Postgraduate School of Neurology

Postgraduate Schools - Medicine, Healthcare, Dental Medicine
A.Y. 2021/2022
Course class
Classe delle Neuroscienze e scienze cliniche del comportamento
Study area
Medicine and Healthcare
Director of Specialization School
Common training objectives (or common core)
Students must acquire adequate theoretical knowledge and professional skill in the diagnosis and treatment, even in emergency-urgent situations, of the most common pathologies in internal and developmental medicine.
Given the specific cultural links existing among the different class types, the common core university credits (CFU) of related specialist subjects must include:
-theoretical knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the central and peripheral nervous system;
-general theoretical knowledge of etiopathogenic mechanisms in neurological and psychiatric pathologies through the various stages of life;
-core theoretical knowledge and practical experience in diagnostic methods, even differential methods (clinical examination, diagnostic medical imaging, electrophysiological techniques, chemical-biological exams and psychometric evaluation) of neurological and psychiatric pathologies through the various stages of life;
-theoretical knowledge and clinical-practical experience (including urgent/emergency situations) pertaining to the main pathologies of neurological and psychiatric interest in the various stages of life, including neurological and psychiatric complications in internal medicine;
-core theoretical knowledge and clinical-practical experience in the main techniques adopted in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of neurological and psychiatric pathologies through the various stages of life.
General training objectives
Knowledge of: the morphogenesis and structural organization of the nervous system; of how the central and peripheral nervous system and muscles function under both normal and pathological conditions; basic statistical analysis and the epidemiological method; computer skills for data acquisition and processing.
Acquire knowledge of the biological basis of pharmacological activity, as well as medical-legal and bioethical implications of drug use and, in general, of problems linked to neurological pathologies; understand basic etiopathogenic mechanisms, including those of molecular medicine applied to neurology, and of clinical neurochemistry;
Knowledge of the history of medicine and neurology.
School-specific training objectives
Knowledge of: the fundamental causes and pathogenic mechanisms of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system and muscles, and appropriate assistance; structural and/or functional alterations in the nervous system and corresponding lesions from a neuropathology perspective; functional semiotics, clinical methods, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics; neuroimaging and the neurophysiological and neuropsychological presentation of diseases of the nervous system over a life cycle; developmental and geriatric neurology; urgent neurology, physiopathology and acute and chronic pain therapy, clinical and molecular neurogenetics, disability diagnosis and recovery and neurological rehabilitation, clinical neuropsychology, clinical neurobiology, including the histopathology of the central nervous system, muscles and nerves, and neuroimmunology.
Students must acquire adequate theoretical knowledge and professional skill in the diagnosis and treatment, even in emergency-urgent situations, of the most common pathologies in internal and developmental medicine.
Given the specific cultural links existing among the different class types, the common core university credits (CFU) of related specialist subjects must include:
-theoretical knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the central and peripheral nervous system;
-general theoretical knowledge of etiopathogenic mechanisms in neurological and psychiatric pathologies through the various stages of life;
-core theoretical knowledge and practical experience in diagnostic methods, even differential methods (clinical examination, diagnostic medical imaging, electrophysiological techniques, chemical-biological exams and psychometric evaluation) of neurological and psychiatric pathologies through the various stages of life;
-theoretical knowledge and clinical-practical experience (including urgent/emergency situations) pertaining to the main pathologies of neurological and psychiatric interest in the various stages of life, including neurological and psychiatric complications in internal medicine;
-core theoretical knowledge and clinical-practical experience in the main techniques adopted in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of neurological and psychiatric pathologies through the various stages of life.
General training objectives
Knowledge of: the morphogenesis and structural organization of the nervous system; of how the central and peripheral nervous system and muscles function under both normal and pathological conditions; basic statistical analysis and the epidemiological method; computer skills for data acquisition and processing.
Acquire knowledge of the biological basis of pharmacological activity, as well as medical-legal and bioethical implications of drug use and, in general, of problems linked to neurological pathologies; understand basic etiopathogenic mechanisms, including those of molecular medicine applied to neurology, and of clinical neurochemistry;
Knowledge of the history of medicine and neurology.
School-specific training objectives
Knowledge of: the fundamental causes and pathogenic mechanisms of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system and muscles, and appropriate assistance; structural and/or functional alterations in the nervous system and corresponding lesions from a neuropathology perspective; functional semiotics, clinical methods, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics; neuroimaging and the neurophysiological and neuropsychological presentation of diseases of the nervous system over a life cycle; developmental and geriatric neurology; urgent neurology, physiopathology and acute and chronic pain therapy, clinical and molecular neurogenetics, disability diagnosis and recovery and neurological rehabilitation, clinical neuropsychology, clinical neurobiology, including the histopathology of the central nervous system, muscles and nerves, and neuroimmunology.
Alla Scuola si accede con concorso annuale per titoli ed esami bandito di norma entro il 28 febbraio di ciascun anno con Decreto del Ministero per il numero di posti determinati ai sensi dell'art. 35, comma 2, del Decreto Legislativo n. 368 del 1999.
Al concorso possono partecipare i laureati in Medicina e Chirurgia in data anteriore al termine di scadenza per la presentazione delle domande di partecipazione al concorso fissato dal bando, con obbligo, a pena di esclusione, di superare l'esame di Stato di abilitazione all'esercizio della professione di medico-chirurgo entro il termine fissato per l'inizio delle attività didattiche delle Scuole
Candidates are selected through an annual competition based on qualifications and examination. The call for applications is normally issued by 28 February of each year by a Ministerial Decree, and the number of places available is determined pursuant to art. 35, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 368 of 1999.
Eligible candidates are Medicine graduates who obtained their degree before the application deadline set out in the call for applications, provided that they pass the Medical Practitioner State Board Exam within the start date of the Postgraduate School programme
Al concorso possono partecipare i laureati in Medicina e Chirurgia in data anteriore al termine di scadenza per la presentazione delle domande di partecipazione al concorso fissato dal bando, con obbligo, a pena di esclusione, di superare l'esame di Stato di abilitazione all'esercizio della professione di medico-chirurgo entro il termine fissato per l'inizio delle attività didattiche delle Scuole
Candidates are selected through an annual competition based on qualifications and examination. The call for applications is normally issued by 28 February of each year by a Ministerial Decree, and the number of places available is determined pursuant to art. 35, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 368 of 1999.
Eligible candidates are Medicine graduates who obtained their degree before the application deadline set out in the call for applications, provided that they pass the Medical Practitioner State Board Exam within the start date of the Postgraduate School programme
Milano, Legnano, Rozzano, Bosisio Parini
Learning centers
L'attività didattica, formale e professionalizzante, si espleta nelle seguenti sedi:
Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico
- U.O.C. Neurologia
- U.O.C. Pediatria - Media Intensità di Cura
- U.O. Medicina Interna, Allergologia e Immunologia
- U.O.C. di Neurofisiopatologia
- U.O.S.D. di Neurologia - Malattie Neuromuscolari e Rare
- U.O.C. Psichiatria
- U.O. Radiologia
- U.O. Neonatologia e terapia intensiva neonatale
- U.O.C. Neuroradiologia
- U.O. Neurochirurgia
- U.O. Terapia intensiva neuroscienze
- U.O.C. Medicina Generale ad indirizzo metabolico
ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo - Presidio Ospedaliero "San Paolo"
- U.O. Neurologia
- U.O. Neurologia 2 - Centro Regionale Epilessia
- U.O. Medicina II
- S.C. Psichiatria 52
- U.O.S. Stroke Unit del Presidio Ospedaliero "San Carlo"
Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Neurologico "C. Besta"
- U.O.C. Neurologia I (disturbi del movimento)
- U.O.C. Neurologia II (neurooncologia)
- U.O.C. Neurologia III (cefalee e neuroalgologia)
- U.O.C. Neurologia IV (neuroimmunologia e malattie neuromuscolari)
- U.O.C. Neuroradiologia
- U.O.C. Neurologia 9
- U.O.C. Neurologia 10
- U.O.C. Neurologia VI (neurofisiopatologia)
ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco
- U.O. Neurologia del Presidio Ospedaliero "Luigi Sacco"
- U.O.C. Medicina Generale del Presidio Ospedaliero "Luigi Sacco"
ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda
- U.O. Riabilitazione Neurologica - Centro Clinico Nemo
ASST Ovest Milanese
- U.O.C. di Neurologia e Stroke Unit
Humanitas Research Hospital
- U.O. Malattie Neuromuscolari e Neuroimmunologia
- Servizio Stroke Unit della Neurologia d'Urgenza
Istituto Auxologico Italiano
- U.O. Neurologia stroke Unit del Presidio Ospedaliero "San Luca"
- Riabilitazione Neuromotoria dell'IRCCS Ospedale Capitanio
IRCCS Eugenio Medea - La Nostra Famiglia Associazione
- Area neurofisiatrica di Bosisio Parini (LC)
Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico
- U.O.C. Neurologia
- U.O.C. Pediatria - Media Intensità di Cura
- U.O. Medicina Interna, Allergologia e Immunologia
- U.O.C. di Neurofisiopatologia
- U.O.S.D. di Neurologia - Malattie Neuromuscolari e Rare
- U.O.C. Psichiatria
- U.O. Radiologia
- U.O. Neonatologia e terapia intensiva neonatale
- U.O.C. Neuroradiologia
- U.O. Neurochirurgia
- U.O. Terapia intensiva neuroscienze
- U.O.C. Medicina Generale ad indirizzo metabolico
ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo - Presidio Ospedaliero "San Paolo"
- U.O. Neurologia
- U.O. Neurologia 2 - Centro Regionale Epilessia
- U.O. Medicina II
- S.C. Psichiatria 52
- U.O.S. Stroke Unit del Presidio Ospedaliero "San Carlo"
Fondazione IRCCS - Istituto Neurologico "C. Besta"
- U.O.C. Neurologia I (disturbi del movimento)
- U.O.C. Neurologia II (neurooncologia)
- U.O.C. Neurologia III (cefalee e neuroalgologia)
- U.O.C. Neurologia IV (neuroimmunologia e malattie neuromuscolari)
- U.O.C. Neuroradiologia
- U.O.C. Neurologia 9
- U.O.C. Neurologia 10
- U.O.C. Neurologia VI (neurofisiopatologia)
ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco
- U.O. Neurologia del Presidio Ospedaliero "Luigi Sacco"
- U.O.C. Medicina Generale del Presidio Ospedaliero "Luigi Sacco"
ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda
- U.O. Riabilitazione Neurologica - Centro Clinico Nemo
ASST Ovest Milanese
- U.O.C. di Neurologia e Stroke Unit
Humanitas Research Hospital
- U.O. Malattie Neuromuscolari e Neuroimmunologia
- Servizio Stroke Unit della Neurologia d'Urgenza
Istituto Auxologico Italiano
- U.O. Neurologia stroke Unit del Presidio Ospedaliero "San Luca"
- Riabilitazione Neuromotoria dell'IRCCS Ospedale Capitanio
IRCCS Eugenio Medea - La Nostra Famiglia Associazione
- Area neurofisiatrica di Bosisio Parini (LC)
- Secretariat of the Postgraduate Schools: Dr. Guglielmi Daniele
Fond. IRCCS Cà Granda Osp. Magg. Policlinico,Dip. di Fisiopat. Medico-Chirurgca, Pad. Monteggia, via Sforza n.35,Milano
[email protected]
+3902/50320428 - 02/55033697
Courses list
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Anatomia umana | 0.5 | 4 | Italian | |
Biochimica | 1 | 8 | Italian | |
Fisiologia | 0.5 | 4 | Italian | |
Genetica medica | 1 | 8 | Italian | |
Medicina interna tronco comune | 5 | 15 | Italian | |
Neurologia tronco comune | 3 | 15 | Italian | |
Oftalmologia | 0.5 | 4 | Italian |
Open sessions
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Attivita' di neurologia clinica pratica 1 | 2 | 30 | Italian | |
Farmacologia | 1 | 8 | Italian | |
Neurologia 1 | 42 | 32 | Italian | |
Otorinolaringoiatria | 0.5 | 4 | Italian | |
Pediatria tronco comune | Mosca Fabio
2 | 15 | Italian |
Statistica medica | 1 | 8 | Italian |
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Diagnostica per immagini tronco comune | Sardanelli Francesco
2 | 15 | Italian |
Neuropsichiatria infantile tronco comune | 3 | 15 | Italian | |
Rianimazione | Stocchetti Nino
4 | 8 | Italian |
Second semester
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Attivita' di neurologia clinica pratica 2 | 8 | 120 | Italian | |
Neurologia 2 | 38 | 32 | Italian |
Open sessions
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Neuroradiologia tronco comune | 5 | 15 | Italian |
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Attivita' di neurologia clinica pratica 3 | 2 | 30 | Italian | |
Malattie apparato cardiovascolare | 1 | 8 | Italian | |
Malattie infettive | 1 | 8 | Italian | |
Medicina forense | 1 | 8 | Italian | |
Psicologia clinica | 1 | 8 | Italian |
Second semester
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Neurologia 3 | 44 | 32 | Italian |
Open sessions
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Medicina fisica e riabilitativa tronco comune | 7 | 15 | Italian | |
Psichiatria tronco comune | 3 | 15 | Italian |
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Neurochirurgia | 1 | 8 | Italian |
Second semester
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Attivita' di neurologia clinica pratica 4 | Bet Luciano
Scelzo Emma
2 | 30 | Italian |
Neurologia 4 | 42 | 32 | Italian |
Conclusive activities
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Prova finale | 15 | Italian |
Postgraduate schools
For graduates in Law, Dental Medicine, Humanities, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Mathematics and Physics