Training (second year)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide the student with the tools and methods for the use of the main instruments of speech therapy assessment in developmental age and in adulthood and for the planning of the speech terapy management of patients with speech, swallowing, fluence and articulation disorders promoting clinical thinking.
The course also aims to provide the student with the methods and tools for developing speech therapy reports related to clinical cases observed during clinical practice.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to construct a rehabilitation setting aimed at therapeutic intervention, implementing the related procedures in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of voice, speech, fluency and swallowing disorders.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
The main tests used in speech and language therapy evaluation:
· assessment tool in developmental age: language and learning.
· assessment tool in adulthood: aphasia, dysphagia, dysarthria.
· Guide to writing the clinical case report.
· Discussion of observed clinical cases
· Guide to critical reflection also through the use of film
Prerequisites for admission
With reference to the Didactic Regulations (art.20), To access the second year, it is essential to have achieved at least four exams of which:
- biological, physiological and morphological sciences
- linguistic, philosophical and socio-pedagogical sciences
- applied speech therapy sciences: propaedeutics
The student must also have passed the first year traineeship exam.
Teaching methods
Exercises, traineeship, group works, case reports, bibliographic researches
Teaching Resources
Testi, articoli e materiale verranno forniti e/o indicati durante il corso
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning assessment will consist of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination. In each of the four stations, clinical scenarios of speech therapy will be proposed (Dysphagia in developmental and adulthood, Articulatory Disorder, Stuttering, Dysarthria, Dysphonia) and simulations / role playing will be request: interview and anamnestic data collection, observation, qualitative and quantitative evaluation, treatment, assessment of treatment efficacy, follow-up and counseling. Each request will be assessed using an expected response check- list. The final evaluation of the traineeship exam will be the result of the average of the four stations. Two clinical case reports are also required.
The evaluation criteria used will be the application of the knowledge acquired and the ability to understand in the context of gestural skills, autonomy of judgment in the context of clinical reasoning and communicative and relational skills.
The grade will be expressed in thirtieths, , resulting from the assessments of the clinical case reports and of the traineeship exam conducted through Objective Structured Clinical Examination. The assessments expressed by the traineeship Assistants through specific checklists on the internship booklet and by the professional tutor will be considerate. There are no intermediate tests.