Urban Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course: a) will guide the students in learning the principles and the general rules of the urban law; b) will give to the students the possibility to be independent in applying the principles and the general rules to the specific cases; c) will give to the students the possibility to be able to take argued and legally valid positions in relation to the problems covered by the lessons.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will have a good knowledge of the principles and the rules of the urban law; he will be able to find the juridical solution for the concrete cases and he will also be able to extricate himself in the legislation of the matter. The student will enrich his technical-legal language and he will also know how to connect all the learnt different topics covered by the program
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Administrative law and urban law.
The evolution and the sources of the urban law.
Public actors and urban functions.
The functions of safeguarding and substantive discipline.
The preceptive function: urban and territorial planning procedures.
Urban planning conventions.
Supra-municipal planning and coordination of differentiated interests.
Urban law and private property.
The building activity control function.
The sanctioning function.
Prerequisites for admission
There is not a specific formal prerequisite.

However, in order to understand properly all the topics included in the course, the student has to know the rules of the administrative law.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons with an active participation of the students, assured also planning some lectures referring to the law and to the jurisprudence.

The lessons will provide a general framework of the topics included in the program.

During the year, we will invite other researchers, professors or experts for some focusing lectures.

We will announce to the students the organization of seminars, workshops and/or conferences, so they will be able to partecipate.

On the Ariel e-learning page (ariel.unimi.it) the students will be able to find the calendar of the lessons and all the news about the course.
Teaching Resources
A. Simonati (a cura di), Diritto urbanistico e delle opere pubbliche, Giappichelli, Torino, ult. ed.

Papers and documents that you will find published in the Ariel website.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The student will be evaluated within an oral exam; the evaluation will be expressed with a mark from 18 to 30, with possible "laude". The intermediate evaluations won't be expected. The final oral exam will be evaluated considering the correctness of the contents, the argumentative clarity of the oral exposition and the student's skill to use a technically adequate language.
IUS/10 - ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professors: Posteraro Nicola, Valaguzza Sara