Plant Science

Plant Science
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
Master programme
interateneo Université Grenoble Alpes
LM-6 R - Biologia
The Plant Science Master's degree aims at training professionals with a solid and integrated cultural background in basic biology, appropriate for applications in different areas of biology, focusing mainly on plant science. The students will acquire a high level of scientific preparation and in-depth knowledge and skills, taking into consideration molecular and cellular aspects, without neglecting applicative goals such as plant breeding and the protection and preservation of natural plant species. Students will acquire high-level skills, which will enable them to use the latest technologies to study complex plant biological systems. Thus, the objective of the course is to provide in-depth knowledge of specific plant biological mechanisms with special emphasis on morpho-anatomical developmental processes and how these are affected by their interaction with the environment. Among the specific objectives, the knowledge required to design and develop strategies to ensure continuous production of plant species deputed for consumption, even in the context of climate change, will be acquired to meet consumer and market needs. Students will also be trained on current regulations and processes for patent formulation and technology transfer. The Master programme encourages students to work both independently and in teams, thereby fostering the development of the skills needed to operate effectively in different working contexts. Other objectives are promoting the understanding of environmental policies and encouraging practices that increase environmental protection and preservation. To achieve these objectives, lectures and laboratory activities are planned to give solid theoretical and practical foundations, and, thus, provide multidisciplinary skills in the most innovative experimental techniques. A distinctive feature of the course is, in fact, the opportunity for students to undertake internships at the two university campuses, or at other universities and facilities with which the university has agreements, including both public and private institutions. This has also the aim of facilitating the students' transitions into the labour market and to enable them to establish professional networks. The course has a strong international dimension, promoting foreign language learning and internationalization, thus expanding graduates' job opportunities beyond national borders. Upon completion of the programme, graduates will possess the necessary skills to engage in professional and managerial activities with knowledge of the existing regulations. They will be able to communicate their knowledge and results in the scientific field effectively through lectures and seminars.
The decision to offer a Master's degree entirely in English and the close collaboration with UGA, where students are required to take part of the courses, broadens the graduate's job prospects, enabling them to enter the labour markets at national and international level.
The Master's course in Plant Science provides in-depth, state-of-the-art knowledge on the molecular and cellular aspects of plants, whether they are model organisms or species of agricultural interest, and their interactions with the environment.
The skills acquired in this degree course will equip the graduate with the ability to undertake roles of significant responsibility in professional areas such as:
- Basic and applied research activities in university laboratories, in other public or private research organisations, and in industry, with particular regard to plant organisms
- Developing and promoting scientific methodologies for the study of biological and, more specifically, plant-related questions
- Acquisition of the skills required for the performance of functions of responsibility in public or private bodies in charge of environmental protection and management, in biological research laboratories, in biotechnological and food industries, and in all professional fields in which a multidisciplinary approach to plant biology problems is required
- Publishing and science dissemination activities
- Teaching-related activities
Graduates will be eligible to take the state exam to obtain the qualification to practise as a biologist, and consequently registration in the National Order of Biologists (section A). To achieve greater levels of responsibility, further knowledge must be acquired through PhDs, Schools of Specialisation and Level II Masters.
Skills associated with the role
The holder of the Master's Degree in Plant Science has a specific and up-to-date cultural background in the field of plant biology, with skills ranging from molecular biology to ecology and genetic improvement of cultivated species. In particular, they acquire the following skills:
- The understanding of plant biological phenomena and the dissemination and transfer of this knowledge
- Ecosystem analysis, environmental impact assessment and biomonitoring
- Applied plant biology
Employment opportunities
- Universities and public and private research institutes
- Public and private laboratories for biological, microbiological, genetic analysis, quality control
- Biotechnology, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, biorefineries
- Scientific communication, dissemination and information, scientific publishing
- Agri-food companies operating in the field of plant breeding and seed production
- Companies involved in production of molecules of food, industrial and pharmaceutical interest in plant systems
- NGOs active in the field of cooperation with developing countries and within international organisations
Plant Science prepares graduates for positions of high responsibility in all professional fields in which research knowledge of plant biology is deepened, with particular reference to the use of plant biological systems and genetic engineering techniques for applications in various production sectors. Graduates will be able to take the State Examination for the Qualification of Biologist and thus be registered in the National Order of Biologists (Section A). In order to reach higher levels of responsibility, it is necessary to acquire further qualifications through PhDs, Schools of Specialisation and Level II Masters, after passing the relevant competitive examinations.
