Chemical and Physical Sciences

A.Y. 2025/2026
Overall hours
CHIM/03 CHIM/06 FIS/07 MED/50
Learning objectives
- Develop the scientific bases and the theoretical-practical preparation necessary for the understanding of biological phenomena and ecosystem equilibrium;
- Develop the technical knowledge for the identification of the chemical, physical and biological components of the production cycles constituting and health risk factors;
- Acquire knowledge of chemical and chemical-physical parameters concerning the environment and pollution chemistry
Expected learning outcomes
General and inorganic chemistry
Knowledge and understanding
· knowledge of the main chemical language
· knowledge of the fundamentals about elements properties, main classes of inorganic compounds, chemical solutions
· knowledge of the fundamentals of thermochemistry and chemical kinetics
Knowledge and understanding applicative ability
· being able to correctly understand IUPAC names of the main classes of inorganic molecules
· assess the main properties of chemical elements at atomistic and molecular level
· being able to complete the main schemes of inorganic reactions
· being able to predict the feasible changes of a chemical system made by one or more reactants, at defined experimental conditions
Assessment ability
· being able to critically estimate the hypotheses concerning the interaction/transformation routes of inorganic molecules significant for the safety in the environment and work sites
Communication skills
· extract and summarize the important information in a text concerning a chemistry problem
· effectively communicate, both orally and in write report, using the correct terms
· effectively resume and present the information using the typical graphic models
Learning ability
· being able to understand a scientific text of general and inorganic chemistry and to apply the obtained data to the solution of a new problem

Applied physics
Knowledge and understanding
· Knowledge of the methodological approach of physics
· understanding of the fundamentals of physics in the mechanics of solid bodies, fluids and gases, of the electric phenomena and thermology
Knowledge and understanding applicative ability
· being able of explain and apply in problems the concept of energy and conservation principles, the manin laws of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics, thermal phenomena, gas behaviour, electric potential and the fundamentals of electric circuits
Assessment ability
· through exercises, solved both in classroom, and independently, the student can critically assess the consistency of a hypothesis and the related physical laws and to quantitatively calculate values in the context of real problems using the learnt physical models
Communication skills
· through the repetitive interactions during the lessons and through the solution of problems, the student becomes able to describe the behaviour of physical systems using an exact language and making quantitative references, also using simple graphical representations
Learning ability
· The student becomes able to learn in the general context of scientific matters by solving problems that need the understanding of the real context, the conversion into a model and the development of a solution using mathematical means

Organic chemistry
Knowledge and understanding
· knowledge of the models for the graphic representation of organic molecules and of the reaction mechanisms
· knowledge of the principal functional group features, their names and their reactivity
· knowledge of the main rules of the typical reactivity of organic compounds (acid/base behaviour, nucleophilicity and electrophilicity, aromatic property, hydrogen bond forming ability, ionic interactions, hydrophobic interactions)
Knowledge and understanding applicative ability
· being able to correctly understand IUPAC names of the main classes of organic molecules
· identifying the main classes of organic reactions and being able to complete reaction schemes
· being able to predict the evolving possibility of a chemical system made by one or more reactants, at a defined experimental conditions
Assessment ability
· being able to critically estimate the hypotheses concerning the interaction/transformation routes of organic molecules important in biological applications
Communication skills
· extract and summarize the important information in a text concerning a chemistry problem
· effectively communicate, both orally and in write report, using the correct terms
· effectively resume and present the information using the typical graphic models
Learning ability
· being able to understand a scientific text of organic chemistry and to apply the obtained data to the solution of a new problem

Knowledge and understanding
· knowledge of the methodology to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the risk deriving from the exposition to different factors in the life and/or work environment
· knowledge of the main dangerous substances as vapours, gases, powders, and fibers, particularly concerning radon and asbestos, electromagnetic fields, natural and artificial optical radiations, manual moving of weights, quality of water for human use
Knowledge and understanding applicative ability
· the student should be able to define the risk, to estimate the exposition and to characterize the danger of each agent and risk factor
Assessment ability
· suggesting measures of prevention and of risk management
Communication skills
· extract and summarize the important information in a text concerning a risk or prevention problem
· effectively communicate, both orally and in write report, using the correct terms
Learning ability
· being able to understand a scientific text concerning risk factors in the environment and work sites and apply the obtained data to the solution of a new problem
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Applied medical techniques
Lessons: 10 hours
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
General and inorganic chemistry
Lessons: 20 hours
Organic chemistry
CHIM/06 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours