Women's Time

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The educational activity "Women's Time: Between Equality and Freedom" is organized in collaboration with Corriere della Sera. The workshops and seminars organized at the University of Milan and the Milan Triennale aim to provide students of any faculty of the University with theoretical knowledge related to the principle of gender equality, as well as in relation to the most current issues in the field of women's rights. In particular, we aim to provide students with the tools to take a critical look at the following areas:
- From universities to the world of work: alumnae testimonie
- Women, leadership and femininity
- Birth, work and reconciliation: challenges and perspectives in Italy and Europe
- Work, gender-based violence and women's health: women's empowerment through culture and medicine
- Legal professions, magistrates and lawyers in Milan
- "L" for lavoro: history of stereotypes and gender violence in language
At the end of the activity, the student who has profitably attended the seminars will have a thorough knowledge of the proposed topics, with the acquisition of a method of reasoning not only in relation to the essential notions but also in order to identify critical issues and more current problems.
Expected learning outcomes
Through participation in a minimum of 24 hours chosen from the proposed seminars, students will be able to achieve the following outcomes:
- Thorough knowledge of the topics covered in the training activity;
- Ability to apply the notions learned to concrete facts and contexts and to be able to apply them to current events;
- Autonomy of judgment and ability to take reasoned positions with reference to the topics covered;
- Ability to express the acquired notions with argumentative coherence and ownership of language.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Towards a new change of way: work as an opportunity for equity

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
In order to earn the 3 CFUs, male and female students are required to attend a minimum of 24 hours of their choice from the following conferences, seminar workshops, which will be held at the University of Milan and Milan Triennale spaces.
Students can obtain the form " Partecipazione agli eventi organizzati dall'Università e dal Corriere della Sera" within the initiative "Il Tempo delle Donne" from the section "News" of InformaStudenti or by registering at the following link: https://informastudenti.unimi.it/saw/ess/offeringPage/9845578
After registration, the form will be sent as an attachment to the request made. To retrieve the registration request, simply click on the link in the email you received with confirmation of your registration.
The form must be printed and presented at each workshop that you intend to follow for the affixing of the stamp of the University. The affixing of the stamp will certify the presence at the event.

MEETINGS AT MILAN'S TRIENNALE (SEPTEMBER 13, 14, 15, 2024) see above
Prerequisites for admission
Enrolled studens in any faculty of the University of Milan
Teaching methods
Lectures, workshops and seminar-style meetings aimed at encouraging active participation of male and female students.
Teaching Resources
Articles published in: https://27esimaora.corriere.it/
One reading of your choice from:
· M. D'Amico, Parole che separano. Linguaggio, Costituizone e diritti, Cortina, 2023.
· M. D'Amico, C. Nardocci, S. Bissaro (a cura di), Le violenze contro la donna, FrancoAngeli, 2023
· M. D'Amico, Una parità ambigua. Costituzione e Diritti delle donne, Cortina, 2020.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The evaluation will be expressed as follows: passed/not passed.
The evaluation will take into account not only the acquisition of the teaching content, but also the participation and interventions of the students during the proposed activities.
Student attendance will be recorded at the entrance and exit of the seminars to verify attendance of minimum 24 hours of training activities.
A test will be given at the end of the training activity.
The test will be given on Monday, September the 16th , at 8:30 a.m. in room 420, Via Festa del Perdono 7.
IUS/08 - CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - University credits: 3
Lessons: 24 hours
Professor: D'Amico Maria Elisa