Skills associated with the role
Plant Science graduates have a solid cultural background in plant biotechnology, ranging from molecular biology to genetic improvement of crop species using the latest technologies. They have specific expertise in:
- Plant and agricultural industrial biotechnology
- Phenotyping and large-scale data analysis
- Biomolecular analyses
Job opportunities
- Universities and public or private research institutions
- Biotechnological, pharmaceutical, chemical industries and bio-refineries
- Communication, dissemination and scientific information, scientific publishing
- Plant genetic improvement and seed production
- Agri-food sector;
- Production of molecules of food, industrial and pharmaceutical interest in plant systems
- NGOs active in the field of cooperation with developing countries and within international organisations
The Master of Plant Science has a thorough knowledge of plants in their integrity, complexity and evolutionary context. The solid cultural background and in-depth knowledge of plant anatomy and morphology, plant responses to the environment and the latest techniques in microscopic image acquisition will prepare you specifically for professional and project-related activities in botanical fields, but also for positions of responsibility in pharmaceutical botany and scientific research, both in industry and in public bodies or institutes. Graduates will be able to take the national examination to obtain the qualification to practice as a biologist and consequently register in the Italian National Order of Biologists (Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi, section A). They will be able to access PhD positions, specialization schools and other Master's courses.
Skills associated with the role
The holder of a Master's degree in Plant Science has specific skills in
- Identification and classification of plant species
- Use of microscopy techniques to analyse species
- Use of bioinformatics tools applied to the study of environmental biodiversity
Employment opportunities
- Universities and public and private research institutes
- Biotechnology, pharmaceutical, chemical and biorefinery industries
- In the field of communication, dissemination and scientific information, scientific publishing
- Agri-food industries involved in plant breeding and seed production
- Industries involved in the production of molecules of food, industrial and pharmaceutical interest in plant systems
Researchers and technicians with a degree in life sciences
Plant Science graduates perform highly responsible functions in all professional fields requiring the development of research concepts and theories related to plant biology:
- Plans and carries out theoretical and experimental research aimed at extending and innovating the scientific knowledge of plants or their application in production
- Ensures the operation of laboratories and scientific equipment
- Defines and applies scientific protocols in laboratory experiments and in both basic and applied plant research activities
- Coordinates research groups in the industrial and public sectors
Graduates can take the State Examination for the qualification of Biologist and, thus, be registered in the National Order of Biologists (Section A). To reach higher levels of responsibility, it is necessary to acquire further knowledge through PhDs, Specialisation Schools and Level II Masters, after passing the relevant competitive examinations.
Competences associated with the role
The Master's Degree holder in Plant Science has a solid technical-scientific background in applied research methods in plant biology. In particular, he/she has competences in:
- Molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology and ecology of plants.
-The use of sophisticated equipment for the study of plants
Job opportunities
- Universities and research institutions;
- Public and private research laboratories.
The decision to offer a Master's degree entirely in English and the close collaboration with UGA, where students are required to take part of the courses, broadens the graduate's job prospects, enabling them to enter the labour markets at national and international level.
The Master's course in Plant Science provides in-depth, state-of-the-art knowledge on the molecular and cellular aspects of plants, whether they are model organisms or species of agricultural interest, and their interactions with the environment.
