Philosophical Sciences

Portico: particolare
Philosophical Sciences
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
Master programme
LM-78 R - Scienze filosofiche
Master programme
Open with entry requirements examination
Course location
Italian, English
The Master's degree programme in Philosophical Sciences provides graduates with an in-depth knowledge of the contents and methods of philosophical investigation, while promoting specialist training in various research fields.
Without prejudice to the need for a broad and general philosophical training, two reasons call for specialization in the area of philosophical studies during the Master's programme.
Firstly, specialist training allows graduates to become aware of the specificity and complexity of problems, both theoretical and practical, as required of a professional nowadays.
Secondly, over the last decades the areas of philosophical research have become increasingly rich and diverse. Not only do they provide specific content and reasoning tools aimed at developing critical ability, they also deepen relationships with various fields of study including: psychology, linguistics, information technology, art, history, sociology, political science, anthropology, pedagogy, biology, physics, mathematics.
In addition to reflecting on itself and its methods, philosophy offers tools to question and deepen the conceptual foundations of any discipline: it reconstructs the history of theoretical notions, provides new analysis tools, questions the ethical and political implications of actions and behaviours, and it can only do so through well-defined and differentiated paths. Hence the need to structure the programme as several curricula offering diverse study paths, with a view to specialisation in philosophical research as well as to pre-professional education.
Therefore, students enrolled in the Master's degree programme in Philosophical Sciences are called to identify a research field among those proposed, to deepen their philosophical training with a rigorous and specialist approach.
To this end, the degree programme requires students to follow courses which allow them to gain a deeper understanding of their chosen field, while also exploring its multiple interactions with related and complementary disciplines. Thanks to the knowledge and skills acquired through these courses, students become fully equipped to write and discuss the final thesis at a specialist level.
To understand the learning pathway, it is worth taking a look at the key areas around which the coursework is structured: the historical dimension of philosophical thought; the theoretical, moral and aesthetic foundations of contemporaneity; the study of society in its anthropological, sociological, political, ethical and philosophical dimensions; logic, language and the theory of mind, also in relation to the developments of contemporary scientific research.

The programme ? which is divided into different curricula ? aims to produce graduates who have an extensive knowledge of philosophy and are able to use it for the following purposes:
- understanding philosophical texts in their historical contexts, using bibliographic sources and reading the critical literature;
- conducting research using theoretical, logical and epistemological tools;
- analysing and arguing different philosophical theories with a wide range of potential applications;
- discussing and assessing arguments advanced in the fields of theoretics, practice and communication;
- analysing interdisciplinary studies applicable to the humanities;
- developing well-structured arguments with various social and/or cultural applications;
- applying philosophical knowledge in different fields of human and social sciences;
- promoting the political dimension of philosophy in a variety of social settings, in order to solve problems.
Managers, editors and cultural communicators for paper and online publishers and companies offering editorial services (job tasks include drafting and editing texts, as well as planning and coordinating publishing and communication activities)

Job function
Graduates in Philosophical sciences may:
- take on strategic, organisation or communication roles within public administrations and private or public entities, in Italy and abroad;
- work in the publishing industry (for both traditional and multimedia publishers);
- provide professional communication services;
- provide philosophical counselling services;
- ensure team coordination by acting as cultural mediators.
They will be able to:
- handle job tasks related to cultural production for public and private entities;
- act as chief editor for book series, read, assess and edit texts for publication;
- organise cultural events, craft advertising contents and write marketing texts.

Professional skills
Graduates in Philosophical Sciences possess the following knowledge and skills:
- in-depth disciplinary knowledge plus critical and original thinking skills enabling them to conduct innovative and independent research in the field of philosophy and in related disciplines;
- ability to interpret data, group discussion and coordination skills;
- relational skills, including the ability to understand relational dynamics and to find innovative solutions for problems;
- theoretical synthesis, writing and editing skills, ability to investigate cultural perspectives;
- ability to interpret cultural and social needs in changing settings;
- ability to analyse complex situations affecting an individual or a group, and to propose appropriate interventions.

Career opportunities
The Master's degree prepares graduates for a career in:
- business-to-business relations (public and private entities: coordination of work teams, mediation, analysis of complex situations, innovative solution finding);
- public relations (public and private entities, communication agencies);
- traditional and multimedia publishing (writers and editors, chief editors of book series);
- event planning and communication, with regard to cultural and scientific events.

Consultants and project leaders for public and private entities, with job tasks related to the management of human resources and internal-external relations

Job function
Graduates in Philosophical sciences may:
- take on strategic, organisation or communication roles within public administrations and private or public entities, in Italy and abroad;
- provide professional communication services;
- provide philosophical counselling services;
- ensure team coordination by acting as cultural mediators.
They will be able to:
- take on management and coordination roles in public administrations;
- handle tasks related to HR selection and management, communication, business-to-business relations and cultural production for public and private employers;
- organise cultural events, craft advertising contents and write marketing texts;
- advance critical arguments and suggestions to promote wellbeing in the workplace;
- foster collaboration in and outside the workplace within multicultural societies.

Professional skills
Graduates in Philosophical Sciences possess the following knowledge and skills:
- ability to interpret data, group discussion and coordination skills;
- relational skills, including the ability to understand relational dynamics and to find innovative solutions for problems;
- theoretical synthesis, writing and editing skills, ability to investigate cultural perspectives;
- ability to interpret cultural and social needs in changing settings;
- ability to analyse complex situations affecting an individual or a group, and to propose appropriate interventions.

Career opportunities
The Master's degree prepares graduates for a career in:
- HR management, selection and training (within public and private entities);
- business-to-business relations (public and private entities: coordination of work teams, mediation, analysis of complex situations, innovative solution finding);
- public relations (public and private entities, communication agencies);
- event planning and communication, with regard to cultural and scientific events;
- intercultural mediation (interpreting personal and social needs in multicultural settings for governmental and non-governmental institutions);
- personal and work-related counselling (philosophical counselling);
- cultural heritage protection and promotion (libraries, museums).
The Master's Degree Programme in Philosophical Sciences has had Erasmus-exchange partnerships with other European universities for over ten years. The programme keeps students up-to-date on these, encouraging them to take advantage of the opportunities these exchanges offer. In recent years, the Erasmus scholarship programme is posted to the University website, and is presented to philosophical science students through a special meeting organised by the Department Erasmus manager, where students are given an introduction to the various campuses, and different options for specialising in philosophy. Given the vast number of campus options, all philosophical areas are covered through the various available campuses: history of philosophy, theoretical philosophy, moral philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of language, logic, and philosophy of science. The various locations also offer the opportunity for students to take exams in subjects other than philosophy.
Candidates are selected by a commission made up of Department teachers, who assess the student's interests, their academic career, and their proficiency in the language of the country where they hope to study.
Admitted students will fill out the Learning Agreement with the Erasmus manager. Once abroad, they will correspond via email with the manager regarding any changes. Students submitting a Learning Agreement to the Erasmus manager via email will receive it back e-signed. They may then have their host university countersign the document prior to their return home.
Upon returning home, any exams the student has taken whilst abroad (documented in the "Transcript of Records") are converted into Italian exams based on the Learning Agreement; exam conversion and the marks for the same shall be subject to approval of the Academic Board for Philosophy.
Current international agreements are available at the following link:
Lecture attendance is recommended but not required.
Workshop attendance is mandatory.
The Master's degree programme in Philosophical Sciences is open to Bachelor's graduates in Philosophy (degree class L-5) or another degree class, as well as to applicants holding an equivalent foreign qualification. In either case, to be eligible for admission applicants must:
a) have earned at least 42 university credits (CFU/ECTS credits) in one or more of the following scientific-disciplinary sectors pertaining to philosophy: M-FIL/01, M-FIL/02, M-FIL/03, M-FIL/04, M-FIL/05, M-FIL/06, M-FIL/07, M-FIL/08;
b) be proficient in English at level B1;
c) for applicants who earned their Bachelor's degree abroad, in order to properly assess the consistency of their previous academic studies with the criterion referred to in point a), the admission board will determine the applicant's eligibility for admission based on their understanding and knowledge of philosophy, as acquired during their prior study programme. To this end, applicants holding a foreign degree may be invited to an in-person or online interview.

