Welfare Related to Exercise and Sport

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is addressed to let you know the fundamental principles of Welfare of Sport and its application in various social and health educational contexts.
It provides with the basis of clinical psychological science applied to sport, knowledge for the implementation of "discomfort prevention activities" monitored with strong epistemological value.
The course also has the purpose of deepening the knowledge about the effects of the proposed action activities and suggesting clinical reference models with great attention also to the developments offered in the socio-economic release.
The importance of sport psychophysiological wellness activities can also be compared and related to other scientific subjects in the health field to develop further measurable synergies in a common scientific field.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will be able to understand even what are the management effects and the wide economic and marketing processes involved in the sport welfare process.
Thanks to the different skills acquired in the field of sports clinical dynamic psychology and the means of scientific application of comparable data, the student will be able to enter into a relevant report on a basis of sharing the value of the results obtained, with the other bases and other substances and data collection with the various health sciences to which it will interact in the settings undertaken.
It will finally have the fundamental skills to understand and build and evaluate a large operational team for the dissemination of the models dear to the well-being and prevention of youth discomfort and not just expensive to the welfare of sport by participating in the creation of the model that can be created as a model. Preventive reduction of basic health expenses for the activities that will go to intercept as operations.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The overall goal of this course is to raise the awareness of the fundamental principles of welfare in sports. By applying clinical psychology to sports, this course provides a model for stress management especially among the young. Another important goal of this course is to verify the effectiveness of such model and its positive impact on society and mental health.
Students will be able to apply the skills learned in this course to other areas of clinical research.
Students will be ready to create an operational team to implement this model to prevent youth distress with welfare in sports activities.
Prerequisites for admission
not required
Teaching Resources
Giovanni Lodetti / Carlo Ravasini
Aspetti psicoanalitici dell'attività sportiva
Pref Marcello Cesa-Bianchi
Ghedini editore Milano 1990

Giovanni Lodetti / Carlo Ravasini
Sport & educazione giovanile
Riflessi di carattere psicologico e sociale
Ghedini editore Milano 1994

Giovanni Lodetti e collaboratori
"Riabilitazione oggi", rivista scientifica di fisioterapia
Anno XXV n4 aprile 2008
Scherma e disabilità. Nuove prospettive di applicazioni nello sport terapia

Giovanni Lodetti
"Link-Aupi", rivista scientifica di psicologia
N 1 dicembre 2002 p 34-36
Violenza e sport: una radice comune?

Giovanni Lodetti
"Link -Aupi", rivista scientifica di psicologia
n 6 2006 p 48-52
Disturbo da deficit di attenzione con iperattività. Sport ed analisi transazionale

Giovanni Lodetti / Gaia Oldani
Rivista Disturbi di attenzione e iperattività
Erikson vol 6/1 2010
ADHD : una proposta di affiancamento nella seduta terapeutica e alternativa all'intervento farmacologico con la ludoteca dello sport

Giovanni Lodetti / Alessandra Cova
"Link-Aupi", rivista scientifica
N 17 Vol 1 -2017, p 101/106
Un modello per la prevenzione del disagio giovanile, la riorganizzazione dello schema corporeo nel caso di disabilità e per vivere l'integrazione: ecologia della mente e dello sport

Giovanni Lodetti / Anna Galoppo
Sport e Percorsi di benessere
Per gli insegnanti della scuola primaria.
Ghedini Editore Milano 2021

Marcello Lodetti / Giovanni Lodetti
La scherma. Tecnica, didattica, psicologia, studi sull'abbattimento dei sintomi della sindrome ADHD.
Mursia Editore, 2022 Milano, terza edizione

Inoltre verrà presentato materiale audiovideo
dalle 8 puntate del Format a firma Giovanni Lodetti "Sport & Welfare" Aprile/ Giugno 2020 in replica MsChannel Sky 814.

Liverpool United Kingdom

Global Conference of Psycology

A.Cova,G.Lodetti,G Rebeniceti

" The Management of violenze using fencing as a prevention and re-educational tool: Aipps model" 2024

XXIV Congresso Nazionale Aips Torino

Esplorare le terre di confine

Prof.Giovanni Lodetti

Università Statale di Milano

" Le frontiere della psicologia clinica dello sport"

24-5-2024 ed Aips
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 8
Lessons: 48 hours