Stato di abilitazione all'esercizio della professione di medico-chirurgo entro il termine fissato per l'inizio delle attività didattiche delle Scuole

Candidates are selected through an annual competition based on qualifications and examination. The call for applications is normally issued by 28 February of each year by a Ministerial Decree, and the number of places available is determined pursuant to art. 35, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 368 of 1999.
Eligible candidates are Medicine graduates who obtained their degree before the application deadline set out in the call for applications, provided that they pass the Medical Practitioner State Board Exam within the start date of the Postgraduate School programme
Milano, Como, Legnano, Pavia, Veruno
Learning centers
L'attività didattica, formale e professionalizzante, si espleta nelle seguenti sedi:

ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo - Presidio Ospedaliero "San Paolo"
- U.O. Medicina nucleare

Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico
- Servizio medicina nucleare

Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
- S.C. di Medicina nucleare

IEO - Istituto Europeo di Oncologia
- Divisione Medicina nucleare

ASST Lariana
- U.O.C. Medicina nucleare del Presidio Ospedaliero "Sant'Anna di Como"

ASST Ovest Milanese
- U.O. Medicina nucleare del Presidio Ospedaliero Civile di Legnano

Fondazione Maugeri di Pavia
- Servizio di medicina nucleare - Sede di Pavia
- Servizio di medicina nucleare - SB Istituto di Veruno

CDI - Centro Diagnostico Italiano
- Unità di Imaging Diagnostico, Medicina Nucleare e Radiochirurgia
  • Secretariat of the Postgraduate Schools: Ms Simona Tosi
    Ospedale San Paolo - Dip. di Scienze della salute,Via A. di Rudinì n. 8, cap 20142 Milano
    [email protected]

Courses list

Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Anestesiologia tronco comune
1 15 Italian
Fisica nucleare
1 8 Italian
Fondamenti di matematica e fisica
2 16 Italian
Malattie apparato cardiovascolare tronco comune
1 15 Italian
Medicina nucleare e imaging molecolare 1
48 92 Italian
Nefrologia tronco comune
1 15 Italian
Statistica medica (PRIMO ANNO)
1 8 Italian
Tirocinio tronco comune (PRIMO ANNO)
5 Italian
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Anatomia patologica
1 8 Italian
Endocrinologia tronco comune
1 15 Italian
Informatica (SECONDO ANNO)
2 16 Italian
Medicina nucleare e imaging molecolare 2
48 92 Italian
Neurologia tronco comune
1 15 Italian
Statistica medica (SECONDO ANNO)
2 16 Italian
Tirocinio tronco comune (SECONDO ANNO)
5 Italian
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Informatica (TERZO ANNO)
4 8 Italian
Medicina interna tronco comune
1 15 Italian
Medicina nucleare e imaging molecolare 3
48 92 Italian
Oncologia medica tronco comune
1 15 Italian
Tirocinio tronco comune (TERZO ANNO)
6 Italian
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Chirurgia generale tronco comune
1 15 Italian
Economia aziendale
1 8 Italian
Medicina legale
1 8 Italian
Medicina nucleare e imaging molecolare 4
36 92 Italian
Tirocinio tronco comune (QUARTO ANNO)
6 Italian
Conclusive activities
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Prova finale
15 Italian