Proficiency in English at a B1 level or higher under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required for admission.
The B1-level requirement will be ascertained by the University Language Centre (SLAM) upon admission as follows:
- Language certificate at or above B1, obtained no more than three years earlier. For the list of language certificates recognized by the University please review: ( The certificate must be uploaded when submitting the online application;
- English level achieved during a University of Milan degree programme and certified by the University Language Centre (SLAM) no more than four years before the date of admission application, including levels based on language certificates submitted by the applicants during their Bachelor's degree at the University of Milan. In this case the process is automatic, the applicant does not have to attach any certificates to the application;
- Entry test administrated by the University Language Centre (SLAM) according to the calendar published on the website: (
All those who fail to submit a valid certificate or do not meet the required proficiency level will be instructed during the admission procedure to take the Entry test.
Applicants who do not take or pass the Entry test will be required to obtain a language proficiency certificate recognized by the University (see: and deliver it to the SLAM via the InformaStudenti service by the deadline fixed for the master's programme (
Applicants who do not meet the requirement by said deadline will not be admitted to the master's degree programme and may not sit any further tests.

Admission assessment
The Master's degree programme in Philosophical Sciences does not have capped enrolment; any student meeting the eligibility requirements appearing above may be admitted. Students who earned their Bachelor's degree with a final mark of 95/110 or above will be deemed to have the proper educational background for the programme.
Students who graduated with a final mark lower than 95 must pass an interview, which may be held virtually or in person.
Bachelor's graduates in Philosophy (class L-5) from the University of Milan will be deemed to meet curricular requirements and automatically admitted into the programme, provided that they graduated with a final mark equal to or higher than 95/110.
Upon submitting their application for admission, applicants must select a curriculum from those proposed within the Master's degree programme.
The admission board reserves the right to interview applicants who have also applied for transfer credits, in order to ascertain whether they are entitled to their recognition.
Applicants must meet the curricular requirements before the interview (if any), and in any case no later than 31 December of the year in which they matriculate.


