Workshop: Images, Symbols and Narratives to Understand Contemporary History

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Since the "cultural" and "linguistic turn" of the 1970s and the subsequent "digital turn" of the 1990s, images, symbols, and narratives have become not only objects of study, but also new and important research perspectives. In this context, new threads of study have emerged, among which Visual History and Historical Semantics occupy an important place. The workshop aims to familiarise students with the most significant methodologies employed in the study of Contemporary History since the 1970s, and to illustrate how they can be used in historiographical investigation.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will be able to use the historical research tools in the context of the topics covered in class. Overall, the workshop aims to be a useful complement to institutional courses in Contemporary History, proposing the study of images, symbols and narratives as an indispensable tool of analysis and key to understanding the socio-cultural and political transformations of 20th century history.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course currently not available
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The workshop will be articulated into three parts.

(1) "Doing contemporary history. A history that is not just an event". The first part will present possible approaches to Contemporary History through the study of images, symbols, narratives, discourses, concepts, words, and also non-verbal communication.

(2) "A practical example. Italy through images, symbols, and narratives". The second part will demonstrate practically the many applications of the methodologies studied in the previous theoretical section; students will be strongly encouraged to participate actively in the analysis of the proposed materials.

(3) "Project Presentation". In the third part, students (in groups) will explain their PowerPoint presentation to the class; students will work on projects in groups (maximum 5 members) under the supervision of the lecturer; possible reference materials will be suggested by the lecturer herself.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific requirements.
Teaching methods
The course consists of 20 hours divided into 10 lectures, supported by slides and supplementary teaching materials (including explanatory content and iconographic documentation). During the lessons, students will be warmly encouraged to participate actively, both individually and collectively, analysing textual and audio-visual sources (newspaper articles, speeches, posters, videos, etc) and working on the projects. For this reason, attendance is compulsory; students who have attended at least 80% of the lectures (8 out of 10) will be considered attending students.
Teaching Resources
— Knowledge of the main topics taught in lectures.
— Readings will be indicated during the course and will be uploaded on the Ariel platform along with the links to the main documents and videos shown during the lessons.

Students will be able to find all the information on the lectures and any changes to the syllabus and its related documents on the Ariel platform.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Method and Type of Examination = The evaluation at the end of the workshop will be based on attendance, knowledge of the main topics, lectures and an oral presentation in PowerPoint (in small groups).

Assessment criteria = Students will be assessed on their expression skills; ability to demonstrate and elaborate knowledge; ability for critical reflection on the completed work; quality of expression, competence in the use of specialised lexicon, efficacy, clarity.

Type of assessment method = Approval of CFUs [ECTS].

NB = The format of the exam for students with disabilities should be arranged in advance with the lecturer and the relevant office.
- University credits: 3
Humanities workshops: 20 hours