Studying at Humanities
For each Humanities course available in the Academic Year, lessons are organized on a six-monthly basis, with the exception of some language disciplines which have an annual schedule.
Lessons and teaching activities are organized in two semesters:
- 1st semester: from Monday 16th September 2024 to Tuesday 10th December 2024
- 2nd semester: from Thursday 13th February 2025 to Wednesday 21th May 2025
To view the calendar of the courses of your interest, access the lessons schedule, go to the list of courses on the right of the page, and deselect all the other courses.
Online classes are shown as "virtual classroom" or "distance learning".
For more information, check your degree programme website regularly.
Admission to the final exam is subject to the acquisition of a certain number of credits (CFU) and the preparation of a thesis paper.
Admission to Bachelor's and single-cycle Master's degree programmes is subject to an assessment of the student's educational background. Should the assessment reveal any gaps, the student will be assigned additional learning requirements (OFA), to be met through additional activities such as courses and seminars as set out in the call for applications or on the website for each study programme.
Registrations for exam sessions start one month before the date set, not including Saturdays, Sundays and any holidays. The deadline for registrations is three days before the exam, not including Saturdays, Sundays and any holidays.
Students can register for the exams through Unimia.
During their career, students are required to earn credits through theme workshops held by experts in the field.
Each student can choose workshops from among those listed each year on their programme website.
Thanks to direct interaction with the instructor and a more dynamic approach to the subject, workshops help students strengthen basic skills and learn the fundamentals of professional methods and practices.
Go to study programme websites to get all the information.
The Erasmus+ programme to which EU and non-EU countries adhere, offers those students who meet course requirements and are in possession of certified language skills the possibility of carrying out periods of study ranging from 3 to 12 months at many European universities. For students of degree programmes in specific disciplinary areas, the Humanities Faculty has established agreements with partner universities determining which reference teachers will assist them during their training experience abroad.
Information and contacts for students interested in a period of study at European universities.
Students can carry out internships or theses at institutions, companies and associations with which the University has signed an agreement; at a choosen association/institution/company or within the University structures. Students who choose to do an internships or a thesis:
- at companies and external bodies can refer to COSP;
- within the University structures can contact their Tutor and the President of the Didactic Coordination Council of their Degree Programme.
For further information on internships and traineeships
The University of Milan can award prizes for students and graduates, thanks to either its own or external funding
The Faculty of Humanities favours initiatives aimed at establishing and developing relationships with international organizations and institutions.