The skills acquired in this degree course will equip the graduate with the ability to undertake roles of significant responsibility in professional areas such as:
- Basic and applied research activities in university laboratories, in other public or private research organisations, and in industry, with particular regard to plant organisms
- Developing and promoting scientific methodologies for the study of biological and, more specifically, plant-related questions
- Acquisition of the skills required for the performance of functions of responsibility in public or private bodies in charge of environmental protection and management, in biological research laboratories, in biotechnological and food industries, and in all professional fields in which a multidisciplinary approach to plant biology problems is required
- Publishing and science dissemination activities
- Teaching-related activities
Graduates will be eligible to take the state exam to obtain the qualification to practise as a biologist, and consequently registration in the National Order of Biologists (section A). To achieve greater levels of responsibility, further knowledge must be acquired through PhDs, Schools of Specialisation and Level II Masters.
Skills associated with the role
The holder of the Master's Degree in Plant Science has a specific and up-to-date cultural background in the field of plant biology, with skills ranging from molecular biology to ecology and genetic improvement of cultivated species. In particular, they acquire the following skills:
- The understanding of plant biological phenomena and the dissemination and transfer of this knowledge
- Ecosystem analysis, environmental impact assessment and biomonitoring
- Applied plant biology
Employment opportunities
- Universities and public and private research institutes
- Public and private laboratories for biological, microbiological, genetic analysis, quality control
- Biotechnology, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, biorefineries
- Scientific communication, dissemination and information, scientific publishing
- Agri-food companies operating in the field of plant breeding and seed production
- Companies involved in production of molecules of food, industrial and pharmaceutical interest in plant systems
- NGOs active in the field of cooperation with developing countries and within international organisations
Plant Science prepares graduates for positions of high responsibility in all professional fields in which research knowledge of plant biology is deepened, with particular reference to the use of plant biological systems and genetic engineering techniques for applications in various production sectors. Graduates will be able to take the State Examination for the Qualification of Biologist and thus be registered in the National Order of Biologists (Section A). In order to reach higher levels of responsibility, it is necessary to acquire further qualifications through PhDs, Schools of Specialisation and Level II Masters, after passing the relevant competitive examinations.
Skills associated with the role
Plant Science graduates have a solid cultural background in plant biotechnology, ranging from molecular biology to genetic improvement of crop species using the latest technologies. They have specific expertise in:
- Plant and agricultural industrial biotechnology
- Phenotyping and large-scale data analysis
- Biomolecular analyses
Job opportunities
- Universities and public or private research institutions
- Biotechnological, pharmaceutical, chemical industries and bio-refineries
- Communication, dissemination and scientific information, scientific publishing
- Plant genetic improvement and seed production
- Agri-food sector;
- Production of molecules of food, industrial and pharmaceutical interest in plant systems
- NGOs active in the field of cooperation with developing countries and within international organisations
The Master of Plant Science has a thorough knowledge of plants in their integrity, complexity and evolutionary context. The solid cultural background and in-depth knowledge of plant anatomy and morphology, plant responses to the environment and the latest techniques in microscopic image acquisition will prepare you specifically for professional and project-related activities in botanical fields, but also for positions of responsibility in pharmaceutical botany and scientific research, both in industry and in public bodies or institutes. Graduates will be able to take the national examination to obtain the qualification to practice as a biologist and consequently register in the Italian National Order of Biologists (Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi, section A). They will be able to access PhD positions, specialization schools and other Master's courses.
Skills associated with the role
The holder of a Master's degree in Plant Science has specific skills in
- Identification and classification of plant species
- Use of microscopy techniques to analyse species
- Use of bioinformatics tools applied to the study of environmental biodiversity
Employment opportunities
- Universities and public and private research institutes
- Biotechnology, pharmaceutical, chemical and biorefinery industries
- In the field of communication, dissemination and scientific information, scientific publishing
- Agri-food industries involved in plant breeding and seed production
- Industries involved in the production of molecules of food, industrial and pharmaceutical interest in plant systems
Researchers and technicians with a degree in life sciences
Plant Science graduates perform highly responsible functions in all professional fields requiring the development of research concepts and theories related to plant biology:
- Plans and carries out theoretical and experimental research aimed at extending and innovating the scientific knowledge of plants or their application in production
- Ensures the operation of laboratories and scientific equipment
- Defines and applies scientific protocols in laboratory experiments and in both basic and applied plant research activities
- Coordinates research groups in the industrial and public sectors
Graduates can take the State Examination for the qualification of Biologist and, thus, be registered in the National Order of Biologists (Section A). To reach higher levels of responsibility, it is necessary to acquire further knowledge through PhDs, Specialisation Schools and Level II Masters, after passing the relevant competitive examinations.