Application for admission: from 22/01/2025 to 31/10/2025

Application for matriculation: from 02/04/2025 to 15/01/2026

Attachments and documents

Admission notice

Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
Optional programme year

Compulsory activity
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English Open sessions
Prova finale 21 525 Italian Open sessions
Filosofia delle pratiche 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/01
Antropologia filosofica 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/03
Estetica del performativo 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/04
A1 - Gruppo A1: 2 esame da 9 CFU (totale 18 CFU) da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Estetica degli oggetti 9 60 Italian M-FIL/04
Advanced ontology 9 60 English First semester M-FIL/01
Filosofia morale lm 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/03
Human-animal studies 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/03
Metafisica della mente 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/01
Etica applicata 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/03
Fenomenologia descrittiva 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/01
Teorie dell'immagine 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/04
A2 - Gruppo A2: 2 esami da 6 CFU (totale 12 CFU) da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Storia della metafisica 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/06
Temi e problemi della filosofia del xix e xx secolo 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/06
A3 - Gruppo A3: 1 esame da 9 CFU da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Filosofia del diritto (OF2) 9 60 Italian IUS/20
Rules, reasons and norms 9 60 English First semester SECS-P/01
Storia della filosofia politica moderna e contemporanea 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/02
Antropologia sociale 9 60 Italian Second semester M-DEA/01
Sociologia delle scienze e delle tecnologie 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/07
Storia del pensiero politico lm 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/02
A4 - Gruppo A4: 1 esame da 6 CFU da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Artificial intelligence 9 60 English First semester INF/01
Storia della scienza e delle tecniche 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/05
Biologia e società 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/05
A5 - Gruppo A5: 2 esami da 6 CFU (totale 12 CFU) da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Basi anatomo-fisiologiche dei processi cognitivi 9 60 Italian BIO/09
Civiltà e culture del medioevo 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Cultura visuale 6 40 Italian L-ART/06
Drammaturgia multimediale 6 40 Italian L-ART/05
Fonti, modelli e linguaggi dell'arte contemporanea 9 60 Italian L-ART/03
Fotografia e nuovi media per l'arte contemporanea 9 60 Italian L-ART/03
Media theory and ai 6 40 English M-FIL/04
Storia culturale dell'età moderna 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
Storia del colonialismo e della decolonizzazione 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
Storia del mondo contemporaneo 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
Storia greca lm 9 60 Italian L-ANT/02
Storia romana lm 9 60 Italian L-ANT/03
Teoria e metodi della musica nei media 6 40 Italian L-ART/07
Media education e cittadinanza digitale 6 40 Italian First semester M-PED/03
Teorie dell'immagine in movimento 6 40 Italian First semester L-ART/06
Metodologie e tecnologie didattiche 9 60 Italian Second semester M-PED/03
- 3 CFU in una applicazione formativa o in una seconda lingua straniera UE tra le seguenti
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Additional Language Skills: French (3 ECTS) 3 0 French Open sessions
Additional Language Skills: German (3 ECTS) 3 0 German Open sessions
Additional Language Skills: Spanish (3 ECTS) 3 0 Spanish Open sessions
- 9 CFU da acquisire attraverso il superamento di altri insegnamenti scelti liberamente dallo studente, tra tutti gli insegnamenti attivati nell'Ateneo.
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Advanced logic English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Advanced ontology English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Ancient documents in their visual and performative context English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Anthropology of artificial intelligence English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Artificial intelligence English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Biopolitics: bodies, health and food English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Cultural history of the modern period English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Differences, inequalities and politics of law English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Intellectuals, popular culture, collective identities: italy and europe in the 19th and 20th centuries English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Language and metaphysics English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Logic of computation and information English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Logical methods English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Media theory and ai English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Mind and brain English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophical analysis English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophical arguments English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophy of cognitive neuroscience English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophy of mind English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Probabilistic logic English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Rules, reasons and norms English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
The politics of mobility, displacement and asylum English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
The western tradition: moral and political values English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
War and security in international politics English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Optional programme year

Compulsory activity
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English Open sessions
Prova finale 21 525 Italian Open sessions
B1 - Gruppo B1: 1 esame da 9 CFU da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Filosofia delle pratiche 9 60 Italian Over several sessions M-FIL/01
Filosofia morale lm 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/03
B2 - Gruppo B2: 1 esame da 9 CFU da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Estetica degli oggetti 9 60 Italian M-FIL/04
Antropologia filosofica 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/03
Epistemologia sociale 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/02
Estetica del performativo 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/04
Human-animal studies 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/03
Language and metaphysics 9 60 English First semester M-FIL/05
Logical methods 9 60 English First semester M-FIL/02
Metafisica della mente 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/01
Philosophical analysis 9 60 English First semester M-FIL/05
Etica applicata 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/03
Fenomenologia descrittiva 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/01
Philosophy of cognitive neuroscience 9 60 English Second semester M-FIL/02
Teorie dell'immagine 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/04
B3 - Gruppo B3: 1 esame da 6 CFU da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Filosofia medievale 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/08
Filosofia medievale ebraica 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/08
Temi e problemi della filosofia antica 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/07
B4 - Gruppo B4: 1 esami da 6 CFU da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Storia della filosofia classica tedesca 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/06
Temi e problemi del pensiero moderno 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/06
Temi e problemi della filosofia del xix e xx secolo 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/06
B5 - Gruppo B5: 2 esami da 9 CFU (totale 18 CFU) da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Storia della filosofia politica moderna e contemporanea 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/02
Antropologia sociale 9 60 Italian Second semester M-DEA/01
Sociologia delle scienze e delle tecnologie 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/07
B6 - Gruppo B6: 2 esami da 9 CFU (totale 18 CFU) da acquisire a scelta tra quelli proposti, in settori scientifico-disciplinari diversi tra loro:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Filosofia del diritto (OF2) 9 60 Italian IUS/20
The politics of mobility, displacement and asylum 6 60 English M-DEA/01
Anthropology of artificial intelligence 9 60 English First semester M-DEA/01
Rules, reasons and norms 9 60 English First semester SECS-P/01
Storia della filosofia politica moderna e contemporanea 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/02
Antropologia ambientale 9 60 Italian Second semester M-DEA/01
Filosofia politica lm 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/01
Linguaggio, interazione e società 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/07
Storia del pensiero politico lm 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/02
B7 - Gruppo B7: 1 esame da 6 CFU da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Artificial intelligence 9 60 English First semester INF/01
Storia della scienza e delle tecniche 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/05
Biologia e società 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/05
Psicologia generale 9 60 Italian Second semester M-PSI/01
Storia dei fondamenti della fisica 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/05
B8 - Gruppo B8: 2 esami da 6 CFU (totale 12 CFU) da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti(ove non ancora sostenuti):
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Africa: storia, istituzioni e sfide globali 9 60 Italian SPS/13
Antropologia della performance musicale 6 40 Italian L-ART/08
Civiltà e culture del medioevo 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Civiltà e religioni dell'india 9 60 Italian L-OR/18
Differences, inequalities and politics of law 6 40 English IUS/20
Mitologia classica 6 40 Italian M-STO/06
Storia culturale dell'età moderna 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
Storia del colonialismo e della decolonizzazione 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
Storia della chiesa e dei movimenti ereticali 9 60 Italian M-STO/07
Storia e geopolitica del medioriente 9 60 Italian SPS/14
Storia greca lm 9 60 Italian L-ANT/02
Storia romana lm 9 60 Italian L-ANT/03
The western tradition: moral and political values 12 80 English M-FIL/06
War and security in international politics 9 60 English SPS/04
Media education e cittadinanza digitale 6 40 Italian First semester M-PED/03
Storia culturale del mediterraneo lm 9 60 Italian First semester L-OR/10
Metodologie e tecnologie didattiche 9 60 Italian Second semester M-PED/03
- 3 CFU in una applicazione formativa o in una seconda lingua straniera UE tra le seguenti
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Additional Language Skills: French (3 ECTS) 3 0 French Open sessions
Additional Language Skills: German (3 ECTS) 3 0 German Open sessions
Additional Language Skills: Spanish (3 ECTS) 3 0 Spanish Open sessions
- 9 CFU da acquisire attraverso il superamento di altri insegnamenti scelti liberamente dallo studente, tra tutti gli insegnamenti attivati nell'Ateneo.
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Advanced logic English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Advanced ontology English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Ancient documents in their visual and performative context English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Anthropology of artificial intelligence English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Artificial intelligence English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Biopolitics: bodies, health and food English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Cultural history of the modern period English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Differences, inequalities and politics of law English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Intellectuals, popular culture, collective identities: italy and europe in the 19th and 20th centuries English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Language and metaphysics English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Logic of computation and information English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Logical methods English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Media theory and ai English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Mind and brain English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophical analysis English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophical arguments English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophy of cognitive neuroscience English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophy of mind English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Probabilistic logic English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Rules, reasons and norms English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
The politics of mobility, displacement and asylum English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
The western tradition: moral and political values English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
War and security in international politics English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Optional programme year

Compulsory activity
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English Open sessions
Prova finale 21 525 Italian Open sessions
C1 - Gruppo C1: 2 esami da 6 CFU (totale 12 CFU) da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Estetica degli oggetti 9 60 Italian M-FIL/04
Antropologia filosofica 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/03
Epistemologia sociale 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/02
Filosofia morale lm 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/03
Language and metaphysics 9 60 English First semester M-FIL/05
Logical methods 9 60 English First semester M-FIL/02
Metafisica della mente 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/01
Philosophical analysis 9 60 English First semester M-FIL/05
Fenomenologia descrittiva 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/01
Teorie dell'immagine 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/04
C2 - Gruppo C2: 5 esami da 9 CFU da acquisire a scelta fra quelli proposti, sostenendo almeno un insegnamento per ciascuno dei settori M-FIL/06, M-FIL/07, M-FIL/08
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Filosofia medievale 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/08
Storia della filosofia classica tedesca 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/06
Filosofia medievale ebraica 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/08
Storia della metafisica 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/06
Temi e problemi del pensiero moderno 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/06
Temi e problemi della filosofia antica 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/07
Temi e problemi della filosofia del xix e xx secolo 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/06
C3 - Gruppo C3: 1 esame da 6 CFU da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Editoria multimediale 6 40 Italian SPS/08
Lingua e letteratura latina 9 60 Italian L-FIL-LET/04
Mitologia classica 6 40 Italian M-STO/06
Storia del mondo contemporaneo 9 60 Italian M-STO/04
Rules, reasons and norms 9 60 English First semester SECS-P/01
Storia della filosofia politica moderna e contemporanea 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/02
Antropologia sociale 9 60 Italian Second semester M-DEA/01
Storia del pensiero politico lm 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/02
C4 - Gruppo C4: 1 esame da 9 CFU da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Artificial intelligence 9 60 English First semester INF/01
Storia della scienza e delle tecniche 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/05
Biologia e società 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/05
Psicologia generale 9 60 Italian Second semester M-PSI/01
Storia dei fondamenti della fisica 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/05
C5 - Gruppo C5: 2 esami da 6 CFU (totale 12 CFU) da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Archivistica 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
Biblioteconomia 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
Civiltà e culture del medioevo 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Ebraico 9 60 Italian L-OR/08
Filosofia dei diritti umani 6 40 Italian IUS/20
Letteratura cristiana antica 9 60 Italian L-FIL-LET/06
Letteratura latina medievale 9 60 Italian L-FIL-LET/08
Lingua e letteratura araba 9 60 Italian L-OR/12
Museologia e storia del collezionismo 9 60 Italian L-ART/04
Paleografia 9 60 Italian M-STO/09
Storia culturale dell'età moderna 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
Storia dell'età del rinascimento 9 60 Italian M-STO/02
Storia della chiesa e dei movimenti ereticali 9 60 Italian M-STO/07
Storia della tradizione classica 6 40 Italian L-FIL-LET/05
Storia e trasmissione dei testi letterari greci 6 40 Italian L-FIL-LET/02
Storia greca lm 9 60 Italian L-ANT/02
Storia medievale lm 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Storia romana lm 9 60 Italian L-ANT/03
Storia culturale del mediterraneo lm 9 60 Italian First semester L-OR/10
Antropologia ambientale 9 60 Italian Second semester M-DEA/01
Filosofia politica lm 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/01
Metodologie e tecnologie didattiche 9 60 Italian Second semester M-PED/03
- 3 CFU in una applicazione formativa o in una seconda lingua straniera UE tra le seguenti
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Additional Language Skills: French (3 ECTS) 3 0 French Open sessions
Additional Language Skills: German (3 ECTS) 3 0 German Open sessions
Additional Language Skills: Spanish (3 ECTS) 3 0 Spanish Open sessions
- 9 CFU da acquisire attraverso il superamento di altri insegnamenti scelti liberamente dallo studente, tra tutti gli insegnamenti attivati nell'Ateneo.
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Advanced logic English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Advanced ontology English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Ancient documents in their visual and performative context English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Anthropology of artificial intelligence English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Artificial intelligence English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Biopolitics: bodies, health and food English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Cultural history of the modern period English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Differences, inequalities and politics of law English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Intellectuals, popular culture, collective identities: italy and europe in the 19th and 20th centuries English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Language and metaphysics English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Logic of computation and information English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Logical methods English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Media theory and ai English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Mind and brain English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophical analysis English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophical arguments English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophy of cognitive neuroscience English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophy of mind English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Probabilistic logic English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Rules, reasons and norms English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
The politics of mobility, displacement and asylum English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
The western tradition: moral and political values English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
War and security in international politics English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Optional programme year

