Consumer and Shopping Behaviour
A.Y. 2025/2026
Learning objectives
The study of consumer behavior plays a central role in business strategies and in the economy in general because it concerns the understanding and deepening of the decision-making processes of individuals.
The interest in marketing is motivated by the possibility for companies (as well as for a non-profit organization or a public body) to know the needs of consumers first and, secondly, to be able to possibly guide their choices through appropriate policies in matters of prices, distribution channels and points of sale, internet, promotion and advertising.
Furthermore, the analysis of consumer behavior presents many facets and problems that lend themselves to a multidisciplinary reading (from psychology to economics), making use of theories and interpretative models that have evolved over time in the face of the growing complexity of modern society.
At the same time, the set of methodological approaches available for the purpose of correct and rigorous empirical research has been enriched, indispensable for the purpose of deepening any phenomenon or behavior that is the object of observation. In fact, it is on the basis of these data and above all on their interpretation that the strategic visions of companies, their ability to offer goods or services consistent with market expectations, as well as the effectiveness of their communication activities are based.
The aim of the course is therefore to first provide participants with the framework of cognitive tools both on a theoretical and methodological level necessary for the purpose of a correct analysis of consumer behavior and the reasons behind their purchasing and consumption choices.
Secondly, attending students are also enabled to implement these logics in carrying out a real field project, based on real company research briefs, in order to be able to verify their ability to correctly set up and conduct an empirical survey on the consumers, and to be able to appreciate the cognitive contribution in terms of managerial implications.
The interest in marketing is motivated by the possibility for companies (as well as for a non-profit organization or a public body) to know the needs of consumers first and, secondly, to be able to possibly guide their choices through appropriate policies in matters of prices, distribution channels and points of sale, internet, promotion and advertising.
Furthermore, the analysis of consumer behavior presents many facets and problems that lend themselves to a multidisciplinary reading (from psychology to economics), making use of theories and interpretative models that have evolved over time in the face of the growing complexity of modern society.
At the same time, the set of methodological approaches available for the purpose of correct and rigorous empirical research has been enriched, indispensable for the purpose of deepening any phenomenon or behavior that is the object of observation. In fact, it is on the basis of these data and above all on their interpretation that the strategic visions of companies, their ability to offer goods or services consistent with market expectations, as well as the effectiveness of their communication activities are based.
The aim of the course is therefore to first provide participants with the framework of cognitive tools both on a theoretical and methodological level necessary for the purpose of a correct analysis of consumer behavior and the reasons behind their purchasing and consumption choices.
Secondly, attending students are also enabled to implement these logics in carrying out a real field project, based on real company research briefs, in order to be able to verify their ability to correctly set up and conduct an empirical survey on the consumers, and to be able to appreciate the cognitive contribution in terms of managerial implications.
Expected learning outcomes
The expected learning outcomes are both in terms of knowledge of the theoretical and methodological approaches typical of the study of consumer behavior, and in terms of skills regarding the ability to correctly set up and carry out an empirical investigation project in the field, as a function of a specific cognitive goal. In this regard, the possibility during the course to improve one's team working and public communication skills is not irrelevant, especially when presenting the results to company managers.
Lesson period: First trimester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course currently not available
Lesson period
First trimester
SECS-P/08 - MANAGEMENT - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours