Bioinformatics for computational genomics

The BCG degree therefore includes activities providing in depth knowledge on:
1. the organization of information in the genome and the molecular and cellular processes at the basis of gene expression and its regulation
2. the experimental methods used for studying genes and their function in different model species, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic
3. the technologies employed in modern genomic research
4. methods and protocols of bioinformatic analysis in functional genomics studies
5. algorithmic, mathematical and statistical approaches underlying bioinformatic and genomic analysis tools
6. data base technologies for the storage and organization of the data
7. modelling and analysis techniques employed in systems biology for the study of interactions in complex biological systems.
The program includes, as a fundamental step in the formation of the students, an internship in research laboratories either at the University of Milan or in other Italian or foreign research institutes. The research experience of the internship and its results will be described in a final written dissertation, to be discussed in front of a thesis committee.
Graduates in BCG will thus be able to:
1. take part in the design and execution of large scale genomic analyses
2. identify and extract the biological meaning from the results obtained
3. design autonomously tools and protocols for the bioinformatic analysis of different types of experimental data
4. play a pivotal role in research groups focused on basic or applied genomic research
5. coordinate and supervise research projects and groups focused on bioinformatics and genomics.
In the framework of the Erasmus+ program, the BCG Master course has in place agreements with Universities in Denmark, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Norway, and The Netherlands, all offering courses in English.
Calls for participation can be found at the following link: abroad-erasmus
The time spent abroad can be used to attend courses and pass the relative exams, thus collecting credits towards the Master degree, as well as to carry out the experimental project for the dissertation. The student admitted to the mobility program must submit a study plan detailing the training activities that he/she plans to carry out, with the corresponding credits. The number of credits should correspond as much as possible to the number of credits that the student should acquire in a similar time at the home University. The proposed activities must be consistent with the goals and the contents of the Master degree. The study plan must be approved by the BCG Student Mobility Committee, which can request changes or integrations. At the end of the mobility program, according to the guidelines provided by the University of Milan, the courses attended (with a passed exam) by the student are registered in his/her career, preferably with its original name and with an indication of the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) and their conversion in CFU (usually 1 ECTS = 1 CFU). The students willing to carry out their dissertation work as part of a mobility program abroad must have an internal supervisor (chosen among the BCG lecturers) and the study plan must be approved by the BCG Teaching Board.
Students can apply to the BCG Master degree course, provided that they satisfy one of the following two requirements:
1. they have completed a bachelor degree program (Laurea Triennale) in one of the following classes:
- Biotechnology (class L2);
- Biology (class L13);
- Agriculture and Food Sciences (class L26);
- Pharmacological Sciences (class L29);
and during their studies they have acquired at least 30 CFU in biological areas (SSD BIO/01-19) with at least 18 CFU in Genetics (BIO/18), Molecular Biology (BIO/11) and Biochemistry (BIO/10)
2. they have completed a bachelor degree program (Laurea Triennale) in one of the following classes:
- Information Engineering (class L8);
- Physics (class L30);
- Computer Sciences (class L31);
- Mathematics (class L35);
- Statistics (class L41).
and during their studies they have acquired at least 30 CFU in the areas of computer science, information engineering, biomedical engineering, mathematics and/or statistics (SSD INF/01, ING-INF/05, ING-INF/06, MAT/01-09, and/or SECS- S/01), with at least 6 CFU in mathematics (MAT/01-09) and at least 12 CFU in one or more of the following areas: computer science (INF/01), information engineering (ING-INF/05), biomedical engineering (ING-INF/06), statistics (SECS-S/01).
The same criteria are applied to candidates in possession of foreign university degrees, deemed to be suitable by the Teachers Council, in which it is possible to clearly identify disciplines and number of credits acquired for each discipline (1 CFU = 1 ECTS - European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). If this is not possible, the documents certifying the career of the candidates will be examined in detail by the Teachers Council in order to assess if their background complies with the previous requirements.
Foreign Students
Students in possession of a Bachelor degree in an area of those described at the previous point (Admission for Italian Students), where courses taken in the required disciplines can be clearly identified together with the amount of hours/credits of the courses. If this is not possible, the documents certifying the career of the students will be examined by the Teachers Council in order to assess if their background complies with the previous requirements.
Language Requirements
Students must be proficient in English, with a B2 level of competence. In exceptional cases, students without a valid language certificate may be accepted on condition that their level of English proficiency, assessed during the interview, is evidently good. The adequate personal preparation of the candidates, their ability to communicate in English and their motivation are decisive elements for the admission and they are going to be verified and tested during the admission interview.
Knowledge of Italian is not required for attendance, nor for graduation. Foreign students are however encouraged to acquire basic knowledge of the Italian language before the final dissertation, by attending one or more than one 60-hour Italian courses organized by the University Language Centre/Slam
The prerequisite to access the BCG Master degree program is an adequate knowledge of the fundaments of either (1) genetics, molecular biology and biochemistry or (2) computer science, information engineering and mathematics.
This will be verified through 1) evaluation of the bachelor study program and 2) direct assessment of candidate scientific background knowledge.
Evaluation of the bachelor study program
EU students satisfying the above criteria will be admitted to an interview for the assessment of their scientific background knowledge. Non EU students resident abroad will be evaluated only according to their previous bachelor study program.
Interview for direct assessment of candidate scientific background knowledge
The candidate's background knowledge will be verified by an interview with the Commission for Admittance to the Master,
composed by teaching members appointed by the Teaching Board. The interview will evaluate the expertise of the candidates in topics related to their bachelor degree.
The committee will evaluate each applicant on a 100-point scale:
1) Up to 50/100 points will be awarded for the applicant resume (type of bachelor degree attended, exam grades, further courses attended, additional degrees, etc.)
2) Up to 50/100 points will be awarded for the interview.
Non EU students resident abroad will be awarded up to 100 points for their resume only (type of bachelor degree attended, exam grades, further courses attended, additional degrees, etc.).
The minimum score required for admission is 60/100.
For the Academic Year 2025-2026, interviews for Italian and EU students will take place online on July 2nd 2025. Foreign non EU students who reside in Italy must attend the evaluation interview as well. At the beginning of the interview, students must show a valid ID card or passport for identification. It is advisable to check for any possible updates concerning dates and times of the examination on the website:
Admission results for both EU and non-EU students will be published together at the end of the admission procedure.
Places available: 50 + 10 reserved for non-EU citizens
Call for applications
The call for applications is being finalized. Please refer to the call, once it is available, for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.
Application for admission: application deadlines will be published shortly.
The call for applications is being finalized
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology | 6 | 48 | English | ING-INF/05 |
Organic Chemistry | 6 | 48 | English | CHIM/06 |
Optional | ||||
Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology | 12 | 96 | English | BIO/06 BIO/11 BIO/13 BIO/18 |
Organic Chemistry | 6 | 48 | English | BIO/10 |
Programming and Data Bases | 12 | 96 | English | INF/01 ING-INF/05 |
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Biostatistics | 6 | 60 | English | MAT/06 SECS-S/01 |
Genomics and Transcriptomics | 12 | 96 | English | BIO/11 |
Machine Learning | 6 | 60 | English | INF/01 ING-INF/05 |
Scientific Programming | 6 | 60 | English | ING-INF/05 |
Optional | ||||
Biostatistics | 6 | 60 | English | MAT/06 SECS-S/01 |
Students with a degree/background in life sciences (biology or biotechnology or equivalent) will attend the courses of the
"Knowledge Alignment Plan 2".
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Biostatistics | 6 | 60 | English | Second semester | MAT/06 SECS-S/01 |
Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology | 12 | 96 | English | First semester | BIO/06 BIO/11 BIO/13 BIO/18 |
Organic Chemistry | 6 | 48 | English | First semester | BIO/10 |
Programming and Data Bases | 12 | 96 | English | First semester | INF/01 ING-INF/05 |
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Advanced Genomics and Epigenomics | 12 | 96 | English | BIO/11 BIO/18 BIO/19 |
Structural Chemistry | 6 | 48 | English | CHIM/06 ING-IND/34 |
Systems Biology and Network Analysis | 6 | 48 | English | ING-INF/06 |
Optional | ||||
Genomic Big Data Management and Computing | 6 | 48 | English | BIO/11 ING-INF/05 |
Interdisciplinary Project | 6 | 48 | English | BIO/11 ING-INF/05 |
Neurogenomics and Brain Disease Modelling | 6 | 48 | English | BIO/11 |
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Language Skills and Other Activities (attendance to seminars, etc | 3 | 0 | English |
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Final Internship and Dissertation | 21 | 0 | English |
- in the "Città Studi" campus of the University of Milan, mostly in the University buildings of via Celoria, 26 and via Golgi;
- in the "Leonardo" Campus of the Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32.
- Student Desks
via Celoria, 18 - 20133 Milan
+390250325032 - Academic Services Office
via Celoria, 26 - 20133 Milan - ground floor, C Building
By appointment.
The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:
- The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
- The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year)
- An additional fee is due for online programmes
The University also offers:
- Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
- Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
- Concessions for international students with refugee status
Scholarships and benefits
The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).
Learn more
Admission, ranking and enrolment