Study at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Programme organization

Academic year

The academic year starts on 1st October and ends on 30 September.

Calendar of activities

Teaching activities are divided into two semesters.

First semester:

  • 23 September 2024 – 17 January 2025
    (all students, with the exceptions outlined below)
  • 28 October 2024 – 17 January 2025
    (third-year students of the Bachelor's degree programme in Viticulture and Enology)
  • 23 September 2024– 24 January 2025
    (third-year students of the Bachelor's degree programme in Development and Protection of Mountain Environment)

Suspension period for exam sessions and interim assessments: 11-15 November 2024 (except third-year teaching activities of the Bachelor's degree programme in Development and Protection of Mountain Environment and of the Bachelor's degree programme in Viticulture and Enology, and except first-year teaching activities of the Master's degree programme in Valorization and sustainable development of mountain areas)

Suspension period for Bachelor's degree sessions: 15 October 2024 and 9 December 2024 (except teaching activities of the Bachelor's degree programme in Development and Protection of Mountain Environment)

Second semester:

24 February 2025 – 13 June 2025

Suspension period for exam sessions and interim assessments: 5-9 May 2025 (except second-year teaching activities of the Bachelor's degree programme in Development and Protection of Mountain Environment).

Suspension of teaching activities for Bachelor's degree sessions: 1 April 2025 (except teaching activities of the Bachelor's degree programme in Development and Protection of Mountain Environment)

Exam sessions

Exam sessions are held at the end of the classes scheduled for each semester.

Mathematics Additional Learning Requirements (OFA)

New students who fail to achieve the minimum score on the mathematics questions of the admission test, and have to fulfil Additional Learning Requirements (Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi, OFA), may attend the Basic Mathematics Laboratory starting in the autumn.

Upon completing laboratory activities, they may sit the OFA remedial test.

Details are available on degree programme websites.

Traineeships and internships

Students can complete traineeships or their thesis in companies, businesses or associations with which the University  has entered into agreement, at a selected association/organization/company or within the University.

Students who wish to complete their traineeship/thesis:

  • in external companies and organizations should contact the University Study and Career Guidance Service (COSP)

  • within the University may contact  their Tutor or the President of the relevant Degree Programme Coordination Committee.

For information on stages and internships

Study awards

The University of Milan offers study awards for students and graduates, using its own or external funding.

International agreements

The Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences promotes initiatives aimed at establishing and developing relationships with international organizations and institutions.


Information and contacts for students interested in a period of study at other European universities.

Complaints and suggestions

Student reports are considered as very important feedback with a view to continuously improving academic services: they are used as input for regular analyses transmitted to study programme boards, the Quality Assurance Board, and the General Manager.

The office which collects and handles student reports involves the competent academic office in the examination of the report. If you file a report, you will receive an e-mail confirmation with the corresponding ID number after submitting the form online, and a second message within 5 working days, specifying when the investigation will be closed and whether any further checks are required.

A dedicated reporting service is available.