Topography and Gis

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
To know and understand the theoretical foundations of topographic survey: reference systems, cartographic coordinates, positioning of points on the Earth's surface. To know and to recognize the different geo-referenced data structures in GIS _
Expected learning outcomes
To know and know how to apply theoretical foundations of positioning in GIS and GPS technologies: Datum and Cartographic Coordinate Systems. Recognize and know how to operate in an elementary way on geo-referenced data structures.
Making judgements __ Being able to locate georeferenced geo-component information in order to work properly in elementary operations applied to georeferenced databases ___
Communication skills __ Know how to effectively communicate information and ideas, as well as discuss issues and solutions. Know how to choose the appropriate form and means of communication for the interlocutor, both specialist and not specialist.
The skills needed to further deepen the technical and theoretical aspects of geometric geometry on small, medium and large scale charts. the necessary skills in order to expand both the theoretical and practical aspects of GIS technology.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Introduction to geodetic reference system and cartography coordinate. Topographic instruments: levelling, theodolite, total station. Basic schemes of topographic surveying. (The GPS system: principles, phase and pseudo-range measurements. Analysis and elaborations of GPS data, absolute and relative positioning, static and cinematic modalities.)
The cartography representation, main cartography projections. The transformation of point coordinate between different geodetic reference systems, and change of coordinates: example using software. The Italian Cartography: IGMI maps, cadastral maps, thematic maps, etc. Exercise on the use of topographic maps.
Introduction to Geographic Information System: hardware, software component. The Data representation in GIS raster and vector, implementation strategy and format exchange. Database management system in GIS. The relational model and relational algebra used in GIS for management the non-spatial data: acquisition, elaboration and storage. The structured language query (SQL) used to capture, store, analyse and manage data in GIS.
Practical exercise with computer on GIS
Prerequisites for admission
To feel comfortable in this course it would be preferable to be familiar with elementary geometry concepts and basic knowledge of computer.
Attendance at lectures/exercises is strongly recommended.
Teaching methods
Lectures, and exercises with the QGIS application in computer room or on students' personal laptops.
Teaching Resources
Slides published in class and QGIS open source program and user and technical manuals.
Educational material on Ariel and the teacher's website.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam on topic showed during lessons/execites
ICAR/06 - SURVEYING AND MAPPING - University credits: 6
Practicals: 24 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Professor: Crippa Bruno
Contact me by email
Section of Geophics - Dipartimento Scienze della Terra, via Botticelli 23, 20133 I-Milano