Studying Pharmacy at the University of Milan
The teaching activity is organized in two semesters:
- From September to January – first semester,
- From February to June – second semester.
Detailed information and timetables are available on the websites of the individual degree programmes.
New students who fail to achieve the minimum score on the mathematics questions of the admission test, and have to fulfil Additional Learning Requirements (Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi, OFA), may attend the Basic Mathematics Laboratory starting in the autumn.
Upon completing laboratory activities, they may sit the OFA remedial test.
Details are available on degree programme websites.
To enable entry to the State Board Exam licensing practice as a pharmacist, the single cycle Master's degree programmes in Pharmacy and in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology provide for a mandatory traineeship at either a pharmacy that is open to the public or at a hospital pharmacy.
Bachelor's and Master's programmes also include compulsory traineeships, the duration of which will vary according to the programme, but in this case the internships can be completed within university structures or external bodies and companies.
Admission to the final exam is subject to the acquisition of a certain number of credits (CFU) and the preparation of a thesis paper.
The number of credits required and the ways in which the thesis work must be carried out are specific to each Degree Programme.