Competences associated with the role
The Master's Degree holder in Plant Science has a solid technical-scientific background in applied research methods in plant biology. In particular, he/she has competences in:
- Molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology and ecology of plants.
-The use of sophisticated equipment for the study of plants
Job opportunities
- Universities and research institutions;
- Public and private research laboratories.
The Master's degree in Plant Science is the result of an agreement between UNIMI and UGA, France, establishing a joint Master's degree at the two Universities (
All Plant Science students whose home University is UNIMI will receive a contribution to support higher costs arising from their stay at UGA, during the first semester. The level of each contribution will relate to the ISEE declared by the relevant student.
Students interested in conducting internships abroad can also take advantage of the Erasmus+ mobility for Traineeship program and the "Thesis Abroad" call ( The international mobility
advisor for biological area is prof. M. Cristina Bonza ([email protected]).
For further assistance, you can also contact the:
International Mobility Office
via Santa Sofia 9 (second floor)
Tel. 02 503 13501-12589-13495-13502
Contacts: InformaStudenti; [email protected]
Student Desk booking through InformaStudenti
All Plant Science students whose home University is UNIMI will receive a contribution to support higher costs arising from their stay at UGA, during the first semester. The level of each contribution will relate to the ISEE declared by the relevant student.
Students interested in conducting internships abroad can also take advantage of the Erasmus+ mobility for Traineeship program and the "Thesis Abroad" call ( The international mobility
advisor for biological area is prof. M. Cristina Bonza ([email protected]).
For further assistance, you can also contact the:
International Mobility Office
via Santa Sofia 9 (second floor)
Tel. 02 503 13501-12589-13495-13502
Contacts: InformaStudenti; [email protected]
Student Desk booking through InformaStudenti
Attendance is compulsory for all internships. Attendance is compulsory for courses held at the UGA. For courses held at UNIMI, attendance is not compulsory but highly recommended.
It is a fundamental prerequisite for admission to the Master of Science degree in Plant Science to have an adequate and sound knowledge of the basics of biological disciplines. The Master's programme in Plant Science has a scheduled access policy in accordance with Law 264/1999. The reasons for this are inherent in the structure of the course itself. The number of eligible students is determined year by year by the competent academic bodies, after assessing the structural, instrumental and human resources available for the running of the course. Graduates of the L-13 Biological Sciences class who are recognised as fully meeting the curricular requirements, provided that they have completed an educational pathway congruent with the indications of the National College-CBUI and have been duly certified, may be admitted to the Master's Degree in Plant Science. These requirements include:
- 66 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) in the following Biology Scientific-Disciplinary Sector (SDSs) BIOS-01/A - General Botany, BIOS-01/B Systematic Botany, BIOS-01/C - Environmental and Applied Botany, BIOS-02/A - Plant Physiology, BIOS-03/A- Zoology, BIOS-04/A - Comparative Anatomy and Cytology, BIOS-05/A - Ecology, BIOS-06/A - Physiology, BIOS-07/A - Biochemistry, BIOS-08/A - Molecular Biology, BIOS-014/A - Genetics, BIOS-015/A - General Microbiology.
- At least 6 ECTS of these 66 ECTS must be acquired in SDS BIOS-01/(A-B,-C), BIOS-02/A and at least 12 ECTS in SDS BIOS-04/A, BIOS-05/A, BIOS-06/A, BIOS-07/A, BIOS-08/A, BIOS-014/A, BIOS-015/A.
