Use of Data in Medical Decisions

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/06 MED/08
Learning objectives
L'insegnamento si propone di offrire agli studenti a) la possibilità di collegare la statistica medica e l'epidemiologia clinica, che supportano l'approccio di EBM - Evidence Based Medicine - all'attività clinica; b) apprendere le potenzialità e le criticità dell'approccio di Real World Evidence; c) mostrare come tali conoscenze possano essere utilizzate per progettare e implementare strategie decisionali basate sulla Teoria delle Decisioni; d) apprendere gli strumenti di comprensione di un approccio integrato che implica l'utilizzo di abilità e competenze diverse in equipe professionali multidisciplinari.
Expected learning outcomes
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Having passed the basic examination of the Degree Course in Cognitive Sciences and Decision-Making Processes.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam. It consists of a part with a quiz (multiple choice questions) and a part with an open answer (2-3 questions). The evaluation of the correct answers to all the questions of the test will allow to score 30/30 and eventual 30 cum laude.
Course syllabus
Deciding in uncertainty: heuristics vs analytical reasoning;
Outline of decision threshold; usefulness of scientific literature, types of studies;
Bibliographic research and critical reading of scientific articles;
Diagnosis, therapy, prognosis;
Systematic review and guidelines;
Thresholds and decision trees;
Errors and revisions of quality improvement process;
Online clinical decision; contribution of artificial intelligence.
Teaching methods
Lectures, seminars and exercises.
Teaching Resources
- La diagnosi in medicina: storia, strumenti, scenari e incertezze nell'incontro tra paziente e medico, (2011) Raffaello Cortina Editore, Luigi Pagliaro
- L'analisi della decisione in medicina clinica (2008) Franco Angeli Editore, MC Weinstein, HV Fineberg
- User's Guide to the Medical Literature (2008) AMA G. Guyatt, D. Rennie
- Medical Decision Making (2006) Butterworth, HC Sox et. al.
- Evidence Based Medicine. How to practice and teach EBM (2005) Churchill Livingstone, DL Sackett et al.
- Meta-Analysis, decision analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis (2000) Oxford University Press, DB Petitti
Pathological anatomy
Course syllabus
Deciding in uncertainty: heuristics vs analytical reasoning;
Outline of decision threshold; usefulness of scientific literature, types of studies;
Bibliographic research and critical reading of scientific articles;
Diagnosis, therapy, prognosis;
Systematic review and guidelines;
Thresholds and decision trees;
Errors and revisions of quality improvement process;
Online clinical decision; contribution of artificial intelligence.
Teaching methods
Lectures, seminars and exercises.
Teaching Resources
- La diagnosi in medicina: storia, strumenti, scenari e incertezze nell'incontro tra paziente e medico, (2011) Raffaello Cortina Editore, Luigi Pagliaro
- L'analisi della decisione in medicina clinica (2008) Franco Angeli Editore, MC Weinstein, HV Fineberg
- User's Guide to the Medical Literature (2008) AMA G. Guyatt, D. Rennie
- Medical Decision Making (2006) Butterworth, HC Sox et. al.
- Evidence Based Medicine. How to practice and teach EBM (2005) Churchill Livingstone, DL Sackett et al.
- Meta-Analysis, decision analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis (2000) Oxford University Press, DB Petitti
MED/06 - MEDICAL ONCOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Casali Paolo Giovanni
Pathological anatomy
MED/08 - PATHOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
upon appointment via email
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan