Thin Film and Nanostructures Characterization

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge of some methods of synthesis and experimental investigation of thin films and nanostructures at the nanometer scale, with particular attention to scanning probe microscopy techniques.The course aims to increase the degree of autonomy of students in planning and carrying out experimental research activities in the laboratory.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will be offered the choice between some experiences of growth and characterization of nano-structured systems, to be carried out in small groups in the form of short research projects. These projects generally have a close link with the research topics of the teacher.

Students, regardless of the project they will be performing, will have the opportunity to acquire skills related to the following topics:
- Design of an experiment and development of the experimental apparatus.
- Principles of operation and use of an atomic force microscope.
- Analysis of experimental data: model fit, error calculation.
- Use of calculation and programming tools for data analysis (Python, Matlab, Labview ...).
- Basic elements of electronics for the realization of simple devices useful for carrying out experiments (amplifiers, filters, ...).
- Bibliographic search.

Students will also be able to acquire skills in the following experimental techniques (depending on the experience chosen):
- Deposition of nanometric thin films by evaporation, sputtering, spin coating, electroless plating (generally coupled with micro- and nano-lithographic approaches).
- optical and infrared spectroscopy, ellipsometry (in progress), electrical transport measurements, scanning probe and electronic microscopy techniques, optical microscopy.

As an example, some experiences proposed to the students over the years are listed (the experiences are related to the research activity of the teacher):
1) Synthesis of nanostructured noble metal patterns by nano-micro lithographic techniques and study of morphological properties and plasmonic response.
2) Dynamic force spectroscopy: reconstruction of the force-time and force-distance profile from the harmonic analysis of the oscillation time profile of an interacting probe.
3) Electrical measurements on micro and nano scale using Atomic Force Microscopy.
4) Characterization of double-layer electrostatic interactions using Atomic Force Microscopy.
5) Development of calibration procedures for probes for Atomic Force Microscopy (magnetic levitation; thermal noise ...)
6) Study of the elastic properties of elastomeric multilayers on the micro and sub-micrometric scale: effects of finite thickness; anisotropy...
7) Study of metallization techniques of insulating surfaces by electroless plating for the production of conductive coatings and nanostructures.
8) Construction of a high-precision spectroscopic ellipsometer (in collaboration with Prof. P. Piseri, Lab of Physics of Matter 2).
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course aims to increase the degree of autonomy of students in planning and carrying out experimental research activities in the laboratory.
Students will be offered the choice between some experiences of growth and characterization of nano-structured systems, to be carried out in small groups in the form of short research projects. These projects generally have a close link with the research topics of the teacher.
Students, regardless of the project they will be performing, will have the opportunity to acquire skills related to the following topics:
- Design of an experiment and development of the experimental apparatus.
- Principles of operation and use of an atomic force microscope.
- Analysis of experimental data: model fit, error calculation.
- Use of calculation and programming tools for data analysis (Python, Matlab, Labview ...).
- Basic elements of electronics for the realization of simple devices useful for carrying out experiments (amplifiers, filters, ...).
- Bibliographic search.

Students will also be able to acquire skills in the following experimental techniques (depending on the experience chosen):
- Deposition of nanometric thin films by evaporation, sputtering, spin coating, electroless plating (generally coupled with micro- and nano-lithographic approaches).
- optical and infrared spectroscopy, ellipsometry (in progress), electrical transport measurements, scanning probe and electronic microscopy techniques, optical microscopy.

As an example, some experiences proposed to the students over the years are listed (the experiences are related to the research activity of the teacher):
1) Synthesis of nanostructured noble metal patterns by nano-micro lithographic techniques and study of morphological properties and plasmonic response.
2) Dynamic force spectroscopy: reconstruction of the force-time and force-distance profile from the harmonic analysis of the oscillation time profile of an interacting probe.
3) Electrical measurements on micro and nano scale using Atomic Force Microscopy.
4) Characterization of double-layer electrostatic interactions using Atomic Force Microscopy.
5) Development of calibration procedures for probes for Atomic Force Microscopy (magnetic levitation; thermal noise ...)
6) Study of the elastic properties of elastomeric multilayers on the micro and sub-micrometric scale: effects of finite thickness; anisotropy...
7) Study of metallization techniques of insulating surfaces by electroless plating for the production of conductive coatings and nanostructures.
8) Construction of a high-precision spectroscopic ellipsometer (in collaboration with Prof. P. Piseri, Lab of Physics of Matter 2).
Prerequisites for admission
Students who intend to carry out this laboratory experience must have a good predisposition for the experimental activity and a basic knowledge of the following topics:
1. Fundamentals of Mechanics and Electromagnetism, including the propagation of electromagnetic waves in matter.
2. Elements of solid state theory and matter structure.
Teaching methods
Experimental activity in the laboratory, introduced by short lessons that recall the theoretical reference concepts.
Teaching Resources
Basic texts on Physics of Matter and Electromagnetism.
Reports and presentations from students of previous years.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral discussion that focuses on the topics covered in the course, inspired by a presentation in the form of a seminar by the student.
FIS/03 - PHYSICS OF MATTER - University credits: 6
Laboratories: 48 hours
Lessons: 14 hours
by appointment
Teacher's office, at the Dept. of Physics, via Celoria 16, 20133 Milano