Animal Welfare Legislation

A.Y. 2025/2026
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at understanding the principles and purposes of international, European, national, and regional legislation concerning animal health and welfare, as well as auxiliary activities in veterinary facilities, identified and permitted by Italian law.
The course includes an introduction to the basic principles of positive law, useful for understanding the fundamental criteria of special legislation, as well as evaluating the applicability and effectiveness in practical terms of the same legislative provisions.
Specific subjects covered in the course include provisions of international organizations, EU regulations, and national legislation concerning animal health and welfare, including rules on animal cruelty, with reference to companion animals and equines, in order to provide operators who breed or care for animals with valuable support and specific professional skills.
Also subject to in-depth analysis are the professional skills related to professional figures in veterinary facilities, who assist the veterinarian as 'auxiliaries', legislation on veterinary drugs, dietary foods, and feed labeling.
Expected learning outcomes
-Knowledge and understanding: the student shall demonstrate adequate knowledge and understanding of legislation on the protection and welfare of companion animals and equines, animal health, veterinary medicine, straying, management of veterinary facilities.
-Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the student should be able to draw up and manage a biosecurity plan as an 'animal professional' in pet and equine establishments, or manage such establishments directly, in each case in compliance with deontological principles and in accordance with the sector regulations learned;
-Critical and judgmental skills: the student must have developed critical and judgmental skills in the fundamental aspects of the relevant legislation, as well as being able, in a support capacity in veterinary establishments, to act professionally, in compliance with the exercise of duties, and with competence in respect of the professional activity of the veterinary surgeon.
-Ability to communicate what has been learnt: the student must be able to communicate effectively what has been learnt and understood, using appropriate terminology; he/she must be able to relate correctly with operators and veterinarians, as well as with the competent authorities in charge of official controls;
-Ability to pursue study independently throughout life: the student should have developed skills and strategies for his or her own professional development.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course currently not available
VET/08 - VETERINARY CLINICAL MEDICINE - University credits: 6
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours