Chemical Science and Technology

The area of Chemical Science and Technology covers all levels of education in the fields of chemistry and industrial chemistry, with two Bachelor's and two Master's degree programmes (one entirely in English).

Educational offering

A.Y. 2025/2026
Industrial Chemistry
A.Y. 2025/2026
Sustanaible Industrial Chemistry
Discontinued degree programmes

These degree programmes are being discontinued: they are not open for admission, but courses are still delivered to students who are already enrolled.

A.Y. 2025/2026
Industrial Chemistry - discontinued


The school of Chemical Science and Technology is located in Milan, on via Camillo Golgi 19.


All teaching activities are carried out in the Città Studi campus:

  • Elet, Room D, Room C, Room H - Via Venezian, 21
  • Rooms V1 to V8 -  Via Venezian 15
  • Rooms 601-602 -  Via Pascal 36
  • Rooms 100 to 500 - Via Celoria 20
  • Rooms G11 to G30 - Via Golgi, 19

Department of Chemistry
Via Golgi 19 - 20133 Milano


Academic Board Chairman's Office ‑ Course Administration

via Golgi, 19, Milano
Head: Antonino Nucera
Phone: 02503.14419
email: [email protected]

Opening hours:
Moday to Friday 10am-12pm


Via Celoria 18 - 20133 Milan