- 12 ECTS in SDS PHYS-01/A through PHYS-06/B, INFO-01/A - Computer Science, IINF-05/A - Information Processing Systems, MATH-01/A through MATH-06/A.
- 12 ECTS in SDS CHEM-01/A - Analytical Chemistry, CHEM-02/A - Physical Chemistry, CHEM-03/A - General and Inorganic Chemistry and CHEM-06/A - Organic Chemistry.
Graduates of the L-13 Biological Sciences class who have not followed an educational pathway in accordance with the CBUI indications, or those of class L-12 Biological Sciences according to Ministerial Decree 509/99, or of other classes, may also be admitted provided that they have an adequate number of credits, not less than 90 ECTS, in the above-mentioned groups of scientific disciplines; for graduates of class L-25 Agricultural and Forestry Science and Technology, the ECTS in the SDSs may also be assessed in order to meet the minimum requirements: AGRI-02/A - Agronomy and Herbaceous Crops, AGRI-03/A - General Arboriculture and Tree Nursery, AGRI-06/A - Agricultural Genetics, AGRI-05/B - Plant Pathology, AGRI-06/B - Agricultural Chemistry, AGRI-08/A - Agricultural Microbiology, AGRI-09/A - General Animal Husbandry and Genetic Improvement, MVET-01/A - Anatomy of Domestic Animals, MVET-01/B- Veterinary Physiology.
English language proficiency at level B2 or above of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required for admission. The B2 level requirement will be assessed as follows:
- Language certificate at or above B2, obtained no more than three years earlier. For the list of language certificates recognized by the University of Milan review: The certificate must be uploaded when submitting the online application
- English level achieved during a Bachelor's degree programme through the University of Milan Language Centre (SLAM) courses and tests. The test must have been passed within the last four years.
All those who fail to submit a valid certificate will be allowed to take the admission interview but will only be admitted to the MSc Plant Science if their level of English proficiency is unequivocally good.
The adequate personal preparation of the candidates and their ability to communicate in English are decisive elements for the admission and will be verified during the admission interview.
Admission procedure
The knowledge of the fundamentals of biological disciplines will be evaluated through the assessment of the Bachelor's degree programme and the direct assessment of the candidate's scientific knowledge. The candidate's knowledge in Biology will be evaluated through an interview with the Admission Committee, consisting of teaching members appointed by the University of Milan Biology Teaching Board. The interview will be conducted in English and will assess the candidate's competence on topics related to Biology and Plant Science. Additionally, it will ascertain the candidate's knowledge of English, in case a valid certificate is not submitted by the candidate.
Failure to pass the personal preparation tests during the admission interview will result in the candidate being barred from admission to the Master's degree course for the current year.
The committee evaluates the candidate on a 100-point scale:
- Up to 25 points will be given for the graduation grade; for undergraduates the average grade of the sustained teaching activities will be evaluated
- Up to 10 points for the curriculum (type of degree, extra-curriculum free courses, Erasmus experience, etc.)
- Up to 65 points for the interview
A minimum total score of 60 out of 100 points is required for admission.
For EU citizens and EU residents who do not require a Visa the admission interview will take place on 18 June 2025, 2:00 pm (CEST) at the Department of Biosciences, Via G. Celoria 26, Milan. Check the website for more information regarding the room. Applicants not residing in Italy can ask to have an online interview by sending a
request to the following email address [email protected].
Non-European applicants who do not reside in an EU member state (Visa applicants) will be evaluated based on their curricula and, provided all CV requirements are met, invited to an online interview that will take place on 7 May 2025. Details will be supplied to the admitted candidates in the invitation email.
The call for applications for the academic year 2025-2026 will be published in March 2025 and will contain detailed instructions ( To be admitted to the interview, candidates must present a valid identity document. Foreign candidates who are not resident in Italy and who have obtained their bachelor's degree abroad will be assessed based on their curriculum vitae and educational background and may be admitted to an online interview if they meet the requirements.
It is advisable to check for any updates regarding exam dates and times on the website or by writing to the Master's programme e-mail [email protected].
After admission, enrolment at both universities (UNIMI and UGA) is required, but tuition fees are due only at the University of Milan. Specific campus fees for the programme running may be asked at UGA.
- 66 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) in the following Biology Scientific-Disciplinary Sector (SDSs) BIOS-01/A - General Botany, BIOS-01/B Systematic Botany, BIOS-01/C - Environmental and Applied Botany, BIOS-02/A - Plant Physiology, BIOS-03/A- Zoology, BIOS-04/A - Comparative Anatomy and Cytology, BIOS-05/A - Ecology, BIOS-06/A - Physiology, BIOS-07/A - Biochemistry, BIOS-08/A - Molecular Biology, BIOS-014/A - Genetics, BIOS-015/A - General Microbiology.
- At least 6 ECTS of these 66 ECTS must be acquired in SDS BIOS-01/(A-B,-C), BIOS-02/A and at least 12 ECTS in SDS BIOS-04/A, BIOS-05/A, BIOS-06/A, BIOS-07/A, BIOS-08/A, BIOS-014/A, BIOS-015/A.
- 12 ECTS in SDS PHYS-01/A through PHYS-06/B, INFO-01/A - Computer Science, IINF-05/A - Information Processing Systems, MATH-01/A through MATH-06/A.
- 12 ECTS in SDS CHEM-01/A - Analytical Chemistry, CHEM-02/A - Physical Chemistry, CHEM-03/A - General and Inorganic Chemistry and CHEM-06/A - Organic Chemistry.
Graduates of the L-13 Biological Sciences class who have not followed an educational pathway in accordance with the CBUI indications, or those of class L-12 Biological Sciences according to Ministerial Decree 509/99, or of other classes, may also be admitted provided that they have an adequate number of credits, not less than 90 ECTS, in the above-mentioned groups of scientific disciplines; for graduates of class L-25 Agricultural and Forestry Science and Technology, the ECTS in the SDSs may also be assessed in order to meet the minimum requirements: AGRI-02/A - Agronomy and Herbaceous Crops, AGRI-03/A - General Arboriculture and Tree Nursery, AGRI-06/A - Agricultural Genetics, AGRI-05/B - Plant Pathology, AGRI-06/B - Agricultural Chemistry, AGRI-08/A - Agricultural Microbiology, AGRI-09/A - General Animal Husbandry and Genetic Improvement, MVET-01/A - Anatomy of Domestic Animals, MVET-01/B- Veterinary Physiology.
English language proficiency at level B2 or above of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required for admission. The B2 level requirement will be assessed as follows:
- Language certificate at or above B2, obtained no more than three years earlier. For the list of language certificates recognized by the University of Milan review: The certificate must be uploaded when submitting the online application
- English level achieved during a Bachelor's degree programme through the University of Milan Language Centre (SLAM) courses and tests. The test must have been passed within the last four years.
All those who fail to submit a valid certificate will be allowed to take the admission interview but will only be admitted to the MSc Plant Science if their level of English proficiency is unequivocally good.
The adequate personal preparation of the candidates and their ability to communicate in English are decisive elements for the admission and will be verified during the admission interview.
Admission procedure
The knowledge of the fundamentals of biological disciplines will be evaluated through the assessment of the Bachelor's degree programme and the direct assessment of the candidate's scientific knowledge. The candidate's knowledge in Biology will be evaluated through an interview with the Admission Committee, consisting of teaching members appointed by the University of Milan Biology Teaching Board. The interview will be conducted in English and will assess the candidate's competence on topics related to Biology and Plant Science. Additionally, it will ascertain the candidate's knowledge of English, in case a valid certificate is not submitted by the candidate.
Failure to pass the personal preparation tests during the admission interview will result in the candidate being barred from admission to the Master's degree course for the current year.
The committee evaluates the candidate on a 100-point scale:
- Up to 25 points will be given for the graduation grade; for undergraduates the average grade of the sustained teaching activities will be evaluated
- Up to 10 points for the curriculum (type of degree, extra-curriculum free courses, Erasmus experience, etc.)
- Up to 65 points for the interview
A minimum total score of 60 out of 100 points is required for admission.
For EU citizens and EU residents who do not require a Visa the admission interview will take place on 18 June 2025, 2:00 pm (CEST) at the Department of Biosciences, Via G. Celoria 26, Milan. Check the website for more information regarding the room. Applicants not residing in Italy can ask to have an online interview by sending a
request to the following email address [email protected].
Non-European applicants who do not reside in an EU member state (Visa applicants) will be evaluated based on their curricula and, provided all CV requirements are met, invited to an online interview that will take place on 7 May 2025. Details will be supplied to the admitted candidates in the invitation email.
The call for applications for the academic year 2025-2026 will be published in March 2025 and will contain detailed instructions ( To be admitted to the interview, candidates must present a valid identity document. Foreign candidates who are not resident in Italy and who have obtained their bachelor's degree abroad will be assessed based on their curriculum vitae and educational background and may be admitted to an online interview if they meet the requirements.
It is advisable to check for any updates regarding exam dates and times on the website or by writing to the Master's programme e-mail [email protected].
After admission, enrolment at both universities (UNIMI and UGA) is required, but tuition fees are due only at the University of Milan. Specific campus fees for the programme running may be asked at UGA.
Places available: 10 + 3 reserved for non-EU citizens
Call for applications
Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.
Application for admission: from 13/03/2025 to 12/06/2025
Application for matriculation: from 26/06/2025 to 09/07/2025
Online services
Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
First semester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Evolutionary Biology of Plants (UGA) | 6 | 48 | English | BIO/02 |
Introduction to Plant Development and Signal Transduction (UGA) | 6 | 48 | English | BIO/01 |
Strategies in Experimental Biology (UGA) | 12 | 120 | English | BIO/04 BIO/10 BIO/11 BIO/18 |
Second semester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Plant Development | 6 | 48 | English | BIO/01 |
Plant Signal Transduction | 6 | 48 | English | BIO/04 |
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Conclusive activities
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Final Dissertation | 24 | 0 | English |
First semester
Second semester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Advanced Plant Cell Biotechnology | 6 | 48 | English | BIO/04 BIO/18 |
Environmental Plant Biochemistry and Physiology | 6 | 52 | English | AGR/13 |
Molecular Plant Breeding and Genetics | 6 | 48 | English | BIO/18 |
Plant Ecology | 6 | 48 | English | BIO/02 |
Plant-Environment Interactions | 6 | 48 | English | BIO/01 |
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Additional Language Skills: Italian (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Italian |
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Internship 1 | 12 | 0 | English | |
Laboratory Stage (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Italian | |
Laboratory Stage (6E CTS) | 6 | 0 | English |
Optional activities and study plan rules
1 - The student must choose one of the following courses:
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Evodevo in the Green Lineage (UGA) | 6 | 48 | English | First semester | BIO/02 |
Plant Ecology | 6 | 48 | English | Second semester | BIO/02 |
Plant-Environment Interactions | 6 | 48 | English | Second semester | BIO/01 |
2 - The student must choose one of the following courses:
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Advanced Plant Cell Biotechnology | 6 | 48 | English | Second semester | BIO/04 BIO/18 |
Chemistry and Cellular Biochemistry (UGA) | 6 | 48 | English | First semester | BIO/10 |
Epigenetics and Cell Differentiation (UGA) | 6 | 48 | English | First semester | BIO/18 |
Functional Genomics | 6 | 48 | English | First semester | BIO/18 |
Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics of the Cell (UGA) | 6 | 48 | English | First semester | BIO/18 |
Molecular Plant Breeding and Genetics | 6 | 48 | English | Second semester | BIO/18 |
Photobiology and Bioenergy | 6 | 48 | English | First semester | BIO/04 BIO/18 |
3 - The student must choose one of the following courses:
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Biostatistic, Bioinformatics and Modeling (UGA) | 6 | 48 | English | First semester | BIO/13 |
