Finance and Economics (MEF)

Finance and Economics (MEF)
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
Master programme
LM-16 R - Finanza
Graduates of this master course will receive advanced training in quantitative methodologies and tools suitable to interpret and analyze economic and financial phenomena and will be able to operate directly on financial markets or in international economic institutions. The study program is designed to provide students with a solid background through the development of topics of economic theory, analysis of financial markets and the theory of decision making. It includes study of financial markets from both the point of view of international law, history and economics.
The first year courses, common to both curricula, also provide capabilities in statistics, mathematics and computational techniques for the analysis of financial data and economic time series, also involving the use of latest generation software for Statistical Analysis and Calculus.
The second year of the master program is organized in two curricula.
The first curriculum, named Quantitative Finance, is aimed at preparing financial specialists capable of operating in the areas of pricing of derivatives, portfolio management, risk management and control in the financial sector intended in a broad sense.
The second one, named Financial Economics, is dedicated to the training of professional economists capable of operating at national/international, public/private institutions (including the academia) or at the level of central government in both the financial and economic spheres.
The first year courses, common to both curricula, also provide capabilities in statistics, mathematics and computational techniques for the analysis of financial data and economic time series, also involving the use of latest generation software for Statistical Analysis and Calculus.
The second year of the master program is organized in two curricula.
The first curriculum, named Quantitative Finance, is aimed at preparing financial specialists capable of operating in the areas of pricing of derivatives, portfolio management, risk management and control in the financial sector intended in a broad sense.
The second one, named Financial Economics, is dedicated to the training of professional economists capable of operating at national/international, public/private institutions (including the academia) or at the level of central government in both the financial and economic spheres.
The master course in Finance and Economics aims at forming the following professional profiles:
Profile: Consultant and financial adviser.
Functions: the professionals included in this category make suggestions for investment and give technical advice to managers on whom they depend functionally; assist the management of financial investments through the economic and financial analysis of market data; propose predictive models of economics, financial times series and provide guidance for the calibration of theoretical models using market data.
Skills: baggage of theoretical knowledge and operational tools aimed at evaluating financial Investments, as well as financial and credit risks.
Career opportunities: They operate in the office of financial management of banks, investment firms, investment funds, commercial and investment banks, financial intermediaries, for research and financial statement purposes. They also work as private consultants.
Profile: Operator and analyst of financial markets.
Functions: the figures included in this category act directly on behalf of their company in the financial markets or as brokerage agents, also assist the company in the interaction with the regulatory authorities in the markets thanks to a thorough knowledge of the rules that govern them.
Skills: baggage of theoretical knowledge and legal advise for the management of financial investments, the execution and management of contracts; ability to operate on traditional and digital markets.
Career opportunities: They operate in the office of financial management of banks, investment firms, investment funds, commercial and investment banks, financial intermediaries, for research and financial statement purposes.
Profile: Academic researcher, or researcher in research-departments within economic and financial institutions, both national and international.
Functions: the occupations included in this category exercise active research-functions of high responsibility in the fields of finance and economics within institutions and firms (both private and public, national and international).
Skills: baggage of theoretical knowledge in the economic-legal-financial fields aimed at doing active research (both theoretical and applied) in economic institutions and private companies, or else in banking and financial institutions operating in national and international contexts.
Career opportunities: They operate in universities, research-centers, research-departments of public/private firms, research departments of banks and similar institutions, or research-departments of international and governmental institutions.
Profile: Consultant and financial adviser.
Functions: the professionals included in this category make suggestions for investment and give technical advice to managers on whom they depend functionally; assist the management of financial investments through the economic and financial analysis of market data; propose predictive models of economics, financial times series and provide guidance for the calibration of theoretical models using market data.
Skills: baggage of theoretical knowledge and operational tools aimed at evaluating financial Investments, as well as financial and credit risks.
Career opportunities: They operate in the office of financial management of banks, investment firms, investment funds, commercial and investment banks, financial intermediaries, for research and financial statement purposes. They also work as private consultants.
Profile: Operator and analyst of financial markets.
Functions: the figures included in this category act directly on behalf of their company in the financial markets or as brokerage agents, also assist the company in the interaction with the regulatory authorities in the markets thanks to a thorough knowledge of the rules that govern them.
Skills: baggage of theoretical knowledge and legal advise for the management of financial investments, the execution and management of contracts; ability to operate on traditional and digital markets.
Career opportunities: They operate in the office of financial management of banks, investment firms, investment funds, commercial and investment banks, financial intermediaries, for research and financial statement purposes.
Profile: Academic researcher, or researcher in research-departments within economic and financial institutions, both national and international.
Functions: the occupations included in this category exercise active research-functions of high responsibility in the fields of finance and economics within institutions and firms (both private and public, national and international).
Skills: baggage of theoretical knowledge in the economic-legal-financial fields aimed at doing active research (both theoretical and applied) in economic institutions and private companies, or else in banking and financial institutions operating in national and international contexts.
Career opportunities: They operate in universities, research-centers, research-departments of public/private firms, research departments of banks and similar institutions, or research-departments of international and governmental institutions.
One of the most effective policies adopted by the European Union in the last few years has been the internationalization of higher education. The various Erasmus programs that have been implemented since the nineties have greatly increased the mobility of European students.
Being a programme with an internationally-oriented educational core strategy, MEF promotes a wide internationalization of its students, and therefore strongly encourages them to spend part of their studies abroad in Erasmus Programmes.
Erasmus provides opportunities to study, train, gain work experience and skills. Students can go abroad from 3 up to 12 months (including a complementary traineeship period, if planned), and may receive additional grants for studying or training. At the end of their foreign stay, students get full recognition of completed activities in terms of credits for their degree. Student mobility is carried out in the framework of prior inter-institutional agreements between the sending and receiving institutions.
Students can also join the traineeship programme, by going abroad from 2 up to 12 months, starting their traineeship from the first year of study. For a traineeship which is an integral part of the curriculum, the sending institution must give full academic recognition for the period spent abroad. For a traineeship that is not part of the curriculum of the student, the sending institution shall provide recognition at least by recording this period in the Diploma Supplement or, in the case of recent graduates, by providing a traineeship certificate. Traineeship may also be established with private and public companies, educational or research centers other than the hosting institution, especially in the field of finance.
MEF academic staff has strong relations with some important European universities, in particular in Germany, France, Poland and Belgium, but also outside the EU, and is actively involved in research and education networks, so that students' activity abroad (including the development of the final dissertation) can be successfully supervised. Moreover, as already said, students attending the Curriculum in Financial Economics (formerly Quantitative Economics) can apply to the double-degree program with the "Master en sciences economiques, orientation generale, a finalite approfondie - ECON2MA - (120 ECTS)", a master-program jointly organized by the Belgian Universities of UCL (Université catholique de Louvain) and Namur.
Being a programme with an internationally-oriented educational core strategy, MEF promotes a wide internationalization of its students, and therefore strongly encourages them to spend part of their studies abroad in Erasmus Programmes.
Erasmus provides opportunities to study, train, gain work experience and skills. Students can go abroad from 3 up to 12 months (including a complementary traineeship period, if planned), and may receive additional grants for studying or training. At the end of their foreign stay, students get full recognition of completed activities in terms of credits for their degree. Student mobility is carried out in the framework of prior inter-institutional agreements between the sending and receiving institutions.
Students can also join the traineeship programme, by going abroad from 2 up to 12 months, starting their traineeship from the first year of study. For a traineeship which is an integral part of the curriculum, the sending institution must give full academic recognition for the period spent abroad. For a traineeship that is not part of the curriculum of the student, the sending institution shall provide recognition at least by recording this period in the Diploma Supplement or, in the case of recent graduates, by providing a traineeship certificate. Traineeship may also be established with private and public companies, educational or research centers other than the hosting institution, especially in the field of finance.
