Workshop On "human Rights and the Ombudsman"

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
We will illustrate a theory of social action that allows us to grasp a trait of modern societies whose normative core produces strong participation expectations, in light of which elective action can only be oriented towards maximum participation and correspond to the only socially adequate behavior, even in the vast range of choices that open up on the acting subject's horizon. This aspect of modern societies has to do with the process of fundamental democratization and the affirmation of the culture of human rights. We will stress the dimension of participation in all the main fields of social action: the economic one (where the participation expectations concern both the production and the consumption subsystems), in those relating to culture, education and access to scientific, artistic and literary heritage and in the political-administrative and legal sector (where participation expectations also involve the welfare and public services systems). The general purpose of the Course is to explain how the Ombudsman can encourage citizen's participation and, in a new global era, take a part in the defense of human rights. In fact, Ombudsmen came to be seen as useful in helping to meet the problem of expanding bureaucracy in the modern welfare state and to improve human rights. In particular, the increase in the powers of discretion given to European governments led to a need of protection against administrative and police arbitrariness.
In the second part of the course, Human rights will be described as fundamental rights protected by international conventions and treaties. The current crisis is characterized by the reduction of legal safeguards, impoverishment of the middle classes, exploitation and increasing insecurity, accompanied by relocations, especially in third world countries. In order to defend human rights, it is necessary that politics prevail on the markets and on finance. The means of protection of human beings rights will be illustrated, with particular regard to the forms of ADR (alternative solution of disputes) and in particular the Ombudsman of the UN.
Expected learning outcomes
Thanks to a socio-legal method of analysis, students will be able to reflect upon the social function of the Ombudsman in Europe and its legal structure.
The first step of the analysis is the comparison of various ombudsman-institutions all over the world. Finally, students will be able to illustrate the functions of Ombudsman institutions in their political, economical and cultural context. Students are requested to write a final paper about their National Ombudsman
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
1 introduction
2 the concept of human rights
3 the definition of Ombudsman
4 The European Carter of Fundamental Rights
5 Ombudsman structure
6. Children's Ombudsman in Italy
7 Ombudsman powers and functions
Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites.
Teaching methods
Teaching methods: The course is composed by lectures with slide shows in Power Point and practical lessons in which students will be actively involved. The slides of the frontal lessons are uploaded to the Ariel platform
Teaching Resources
Bibliography: Reference texts for the final exam are:
M. A. Quiroz Vitale, The ombudsman and the protection of human rights in Europe. Case study of Italian "Civic Defender", U.S.-China Law Review, vol. 11 n. 8, 2014.

M.A. Quiroz Vitale, Modernization Development and Law. Mimesis International, 2018
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment methods and criteria: The assessment of learning takes place through the final exam, which verifies the acquisition of the knowledge and skills expected for the integrated course through an oral examination. The student's exam is based on general and more specific questions. The exam is considered to have passed if the student has acquired a minimum score of 18 points on the oral exam.
IUS/20 - PHILOSOPHY OF LAW - University credits: 3
Lessons: 21 hours
Professor: Quiroz Vitale Marco Alberto
contact prof. Quiroz emailing to [email protected]
Microsoft Teams platform