High-Throughput Biology (UGA) | 6 | 48 | English | First semester | BIO/13 |
Molecular Bioinformatics | 6 | 48 | English | First semester | INF/01 |
Patenting and Technology Transfer | 6 | 48 | English | First semester | IUS/10 IUS/14 |
4 -
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Basic Statistics and Experimental Design | 6 | 56 | English | First semester | AGR/02 SECS-S/02 |
Development of Crop Idiotypes | 6 | 52 | English | First semester | AGR/07 |
Environmental Plant Biochemistry and Physiology | 6 | 52 | English | Second semester | AGR/13 |
Molecular and Cellular Imaging | 6 | 48 | English | First semester | FIS/03 FIS/07 |
5 - The student must choose one of the following courses:
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Communication Tools and Scientific English (UGA) | 6 | 48 | English | First semester | L-LIN/12 SPS/08 |
Entrepreneurship and Science and Scientific English (UGA) | 6 | 48 | English | First semester | L-LIN/12 SECS-P/07 SECS-P/09 |
6 - Open choice courses: the student must acquire 12 ECTS
7 - The 3 ECTS corresponding to Additional Language Skills correspond to the optional achievement of the basic level of Italian for foreign students (at least A2). For the foreign students who decide to acquire the additional language skills of the Italian language must necessarily choose the shorter laboratory stage (3 ECTS), while in all other cases it is mandatory to choose the laboratory stage (6 ECTS).
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Additional Language Skills: Italian (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Italian | Open sessions | |
Laboratory Stage (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Italian | Open sessions | |
Laboratory Stage (6E CTS) | 6 | 0 | English | Open sessions |
There are no propaedeutic courses in Plant Science that can limit progression from the first to the second year. First- year students must acquire 60 ECTS within September 30th in order to be admitted to the second year.
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Course locations
At UNIMI, classrooms are located in the University buildings, via Celoria, 26 (Edifici Biologici); via Celoria, 20 (Settore Didattico); via Golgi, 19 (Edificio Golgi), via Colombo 62 (Settore Didattico via Colombo), via Celoria 2 (Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences); most laboratories are located in the Department of Biosciences, via G.Celoria 26, Milan and in the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Production, Landscape, Agroenergy, via G. Celoria 2, Milan.
At UGA, information is available at the following website:
At UGA, information is available at the following website:
Laboratory locations
Traditional libraries are available in via G. Celoria, 18 (Biblioteca di Biologia, Informatica, Chimica e Fisica: BICF) and in via G. Celoria 2 (Biblioteca Centrale della Facoltà di Scienze Agrarie e Alimentari).
Head of study programme
Academic guidance tutor
Erasmus and international mobility tutor
Study plan tutor
Internship tutor
Seminar and workshop tutor
Dissertation tutor
University and programme transfer tutor
Master's degree admission tutor
Credit recognition tutor
Quality Assurance Delegate
Reference structures
- Student administrative office
via Celoria, 18, 20133 Milan
+390250325032 - Matriculation and enrollment - Academic Services Office
via Celoria, 26, 20133 Milan ground floor, C Building - Plant Science master degree email
[email protected] - Representative for disability services and specific learning disabilities (appointed by the Academic Board):
Prof. Diletta Dolfini
[email protected] - International Students Office - Welcome Desk
via S. Sofia, 9/1, Milan - Boards
Academic Board for Study Programmes in the Biology Sector: Head of Study Programme prof. Isabella Dalle Donne University of Milan University Grenoble-Alpes Joint Board of Studies (JBS): prof. Luca Gianfranceschi (UNIMI), Prof. Camilla Betti (UNIMI), Stefania Scuderi (UNIMI), prof. Christel Carles (UGA), prof. Gabrielle Tichtinsky (UGA), Philippe Moreira (UGA)
The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:
- The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
- The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year)
- An additional fee is due for online programmes
The University also offers:
- Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
- Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
- Concessions for international students with refugee status
Scholarships and benefits
The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).
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Admission, ranking and enrolment