MEF academic staff has strong relations with some important European universities, in particular in Germany, France, Poland and Belgium, but also outside the EU, and is actively involved in research and education networks, so that students' activity abroad (including the development of the final dissertation) can be successfully supervised. Moreover, as already said, students attending the Curriculum in Financial Economics (formerly Quantitative Economics) can apply to the double-degree program with the "Master en sciences economiques, orientation generale, a finalite approfondie - ECON2MA - (120 ECTS)", a master-program jointly organized by the Belgian Universities of UCL (Université catholique de Louvain) and Namur.
No obligation, strongly recommended.
To attend the Master program in Economics and Finance it is necessary to demonstrate to possess strong knowledge of mathematics, economics and statistics at the undergraduate level.
Admission to the Master programme in Finance and Economics requires:
1. Curricular requirements
A) Students with an Italian degree (ex. DM 270/04 and DM 509/99) of the following classes:
L-18 Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendale
L-33 Scienze economiche
L-35 Scienze matematiche
L-41 Statistica
can apply.
B) Candidates can also enroll in the programme from undergraduate classes other than those listed above after positive evaluation of the Collegio Didattico or its delegates (an Admission Committee or the President of the Collegio Didattico) if they substantively satisfy the access requirements as shown below.
Candidates lacking one or more of the following minimum entry requirements will not be assessed by the Admission Committee:
a) at least 6 ECTS in the area of mathematics (MAT/01 - MAT/05; MAT/07 - MAT/09; SECS-S/06).
b) at least 6 ECTS in the statistical area (MAT/06; SECS-S/01 - SECS-S/05; SECS-P/05).
c) at least 12 ECTS in the economic area (SECS-P/01 - SECS-P/03; SECS-P/06).
The requirements must be met by the date of effective submission of the application for admission.
2. Proficiency in English
Proficiency in English at a B2 level or higher per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required for admission.
The B2-level requirement will be ascertained by the University Language Centre (SLAM) upon admission as follows:
- Language certificate of B2 or higher level issued no more than three years before the date of admission application. You will find the list of language certificates recognized by the University at: The certificate must be uploaded when submitting the online application;
- English level achieved during a University of Milan degree programme and certified by the University Language Centre (SLAM) no more than four years before the date of admission application, including levels based on language certificates submitted by the applicant during their Bachelor's degree at the University of Milan. In this case the process is automatic, the applicant does not have to attach any certificates to the application;
- Entry test administrated by the University Language Centre (SLAM) according to the calendar published on the website: (
All those who fail to submit a valid certificate or do not meet the required proficiency level will be instructed during the admission procedure to take the Entry test.
Applicants who do not take or pass the Entry test will be required to obtain a language proficiency certificate recognized by the University (see and deliver it to the SLAM via the InformaStudenti service by the deadline fixed for the master's programme (
Applicants who do not meet the requirement by said deadline will not be admitted to the master's degree programme and may not sit any further tests.
3. Personal competencies and skills: assessment criteria
Minimum curricular requirements are necessary yet not sufficient conditions for admission. Candidates will be also evaluated on the basis of personal competencies and skills by an Admission Board appointed by the Faculty Board (Collegio Didattico).
Assessment of personal competencies and skills will be ascertained in two subsequent stages. First, candidates will take a written online admission test, held in English language. Detailed description of the test content, dates and organization will be provided on the website of the master program ''Application'' section. Candidates who do not sit or reach the minimum level required by the Admission Board in the admission test will not be further evaluated and cannot sit further tests.
Candidates holding an Italian bachelor degree with a final score of 105 or higher out of 110 are exempt from taking the written admission test.
Non EU visa applicants must necessarily take the compulsory online admission test by the first available test session immediately following the deadline for visa seekers' applications at the very latest, under penalty of exclusion.
