Zootechnical Legislation and Food Safety

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with knowledge of international and national legislation regarding animal health, food safety, and environmental protection from the perspective of the 'One Health' principle.
Course content is presented, analyzed, and interpreted with reference to its connections with professional practice, evaluating the content, applicability, and effectiveness of legislation in practical fields.
After an introduction to the basic principles of positive law, useful for understanding the fundamental criteria of special legislation, the course identifies a practical perspective on legislative approaches to contributions to animal husbandry in the field of animal health and welfare, food safety (from feed to food), and the relationship between animal husbandry and environmental protection.
Provisions from international organizations, EU regulations, and national legislation concerning animal health related to legal principles of food safety emphasize the close link between research and evaluation with scientific knowledge of behavior and critical analysis of the effectiveness of the norm in terms of practical application in the territory.
Expected learning outcomes
The student should be able to draft and manage a biosafety plan in livestock farming as an "animal professional", prepare a food control process in accordance with learned legislative provisions, and be able to engage and interact at a "legal-scientific" level with operators, veterinarians, as well as competent authorities responsible for official controls.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
-Introduction to the course: the Animal Production Sciences graduate as an "animal professional"
-The European Union
-The Italian legal system
-General notions of administrative law
-General notions of criminal law
-General notions of civil law
- Animal health and the protection of public health: the EU Reg. n. 429/2016
-The biosecurity plans in the establishments
-The responsibility of the animal professional
-The identification of farm animals
-The discipline on animal reproduction
-Legislation on food safety in the European Union: the principles of the EC Reg. n. 178/2002, risk assessment, responsibility of food operators
-The application of Reg. (EC) n. 852/2004: the HACCP process throughout the food chain
-Control and hygienic practices on farms
-The self-monitoring plans of Regulation (EC) no. 852/2004 for food businesses in operations subsequent to primary production
-Hygiene requirements and operators' fulfilments
-Hazard analysis and critical control points - HACCP
-General hygiene requirements applicable to all food business operators in operations following primary production
-Requirements that must be applied in all phases of production, transformation and distribution of food
-General requirements applicable to facilities intended for food
-Specific requirements applicable to premises in which food products are prepared, processed or transformed
-Requirements applicable to mobile and/or temporary structures (such as pavilions, sales kiosks, trucked sales counters), premises used mainly as a private residence but where food is regularly prepared to be marketed and vending machines
-The administrative provisions of registration and recognition
-The EC Regulation n. 853/2004, compliance of microbiological criteria
-Animal protection and welfare in Community and national legislation:
- Welfare in farms
-The welfare of animals in transport
-Protection and well-being in slaughtering
-The professional figures of animal welfare
- Legislation on environmental protection
-Administrative fulfillment and relationship with the competent authority: official controls
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
The course includes frontal lessons: the lectures will be held in the classroom using slides
Language of teaching: Italian
Teaching Resources
DIRITTO E LEGISLAZIONE VETERINARIA, F. Pezza, G. Ruffo-P.Fossati, Point Veterinaire Italie, Milano.
·Handout with updates provided directly by Teachers
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a single oral test on the knowledge of the topics described in the program
VET/08 - VETERINARY CLINICAL MEDICINE - University credits: 6
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Ruffo Giancarlo
Professor: Ruffo Giancarlo