Urban Studies

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Urban planning approaches are the result of the evolution of an institutional cultures and disciplinary knowledge that together contribute to determining the styles and contents of the urban transformations. Nowadays, new using demands and settlement dynamics are emerging. The course presents approaches (traditional or innovative) and issues related to the urban planning. The training objective is the construction of a framework for recognizing the forms and approaches of urban planning.
Expected learning outcomes
It is expected that students will gain awareness of the urban design project in relation to emerging issues about the contemporary city. In particular the students will learn:

- to conceptualize and interpret the urban dynamics and to understand its links with the urban project forms;
- to understand, interpret and declare the new social questions of the urban transformations;
- competence to interact with people involved in urban and territorial transformation
processes (decision makers, public administrators, private operators, citizens, etc.).
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course programme is divided into three parts.
-The first concerns the theories and methods of urbanism in relation to the evolution in history of urban issues, city models, interpretative and intervention approaches (between the 20th and 21st centuries).
- The second concerns a summary of the definitions of urbanism in relation to its evolution in Italy: the different articulations of tools and fields of investigation of urbanism; urban and territorial planning, sector planning and urban design.
-The third part is intended to investigate some topical themes and projects relating to the relationship between urban and territorial design and planning. The topics to be investigated are: sustainable mobility, in particular urban cycling and pedestrianism; the design of new public spaces; adaptive urban planning and design; urban and peri-urban agriculture; play space in the city; universal accessibility.
Prerequisites for admission
Advance Italian Language, Basic English Language
Teaching methods
To achieve the learning objectives, the course is structured in theoretical-methodological and historical-critical lectures, makes use of the presentation of case studies, organises seminars with experts and assigns exercises to be carried out individually and in groups.
Teaching Resources
The reference document for the course is Baiocco R. (2024) Urban Design Shortcuts.
Regarding the second part of the programme:
Benevolo L. (1991, ed. or. 1963), Le origini dell'urbanistica moderna, Laterza, Bari;
Secchi B. (2005), La città del XX secolo, Laterza, Roma-Bari.
Gaeta L., Janin Rivolin U., Mazza L. (2013), Governo del territorio e pianificazione spaziale, Città Studi, Milano;
Hall P. (2014), Cities of Tomorrow. An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design Since 1880, Black Well, London (traduzione italiana in corso di stampa):
For topics related to the third part of the programme, bibliographies will be available for the different case studies covered.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The verification of learning takes place through the final oral examination.
The assessment consists of:
- 20% attendance and participation in the proposed activities (4 seminars);
- 50% specific preparation on urban planning theories and methods
- 30% in-depth thematic exercise (to be carried out individually or in groups (maximum 4 people)
ICAR/21 - URBAN DESIGN AND LANDSCAPE - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Baiocco Ruben
2 pm-5pm
BAC dep., Geography, Via Festa del Perdono 7 ("legnaia courtyard")