For candidates who reach the minimum level in the admission test and meet the compulsory curricular requirements, the Admission Board will further evaluate their personal competencies and skills based on academic merit and choice coherence. Academic merit relates to the quality of the previous degree as well as the average grade obtained in the bachelor program. Grades obtained in Bachelor mathematics, statistics and economics courses could also be evaluated to assess candidates' academic merit. Choice coherence relates to coherence between the academic and professional curriculum of the candidates and the learning objectives of the Finance and Economics degree programme.
To allow the Admission Board to assess academic merit and choice coherence, each applicant must submit at time of application:
- a detailed curriculum vitae (it refers to study and work experience and any relevant achievements);
- a detailed study plan of the bachelor program, with the list of exams taken and relative grade, as well as average grade obtained and final degree.
Failing to provide the compulsory documentation will result in the exclusion from the selection procedure.
The Admission Board reserves the possibility to request the applicant an oral interview for admission, held in English language and exclusively done via electronic devices (eg.: via skype or other platforms). The interview is aimed at further verifying the skills as mentioned above.
Applicants must obtain the bachelor degree by 31st December 2025.
Admission to the Master programme in Finance and Economics requires:
1. Curricular requirements
A) Students with an Italian degree (ex. DM 270/04 and DM 509/99) of the following classes:
L-18 Scienze dell'economia e della gestione aziendale
L-33 Scienze economiche
L-35 Scienze matematiche
L-41 Statistica
can apply.
B) Candidates can also enroll in the programme from undergraduate classes other than those listed above after positive evaluation of the Collegio Didattico or its delegates (an Admission Committee or the President of the Collegio Didattico) if they substantively satisfy the access requirements as shown below.
Candidates lacking one or more of the following minimum entry requirements will not be assessed by the Admission Committee:
a) at least 6 ECTS in the area of mathematics (MAT/01 - MAT/05; MAT/07 - MAT/09; SECS-S/06).
b) at least 6 ECTS in the statistical area (MAT/06; SECS-S/01 - SECS-S/05; SECS-P/05).
c) at least 12 ECTS in the economic area (SECS-P/01 - SECS-P/03; SECS-P/06).
The requirements must be met by the date of effective submission of the application for admission.
2. Proficiency in English
Proficiency in English at a B2 level or higher per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required for admission.
The B2-level requirement will be ascertained by the University Language Centre (SLAM) upon admission as follows:
- Language certificate of B2 or higher level issued no more than three years before the date of admission application. You will find the list of language certificates recognized by the University at: The certificate must be uploaded when submitting the online application;
- English level achieved during a University of Milan degree programme and certified by the University Language Centre (SLAM) no more than four years before the date of admission application, including levels based on language certificates submitted by the applicant during their Bachelor's degree at the University of Milan. In this case the process is automatic, the applicant does not have to attach any certificates to the application;
- Entry test administrated by the University Language Centre (SLAM) according to the calendar published on the website: (
All those who fail to submit a valid certificate or do not meet the required proficiency level will be instructed during the admission procedure to take the Entry test.
Applicants who do not take or pass the Entry test will be required to obtain a language proficiency certificate recognized by the University (see and deliver it to the SLAM via the InformaStudenti service by the deadline fixed for the master's programme (
Applicants who do not meet the requirement by said deadline will not be admitted to the master's degree programme and may not sit any further tests.
3. Personal competencies and skills: assessment criteria
Minimum curricular requirements are necessary yet not sufficient conditions for admission. Candidates will be also evaluated on the basis of personal competencies and skills by an Admission Board appointed by the Faculty Board (Collegio Didattico).
Assessment of personal competencies and skills will be ascertained in two subsequent stages. First, candidates will take a written online admission test, held in English language. Detailed description of the test content, dates and organization will be provided on the website of the master program ''Application'' section. Candidates who do not sit or reach the minimum level required by the Admission Board in the admission test will not be further evaluated and cannot sit further tests.
Candidates holding an Italian bachelor degree with a final score of 105 or higher out of 110 are exempt from taking the written admission test.
Non EU visa applicants must necessarily take the compulsory online admission test by the first available test session immediately following the deadline for visa seekers' applications at the very latest, under penalty of exclusion.
For candidates who reach the minimum level in the admission test and meet the compulsory curricular requirements, the Admission Board will further evaluate their personal competencies and skills based on academic merit and choice coherence. Academic merit relates to the quality of the previous degree as well as the average grade obtained in the bachelor program. Grades obtained in Bachelor mathematics, statistics and economics courses could also be evaluated to assess candidates' academic merit. Choice coherence relates to coherence between the academic and professional curriculum of the candidates and the learning objectives of the Finance and Economics degree programme.
To allow the Admission Board to assess academic merit and choice coherence, each applicant must submit at time of application:
- a detailed curriculum vitae (it refers to study and work experience and any relevant achievements);
- a detailed study plan of the bachelor program, with the list of exams taken and relative grade, as well as average grade obtained and final degree.
Failing to provide the compulsory documentation will result in the exclusion from the selection procedure.
The Admission Board reserves the possibility to request the applicant an oral interview for admission, held in English language and exclusively done via electronic devices (eg.: via skype or other platforms). The interview is aimed at further verifying the skills as mentioned above.
Applicants must obtain the bachelor degree by 31st December 2025.
Application for admission: from 22/01/2025 to 30/06/2025
Application for matriculation: from 02/04/2025 to 15/01/2026
Attachments and documents
Online services
Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
First trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Financial Investments - Module I: Portfolio Theory; Module Ii: Portfolio Management | 12 | 79.2 | English | SECS-P/09 SECS-P/11 |
Mathematical Methods for Finance | 9 | 59.4 | English | SECS-S/06 |
Statistical Methods for Finance | 6 | 39.6 | English | SECS-S/01 |
Second trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Advanced Microeconomics and Macroeconomics | 12 | 79.2 | English | SECS-P/01 |
Econometrics | 6 | 39.6 | English | SECS-P/05 |
Third trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Data Mining and Computational Statistics | 9 | 59.4 | English | SECS-S/01 |
International Economic Law | 6 | 39.6 | English | IUS/13 |
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
First trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Financial Economics | 6 | 39.6 | English | SECS-P/01 SECS-P/02 |
Macro and Econometrics for Finance - Module I: Macrofinance; Module Ii: Financial Econometrics | 12 | 79.2 | English | SECS-P/01 SECS-P/05 |
Optional | ||||
Financial Report Lab | 3 | 19.8 | English | SECS-P/11 |
Second trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Financial Markets and Financial Crises: a Historical Approach | 6 | 39.6 | English | SECS-P/12 |
Optional | ||||
Dynamic Macroeconomics | 6 | 39.6 | English | SECS-P/01 |
Third trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Corporate Finance and Valuation | 6 | 39.6 | English | SECS-P/11 |
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Final Exam | 18 | 0 | English |
First trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Laboratory of Bank Loan Pricing | 3 | 19.8 | English | SECS-P/01 SECS-P/02 |
Second trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Laboratory: Introduction to Coding and Data Management for Economics and Political Science | 3 | 19.8 | English | INF/01 |
Third trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Advanced Laboratory in Financial Risk Management | 3 | 19.8 | English | SECS-P/05 |
Laboratory: Public Policy in Government | 3 | 19.8 | English | SECS-P/01 |
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Additional Language Skills: Italian (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Italian |
Optional activities and study plan rules
1 - Students must earn 9 credits for elective activities.
Second year students may choose, among other activities, the elective "Dynamic Macroeconomics" course.
Second year students may choose, among other activities, the elective "Dynamic Macroeconomics" course.
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Dynamic Macroeconomics | 6 | 39.6 | English | Second trimester | SECS-P/01 |
2 - Students must earn 3 credits by selecting an Internship/Stage, Laboratories or other elective activities (please check: and
Foreign students with insufficient knowledge of the Italian language can obtain 3 ECTS for "Additional Language Skills: Italian" (please check:
Foreign students with insufficient knowledge of the Italian language can obtain 3 ECTS for "Additional Language Skills: Italian" (please check:
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Additional Language Skills: Italian (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Italian | Open sessions |
First trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Financial Investments - Module I: Portfolio Theory; Module Ii: Portfolio Management | 12 | 79.2 | English | SECS-P/09 SECS-P/11 |
Mathematical Methods for Finance | 9 | 59.4 | English | SECS-S/06 |
Statistical Methods for Finance | 6 | 39.6 | English | SECS-S/01 |
Second trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Advanced Microeconomics and Macroeconomics | 12 | 79.2 | English | SECS-P/01 |
Econometrics | 6 | 39.6 | English | SECS-P/05 |
Third trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Data Mining and Computational Statistics | 9 | 59.4 | English | SECS-S/01 |
International Economic Law | 6 | 39.6 | English | IUS/13 |
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
First trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Financial Economics | 6 | 39.6 | English | SECS-P/01 SECS-P/02 |
Risk Management | 6 | 39.6 | English | SECS-S/06 |
Optional | ||||
Financial Report Lab | 3 | 19.8 | English | SECS-P/11 |
Second trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Financial Markets and Financial Crises: a Historical Approach | 6 | 39.6 | English | SECS-P/12 |
Numerical Methods for Finance and Potfolio Optimization | 12 | 79.2 | English | SECS-S/01 SECS-S/06 |
Optional | ||||
Dynamic Macroeconomics | 6 | 39.6 | English | SECS-P/01 |
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Final Exam | 18 | 0 | English |
First trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Laboratory of Bank Loan Pricing | 3 | 19.8 | English | SECS-P/01 SECS-P/02 |
Second trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Laboratory: Introduction to Coding and Data Management for Economics and Political Science | 3 | 19.8 | English | INF/01 |
Third trimester
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Advanced Laboratory in Financial Risk Management | 3 | 19.8 | English | SECS-P/05 |
Laboratory: Public Policy in Government | 3 | 19.8 | English | SECS-P/01 |
Open sessions
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Additional Language Skills: Italian (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Italian |
Optional activities and study plan rules
1 - Students must earn 9 credits for elective activities.
Second year students may choose, among other activities, the elective "Dynamic Macroeconomics" course.
Second year students may choose, among other activities, the elective "Dynamic Macroeconomics" course.
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Dynamic Macroeconomics | 6 | 39.6 | English | Second trimester | SECS-P/01 |
2 - Students must earn 3 credits by selecting an Internship/Stage, Laboratories or other elective activities (please check: and
Foreign students with insufficient knowledge of the Italian language can obtain 3 ECTS for "Additional Language Skills: Italian" (please check:
Foreign students with insufficient knowledge of the Italian language can obtain 3 ECTS for "Additional Language Skills: Italian" (please check:
Courses or activities | Max ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Additional Language Skills: Italian (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Italian | Open sessions |
Learn more
Head of study programme
Academic guidance tutor
Erasmus and international mobility tutor
Internship tutor
Seminar and workshop tutor
Quality Assurance Delegate
Reference structures
- Student Registrar
via S. Sofia 9/1 - 20122 Milano (MI) Italia - Degree Course E-mail
[email protected] - Disability Referee
Prof. Paolo Garella
The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:
- The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
- The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year)
- An additional fee is due for online programmes
The University also offers:
- Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
- Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
- Concessions for international students with refugee status
Scholarships and benefits
The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).
Learn more
Admission, ranking and enrolment