The Woman Between Puberty, Fertility and Menopause

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/14 M-PSI/08 MED/03 MED/40 MED/47
Learning objectives
Students will be able to recognize the anatomy and physiology of woman's puberty period, fertile period and menopause. They will receive multidisciplinary knowledge, ranging from physiological to psicological and genetic aspects related to these issues.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding:
Students will know the anatomy, physiology and cellular mechanisms related to woman's puberty period, fertile period and menopause.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
Students will be able to give complete and consistent assistance in different clinical cases.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Sezione: Mantova

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test
Test typology
Closed and open multiple choice test
Test evaluation parameters
Ability to discursively organize knowledge; critical reasoning skills on the study carried out; quality of exposition, competence in the use of specialized vocabulary, effectiveness, linearity
Type of test evaluation
In thirtieths (the mark is decided by the Commission made up of the teachers present at the Integrated Course exam)
Method of communication of test results
The grade is reported verbally to the student. Subsequently the vote is recorded on the web in a way that allows the student to accept or reject it
Course syllabus
The painkillers
Drugs active on the uterus
The glucocorticoids
Antihistamines and antacids
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Arisi E. Farmaci in Gravidanza Edra 1° Ed., 2002
Clayton B.D., Stock Y.N. Fondamenti di farmacologia per infermieri Edises, 2° edizione italiana a cura di Paolo Preziosi, 2007
Genetica medica
Course syllabus
The genetic content of gametes
Meiosis and female and female gametogenesis
The differences between male and female reproductive function
Fertilization and formation of the zygote
The cell cycle in the early stages of postzygotic growth
Cellular differentiation: developmental genes (outline)
Sex determination and infertility
Genetic causes of male and female infertility and associated reproductive risks
Genetic counseling for infertile couples
Genetics of tumors and cancer predisposition syndromes
Mutations predisposing to breast and ovarian cancer
Epigenetics: fundamental concepts
Epigenetic modifications during intrauterine development: effects on neonatal outcomes and long-term health.
Focus on nutrition in pregnancy, as a factor capable of modulating the epigenome
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Boncinelli E. Il Cervello, La Mente E L'anima Oscar Mondadori
Dolto F., Chelo E. Adolescenza Arnoldo Mondatori Editore
Dei M. Adolescenza E Sessualità Franco Angeli Editore
Ginecologia e ostetricia
Course syllabus
The functional anatomy of the reproductive system and the breast
Physiology of pubertal transformations and the menstrual cycle
Physiology of conception - from gametic transport to oocyte fertilization - and its assistance
Fertility control: methods, indications, assistance and effectiveness
Female and male infertility: the diagnostic approach
The main benign pathologies of the uterus and ovaries (fibroma, endometrial and cervical polyps, ovarian cysts, endometriosis)
Medically assisted procreation: techniques, results, indications and assistance
Female and male sterilization: indications, techniques and efficacy
The physiology of menopause
Assistance for climacteric discomfort
Sexual dysfunctions: dyspareunia, vulvodynia, vaginismus and gender violence
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Costantini W., Calistri D., Ferrazzi E., Mauri P.A., Parazzini F. - Trattando Di Scienza Ed Arte Della Professionalità Ostetrica - Piccin 2021
Parazzini F., Mauri P.A. Il Manuale Dei Concorsi Per Ostetrica. Edises
Speroff, R.H. Glass,N.G. Kase Endocrinologia Ginecologica Clinica e Sterilità, V Edizione Centro Scientifico Internazionale
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche
Course syllabus
The growth and change of the female and male body
Emotional and relational aspects of puberty
Questions from the girls
Female and male fertility: obstetric assistance. The decoding of diagnostic tests
Midwife assistance to the infertile couple
Menopause and andropause: obstetric assistance and decoding of diagnostic tests
The pelvic floor: education and re-education
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Costantini W., Calistri D. OSTETRICA II Libro PICCIN
Psicologia clinica
Course syllabus
The physiology of the human psyche
Psyche and gender identity (male and female)
Psychic aspects related to the physical change of growth, up to sexual maturity
Emotional implications of change
How man builds his own sexual identity
Heterosexuality and homosexuality
The main psychic pathologies and the possible link with gender identity and sexual and reproductive life
Sexuality between and instinct and culture
Sexuality and parenting
Sexual health and sexual violence
Notes on endocrine alterations linked to psychic states
Some psychic "symptoms" in women and the possible link with parenthood
Anxiety and panic
Depression and phobias
Trauma, Accidents Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD)
Desire for fatherhood and desire for motherhood
Being a mother and being a woman
Being a father and being a man
Infertility and the psychic implication for parenthood
The psychic implication of non-biological parenting
Psychic implications of contraception
The menopause and the psychic implications
Andropause and the male psychic implications
Social and cultural conditioning on sexual life in menopause
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Mauri M.C. Argomenti di Psichiatria. HOA, 1995
Mauri M.C. quando la fantasia si ammala. TODARIANA EDITRICE
BIO/14 - PHARMACOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Marelli Ornella
Genetica medica
MED/03 - MEDICAL GENETICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Scillitani Ester
Ginecologia e ostetricia
MED/40 - OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Psicologia clinica
M-PSI/08 - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Righi Lorella
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche
MED/47 - MIDWIFERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Di Stefano Rosalia

Sezione: Milano

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test
Test typology
Closed and open multiple choice test
Test evaluation parameters
Ability to discursively organize knowledge; critical reasoning skills on the study carried out; quality of exposition, competence in the use of specialized vocabulary, effectiveness, linearity
Type of test evaluation
In thirtieths (the mark is decided by the Commission made up of the teachers present at the Integrated Course exam)
Method of communication of test results
The grade is reported verbally to the student. Subsequently the vote is recorded on the web in a way that allows the student to accept or reject it
Course syllabus
The painkillers
Drugs active on the uterus
The glucocorticoids
Antihistamines and antacids
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons
Teaching Resources
Arisi E. Farmaci in Gravidanza Edra 1° Ed., 2002
Clayton B.D., Stock Y.N. Fondamenti di farmacologia per infermieri Edises, 2° edizione italiana a cura di Paolo Preziosi, 2007
Genetica medica
Course syllabus
The genetic content of gametes
Meiosis and female and female gametogenesis
The differences between male and female reproductive function
Fertilization and formation of the zygote
The cell cycle in the early stages of postzygotic growth
Cellular differentiation: developmental genes (outline)
Sex determination and infertility
Genetic causes of male and female infertility and associated reproductive risks
Genetic counseling for infertile couples
Genetics of tumors and cancer predisposition syndromes
Mutations predisposing to breast and ovarian cancer
Epigenetics: fundamental concepts
Epigenetic modifications during intrauterine development: effects on neonatal outcomes and long-term health.
Focus on nutrition in pregnancy, as a factor capable of modulating the epigenome
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Boncinelli E. Il Cervello, La Mente E L'anima Oscar Mondadori
Dolto F., Chelo E. Adolescenza Arnoldo Mondatori Editore
Dei M. Adolescenza E Sessualità Franco Angeli Editore
Ginecologia e ostetricia
Course syllabus
The functional anatomy of the reproductive system and the breast
Physiology of pubertal transformations and the menstrual cycle
Physiology of conception - from gametic transport to oocyte fertilization - and its assistance
Fertility control: methods, indications, assistance and effectiveness
Female and male infertility: the diagnostic approach
The main benign pathologies of the uterus and ovaries (fibroma, endometrial and cervical polyps, ovarian cysts, endometriosis)
Medically assisted procreation: techniques, results, indications and assistance
Female and male sterilization: indications, techniques and efficacy
The physiology of menopause
Assistance for climacteric discomfort
Sexual dysfunctions: dyspareunia, vulvodynia, vaginismus and gender violence
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons
Teaching Resources
Materiale di riferimento
Costantini W., Calistri D., Ferrazzi E., Mauri P.A., Parazzini F. - Trattando Di Scienza Ed Arte Della Professionalità Ostetrica - Piccin 2021
Parazzini F., Mauri P.A. Il Manuale Dei Concorsi Per Ostetrica. Edises
Speroff, R.H. Glass,N.G. Kase Endocrinologia Ginecologica Clinica e Sterilità, V Edizione Centro Scientifico Internazionale
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche
Course syllabus
The growth and change of the female and male body
Emotional and relational aspects of puberty
Questions from the girls
Female and male fertility: obstetric assistance. The decoding of diagnostic tests
Midwife assistance to the infertile couple
Menopause and andropause: obstetric assistance and decoding of diagnostic tests
The pelvic floor: education and re-education
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons
Teaching Resources
Costantini W., Calistri D. OSTETRICA II Libro PICCIN
Psicologia clinica
Course syllabus
The physiology of the human psyche
Psyche and gender identity (male and female)
Psychic aspects related to the physical change of growth, up to sexual maturity
Emotional implications of change
How man builds his own sexual identity
Heterosexuality and homosexuality
The main psychic pathologies and the possible link with gender identity and sexual and reproductive life
Sexuality between and instinct and culture
Sexuality and parenting
Sexual health and sexual violence
Notes on endocrine alterations linked to psychic states
Some psychic "symptoms" in women and the possible link with parenthood
Anxiety and panic
Depression and phobias
Trauma, Accidents Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD)
Desire for fatherhood and desire for motherhood
Being a mother and being a woman
Being a father and being a man
Infertility and the psychic implication for parenthood
The psychic implication of non-biological parenting
Psychic implications of contraception
The menopause and the psychic implications
Andropause and the male psychic implications
Social and cultural conditioning on sexual life in menopause
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Mauri M.C. Argomenti di Psichiatria. HOA, 1995
Mauri M.C. quando la fantasia si ammala. TODARIANA EDITRICE
BIO/14 - PHARMACOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Pani Arianna
Genetica medica
MED/03 - MEDICAL GENETICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Ginecologia e ostetricia
MED/40 - OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Psicologia clinica
M-PSI/08 - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Mauri Massimo Carlo
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche
MED/47 - MIDWIFERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Agostoni Alice