Design and Management of Educational Processes

A.Y. 2025/2026
Overall hours
Learning objectives
- Know the theoretical and methodological elements of the design of the training intervention, including the different phases and problems
- Know the theoretical framework for setting up and evaluating the training intervention and acquire effective methodologies, operational tools and teaching strategies in order to plan training interventions according to the characteristics and needs of the group being trained
- Plan and implement interventions to implement and optimize human resources, and the performance of the members of the professional team; evaluate its functionality with respect to the characteristics and purposes of the healthcare facility in which it operates
- Evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of training projects, based on objectives and expected results that are consistent with the features and functions of the service offered to users, and with the role of the structure within the health and production system
- Evaluate and enhance the roles of the different professional figures in the field of technical health sciences in multidisciplinary training projects aimed at participation and cooperation.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
- Explain the fundamental concepts of pedagogy
- Describe the adult learning theory and andragogy
- Discuss the importance of learning from experience, in adult education
- Explain the importance of learning in the field in healthcare contexts
- Discuss the process of needs analysis in continuing medical education and their different types: general needs and specific needs of a certain hospital/community service
- Describe the difference among explicit, implicit and latent educational needs of the professional and the instruments that are more suitable for the analysis of those different types of needs
- Indicate who can be involved in the analysis of educational needs in healthcare systems.
- Discuss the main characteristics of focus groups.
- Describe the different taxonomies of learning objectives, as proposed by J.J. Guilbert.
- Discuss why learning objectives were overcome by outcome-based education.
- Describe the main characteristics of competence.
- Plan an educational process: discuss the difference between course schedule, course plan, and CME training offer of a hospital/local authority.
- Explain how to plan a university course/module.
- Discuss different options in choosing training methods.
- Consider the problem of alignment between knowledge/skills to be developed and training methodologies.
- Illustrate the traditional training methods (lectures and seminars): discuss when to use them, explaining strengths and limits of those methods.
- Sort different types of lesson.
- Explain how to plan and manage an effective lesson.
- Examine some active training methods (case analysis, problem based learning, practical skills labs, role playing), illustrating how they should be managed.
- Give examples of tools aimed at facilitating learning in the field (portfolios, learning contracts).
- Explain the different meanings of "evaluation" in undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education.
- Discuss the importance of formative evaluation and describe how feedback should be given.
- Explain the Kirkpatrick model, as a tool for planning an evaluation system
- Describe how to choose/construct the assessment tools when evaluating knowledge, practical skills, and communication skills.
- Discuss the complexity of evaluating long-term outcomes of an educational process.
- Discuss regulatory and organizational aspects of continuing medical education (CME) in Italy.
- Explain the main characteristics of Continuing Professional Development in the Italian CME system and accredited methodologies to develop it (audit, quality improvement groups, research, stages).
- Prepare the questioning route for the management of a focus group on a given topic/problem
- Write the specific objectives of a course/educational path
- Plan a 4-hour lesson/module
- Write questions for a Multiple Choice Question test
- Critically analyze the program of a CME course
- Critically reflect on ethical issues in the training and evaluation of health professionals
- Communicate effectively in a group working in presence and remotely (e.g. through a discussion blog)
- Use the main databases available in the health field to continuously update knowledge in the field of healthcare professionals' training
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
The syllabus is shared with the following courses:
- [D98-21](
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Zannini Lucia