Compulsory activity
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English Open sessions
Prova finale 21 525 Italian Open sessions
Logical methods 9 60 English First semester M-FIL/02
Philosophical analysis 9 60 English First semester M-FIL/05
D1 - Gruppo D1: 3 esami da 9 CFU (totale 27 CFU) da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
(Attenzione: Fenomenologia descrittiva Metafisica della mente sono tra loro in alternativa)
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced ontology 9 60 English First semester M-FIL/01
Language and metaphysics 9 60 English First semester M-FIL/05
Metafisica della mente 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/01
Biopolitics: bodies, health and food 9 60 English Second semester M-FIL/05
Fenomenologia descrittiva 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/01
Logic of computation and information 9 60 English Second semester M-FIL/02
Philosophical arguments 9 60 English Second semester M-FIL/05
Philosophy of cognitive neuroscience 9 60 English Second semester M-FIL/02
Philosophy of mind 9 60 English Second semester M-FIL/05
Probabilistic logic 9 60 English Second semester M-FIL/02
D2 - Gruppo D2: 1 esame da 12 CFU o 2 esami da 6 CFU (totale 12 CFU) da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
The western tradition: moral and political values 12 80 English M-FIL/06
Storia della metafisica 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/06
Temi e problemi della filosofia del xix e xx secolo 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/06
D3 - Gruppo D3: 1 esame da 9 CFU da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Anthropology of artificial intelligence 9 60 English First semester M-DEA/01
Rules, reasons and norms 9 60 English First semester SECS-P/01
D4 - Gruppo D4: 1 esame da 9 CFU da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Advanced logic 9 60 Italian MAT/01
Basi anatomo-fisiologiche dei processi cognitivi 9 60 Italian BIO/09
Artificial intelligence 9 60 English First semester INF/01
Storia della scienza e delle tecniche 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/05
Biologia e società 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/05
Storia dei fondamenti della fisica 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/05
D5 - Gruppo D5: 2 esami da 6 CFU (totale 12 CFU) da acquisire a scelta tra i seguenti:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Ancient documents in their visual and performative context 9 60 English L-ANT/02
Antichità e istituzioni romane 9 60 Italian L-ANT/03
Cultural history of the modern period 9 60 English M-STO/02
Intellectuals, popular culture, collective identities: italy and europe in the 19th and 20th centuries 9 60 English M-STO/04
Storia medievale lm 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Media education e cittadinanza digitale 6 40 Italian First semester M-PED/03
Metodologie e tecnologie didattiche 9 60 Italian Second semester M-PED/03
Mind and brain 6 40 English Second semester M-PSI/01
- 9 CFU da acquisire attraverso il superamento di altri insegnamenti scelti liberamente dallo studente, tra tutti gli insegnamenti attivati nell'Ateneo.
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Advanced logic English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Advanced ontology English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Ancient documents in their visual and performative context English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Anthropology of artificial intelligence English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Artificial intelligence English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Biopolitics: bodies, health and food English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Cultural history of the modern period English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Differences, inequalities and politics of law English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Intellectuals, popular culture, collective identities: italy and europe in the 19th and 20th centuries English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Language and metaphysics English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Logic of computation and information English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Logical methods English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Media theory and ai English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Mind and brain English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophical analysis English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophical arguments English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophy of cognitive neuroscience English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Philosophy of mind English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Probabilistic logic English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Rules, reasons and norms English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
The politics of mobility, displacement and asylum English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
The western tradition: moral and political values English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
War and security in international politics English Proficiency B2 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
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Head of study programme
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Internship tutor
Seminar and workshop tutor
University and programme transfer tutor
Quality Assurance Delegate

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

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